Condemning the Heavens

Chapter 410: Hui Yue

The flow of time passed like running waters in the Demon Phoenix Continent.

Xue Wei was focusing on cultivating alongside his friends, and they were all eager to improve, especially now that they had found a calm and steady place to do so.

Days came, and days went. Most of their time was spent in their respective rooms, cultivating their inner energies, while once in a while, they would exit the courtyard to stretch their legs or to soothe their fatigued minds.

Ever since knowing that Xue Wei was the son of the Holy Maiden, the Holy Son, everyone was treating him and his friends with growing respect.

Especially when they saw the various Generals of the Demon Phoenix Continent were all mutated.

Even the First Prince, who had great enmity with Xue Wei, decided to lay low and pretend that they had never had any kind of disagreement.

It was a day like any other, Xue Wei was entirely focused on enhancing his strength, but suddenly a chill ran down his spine, his body trembled and his eyes shot open.

He could feel that someone was observing him, but no matter how he searched, there were no signs of anyone present.

"Come out!" he yelled, and suddenly a figure appeared in front of him. It was a young man, who seemed to be between twenty and twenty-five, suddenly stood in front of him.

His hair was white, his eyes blue, and a gentle smile adorned his lips. His strength was on par with Lan, if not stronger!

Xue Wei's pupils contracted, his eyes narrowed, but he did not do anything stupid like attacking. After knowing the strength of the other party, he was aware that no matter what he did, he would end up dead, should this expert wish so.

"You're surprisingly calm," the white-haired expert said with a smile on his lips. "I can sense you have been in contact with Lan She. It is as if all traces of him in this world are gone, all apart from you."

"Lan She? The annoying blue-haired Lan who likes to collect rarities?" Xue Wei frowned. He had never heard Lan's full name, but this was the only Lan he could think of.

"Exactly! That's him!" The white-haired man nodded his head smilingly. "I was sent here by his father, but it seems that I have some trouble finding him. Why don't you tell me what you know about him, and I will reward you."

"What is your purpose?" Xue Wei asked tentatively. Although this expert seemed extremely strong, and even if it seemed as if he was not here to harm anyone, Xue Wei dared not be too casual.

Even if he did not like to admit it, he owed Lan a lot. He was not going to betray him for some rewards.

The white-haired young man nodded his head, his expression turning dignified. "Lan She, that brat, ran away from home around fifteen thousand years ago. It was not before now that his father, Lan Feng, managed to find a trace of where he was.

"Now that we know where he is, we naturally have to come and see if he is living well. Preferably bring him back home, but if he is refusing to leave, then we will not force him."

"Lan is my savior," Xue Wei said with a sigh. "I don't know what he wants to do, nor do I know much about him. He usually lives on the continent Chang'an, where he has a big palace. But I can't help you much more than that