Just as Hilaria received intel on the Capitol, Ebenezer had been listening to all the stories about Hilaria. 

As soon as he entered the Palace, the whole Imperial Palace was at boiling point, consumed with interest in Hilaria. She had had breakfast with him after all and, more recently, even destroyed one of the maids, who had been in the Imperial Palace for 18 years.


“What makes you so happy?”

Svein asked with sharp eyes.

“You’ve heard of it, haven’t you? The new Empress made Celeste and Azura kneel beneath her?”

Svein took a deep breath and answered.

“Azura is at her mercy.”

“How can she make things so much fun within just one day of entering the Palace? I am looking forward to the future.”

Svein glanced at Ebenezer. He was fiddling with papers, smiling happily with a mysterious face. Duke Van Eyck, who also served the Emperor, looked at him interested.

“She has caught everyone’s attention, so everyone is making a move. That will include the Empress Dowager and the concubines who have maintained their balance with their own set of rules….”

“Svein, Svein.”

It was Duke Van Eyck who stopped him.

“That’s a lot to worry about, isn’t it? I’m sure Your Majesty is thinking about it already. I, for one, like the new Empress.”

“Duke Van Eyck! You don’t live in the Imperial Palace, so of course, you’d be so relaxed about this.”

Svein pointed out sharply.

“Of course, I am a spectator from across the river. But why shouldn’t a new wind blow through the Imperial Palace that’s been sitting like stagnant water for so long?”

“Are you expecting that much?”

Van Eyck nodded at the Emperor’s question.

“Yes, Your Majesty. She is from the bloodline of Guinevere.”

Ebenezer raised his red lips.

“You and I share the same opinion.”

Once he met the Princess of Guinevere, he knew she was a fascinating person indeed.

‘An equal partnership.’

That’s what Hilaria had asked for. She didn’t ask for anything familiar from the Emperor. Wealth, power, and other things necessary to seize this Imperial Palace. Instead, she said she would catch the raccoon that gave him a headache.

That was enough to attract Ebenezer’s interest.

Hilaria’s sparkling face suddenly flashed up. Her face was puffy, as if she had just woken up, leaving a pretty strong impression. It had been unique and splendidly beautiful.

‘Grand Duke of Guinevere, what kind of daughter did you raise?’

She had a rose-like vitality and brightness that could not be seen on the Grand Duke of Guinevere, who had a solemn and calm face.

Ebenezer pressed his lips.

“Empress Silotte won’t stand still.”

Svein added a sigh. Ebenezer answered with a delighted look.

“Don’t worry too much. Empress Hilaria won’t stay still, either.”

That’s what he saw in Hilaria.

Duke Van Eyck’s responsibility was to console Svein, who was now grabbing his head, saying, “Are you waiting for a fight?”

‘Hilaria Guinevere.’

What an interesting person she is. Ebenezer let out another small laugh. She was doing things that no other Empress had ever done before.


After Azura returned, the carriage of the Marquis of Genesis stopped in front of Imperial Palace at around 2:30 PM. The carriage door opened, and in front of it stood a servant with a yellow parasol with white lace. Beatrice, dressed in a trendy water-colored dress and under her escort, got off the carriage.

Thanks to the telegram sent in advance, she had already come to meet Hilaria at the Steel Rose Palace.

“Greetings, Lady Beatrice. I am Celeste, the head maid of Steel Rose Palace.”

“Oh, so you, Celeste, are in charge of looking after Hilaria!”

Beatrice clapped her hands and laughed softly.

“That’s right. My Lady.”

“I look forward to working with you in the future. It’s my first time living in the Imperial Palace, so please help Hilaria whenever she gets lost.”

Celeste made a slightly disappointed and confused face. She was confounded whether Hilaria was the person Beatrice was talking about now.

‘Gets lost?’

Two days after entering the Palace, rumors had spread that the two maids knelt. Despite the disgraceful rumors, Azura and Celeste stayed silent. 

‘I’m sure everyone thinks it’s funny.’

However, Beatrice standing in front of Celeste, seemed genuinely worried about Hilaria.


She’s the kind of person you don’t have to worry about at all.

“Hilaria spent her whole life in the Duchy of Guinevere, so she is not used to dealing with people like this. You will have to help her a lot.”

Celeste smiled awkwardly.

‘She is not good at dealing with people…?’

The image from the first time they had met, Hilaria threatening Celeste with a smile, flashed in her mind.

“Ah, yes.”

That was all Celeste could say.

“Yurina, what did you bring?”

The maid who accompanied Beatrice was not allowed to enter from here on. Yurina placed a tiny jewel box on Beatrice’s hand.

“Isn’t this supposed to be checked too?”

Beatrice opened the jewelry box. It was a dazzling necklace containing a pure blue sapphire; it had been made for Hilaria and glistened in the sunlight.

“No, Lady Beatrice. You can bring that in.”

“I see.”


Beatrice lightly closed the lid of the jewelry box and smiled. Celeste led Beatrice into Steel Rose’s drawing-room, where Hilaria was waiting.


Beatrice’s skirt swayed like flower petals in the wind. She stroked Beatrice’s head, which Hilaria held gently like one would a butterfly.

“Bebe, take it easy. Slow down.”

A golden butterfly flew from Beatrice and permeated Hilaria.

“Let me see. Didn’t you get motion sickness on your way here? I’m going to have to carry you!”

Beatrice puffed up her cheeks, and Hilaria couldn’t help but pinch them, noting how her hand could shroud them near perfectly, before releasing her hold and ordering Celeste.

“Please prepare black tea filled with milk and syrup.”

“Yes, Madam.”

Celeste withdrew, leaving them and Katie alone. Beatrice pulled herself away from Hilaria. Looking her up and down, Beatrice said in a sullen voice.

“I think you’ve lost more weight now than when I saw you in winter.”

“Back then, I’d actually gained weight…”

“No way!”

Hilaria pushed Beatrice away slightly, who clenched her lips in refutation and put chocolate into her mouth. Beatrice rolled the chocolate in her mouth and fell back from Hilaria.

“So, have you investigated what we talked about in winter?” asked Beatrice in a low voice.

“Not yet.”

Beatrice and Hilaria sat facing each other at the table. Beatrice gazed at Hilaria as if wondering why she was still sulking.

“You didn’t have to look into it, Bebe. The Erkin and the Oswald Kingdom will join hands. As you’ve said, the Zakari has been on the rise recently, and they’ve had only support from Erkin.”

“I see! But how did you know that?”

“The amount of horses traded with Guinevere at Erkin has been cut in half. They said they sold it elsewhere.”

Hilaria’s eyes wandered over the tiny teacup.

“There is no way the poor Zakari could have such excellent horses. I’m sure Erkin must have given the horses to the Zakari.”

“…There’s going to be a war.”

In the future that Hilaria saw, war broke out. It was something destined, something that could not be stopped. 

‘I have to get rid of the centuries-old sentiments before moving forward.’

“War is going to break out. While I’m at the Imperial Palace, I have to promote the coexistence of Guinevere and the Winfred Empire. It’s not actually about stopping the war.”

To prevent the Emperor from making Guinevere a sacrifice for the war.

“‘I’m sure you’ll take care of it, Hil. What can I do for you now?”

Since last winter, when Hilaria’s entrance was all anyone spoke about, Beatrice had promised to help Hilaria. And even now, she was living up to that oath.

“Dealing with the arms dealer is the most straightforward and convenient way. They’ve been doing business illegally, though, so they can never talk about it outside.”

“How are you going to deal with them? Arms traffickers are dangerous.”

“I know, Bebe. So listen carefully.”

Hilaria reached out and tapped Beatrice’s cheek.

“I’m thinking of having a tea party.”

“A tea party?”

“Yes. I threw the bait at the Emperor, so he won’t stop me from doing it. Before that, I have something for you to do.”

“What is it?”

“Investigate all those involved in the arms trafficking. Even the family that received the money.”

Beatrice nodded.

“It’s been about buying weapons from other countries. Families who have been buying these weapons must have some other motive. I’m sure half of them were sold to other countries for double the price, but the rest.”

Hilaria’s blue eyes flashed.

“It’s in the country, right?”

“It must be.”

Hilaria lifted her finger and made the notebook fly out of the drawer. The drawer, which was usually locked tightly by a butterfly of Hilaria, opened smoothly.

“Here and here.”

“The Duke of Clarinet and Count of Nartan?”

“Pay attention to these two places in particular.”

In addition to legally distributed weapons, these two areas were suspected of buying additional weapons. Hilaria had gathered this information using the Duchy’s intelligence service since Beatrice’s visit to the Duchy last winter.

Hilaria planned to track down the two families, find out who was directly involved in the arms trafficking, threaten them, and report the business to the state through legal channels.

Of course, the Duke of Clarinet and the Count of Nartan would have no choice but to side with her.

‘Especially the Clarinet.’

Hilaria tapped the notebook with a curious look.

“All right. When is the tea party?”

Hilaria laughed softly.

“A week from now.”

“You’re going to give me a week? Why?”

In response to Beatrice’s question, Hilaria ruffled her naturally flowing hair. Because of this habit, Hilaria struggled with wearing jewelry in it.

“There are some things that need sorting here in the Palace.”

“I’m guessing it’s not the Empress Dowager?”

Hilaria nodded.

“Someone else.”

After a brief pause in the conversation between the two, Katie intervened. She brought out the red mana stones from the bottom of the jewel box brought by Beatrice.

“This is enough for two months, Miss Beatrice!”

“I’m glad. It’s been so difficult to supply from the Duchy. I brought everything I had.”

When Hilaria lifted her finger toward the box, two mana stones flew towards her, vanishing as they were absorbed. Hilaria’s eyes turned golden for a moment, then returned to normal.

“You found good ones.”

“It was a bit of a struggle. I will be able to supply some more soon. There is another on a deserted island in the southernmost part of the country, buried away. I don’t know if it’s advanced enough for you to absorb, though.”

Hilaria shoved chocolate into Beatrice’s mouth.

“I’m very thankful, Bebe. You know that, right?”

Beatrice nodded.

When Hilaria saw a butterfly flapping her wings, she winked at Katie. It was a warning that Celeste was approaching. Katie then took the jewelry box and her notebook to the drawer engraved with butterflies and closed it.

After she went to stand by Hilaria naturally, Celeste returned with sweet tea as Hilaria ordered.

Hilaria watched Beatrice drink it happily while resting her chin on her hand.

“How did it feel to see the Emperor for the first time?”

“He was better than I expected….”

He had been beautiful. Hilaria quickly swallowed those words; however, she didn’t want to seem giddy in front of her.

“What do you think?”

“He looked dangerous.”

“That’s why you refused to sleep with him?”

Hilaria reached out and glanced over the black tea on Beatrice’s lips.


Celeste’s gaze, curious as ever, also turned to Hilaria.

Hilaria laughed softly.

“I don’t want anyone laying on my bed.”

“Oh, anyone…” murmured Celeste unconsciously.

Hilaria must be the only one in the entire empire to say that the Emperor is “anyone.”

But Beatrice grinned as if she had expected it.

“Come back often, Bebe.”

“Of course. Oh, Hil. Did you know that the Empress Dowager’s birthday banquet will be held in a month?”

“Yes. I’ll have to prepare a proper present.”

Hilaria’s eyes shone beautifully.

“A very nice one, I meant.”


Of course, the insult inflicted on Azura had reached Silotte. However, at the time, other Empresses were nearby so that she couldn’t show anything on the outside. After they returned, however, Silotte released her pent-up anger.

Her shoe trampled on the vase lying on its side in the room.


Her earrings shook violently at the rough movement.

“Damn it, damn it!”

Until Hilaria had entered the Palace, she had been the highest-ranking Empress. The Empress Dowager had long since let go of the Imperial Palace, so Silotte seized it; after all, she was the daughter of a Duke.

But things had changed.

The Emperor had called in the Princess of Guinevere.

Silotte looked around the Palace with a fierce look.

The night she first met the Emperor was two years ago. Silotte had wished for the Steel Rose Palace. However, the Emperor had just smiled and refused.

“The Palace has an owner.”

Silotte had been silent about the Steel Rose Palace ever since. She didn’t know who the owner would be and didn’t care. She had the confidence to push anyone out of her way and take over the Palace.

However, contrary to her expectations, Hilaria wasn’t budging right from the start.

“What a country girl!”

Silotte’s forehead wrinkled.

The Emperor wasn’t being fair.

No Empress was usually treated any differently, and none of them had been offered to sleep with the Emperor. The successor’s seat was vacant, but thanks to this, the Empress’s power was kept in check, and balance was maintained. However, Hilaria, who had just entered the Palace, had enjoyed having breakfast with the Emperor, thanks to her status.

Because of her origin!

The insult that Azura suffered was also due to her status. She thought the innocent country bumpkin would be dragged around without knowing anything, but it was the other way around.

Silotte swallowed her anger and pursed her lips.


Azura bowed her head at Silotte’s voice and entered the room. The cheeks that had been beaten harshly by Silotte were swollen and red.

“Get in touch with the Steel Rose Palace with courtesy. If she has time, I hope to see her tomorrow.”

“Yes, Madam.”

Silotte grabbed her cheek for a moment.

‘Am I going to take the other Empresses with me?’


She didn’t know what would happen.

It was a good idea to take hold of Hilaria and use her when needed. Silotte’s beauty, considered the best of the Imperial Palace, was wrinkled, like a Yacha*. If she made another mistake, she would be humiliated in front of the Empress, like today.

Azura swallowed and looked with an anxious heart as she looked at Silotte.

Silotte was a sensitive, delicate, and nervous person. She would go crazy if she found out that Hilaria knew their secrets.


Silotte, who couldn’t see the aura of anxiety surrounding her maid, gritted her teeth.

“I’ll make her kneel before me!”

TL/N: Yacha is one of the ghosts in Indian mythology and Buddhism. (Credit: Namuwiki)

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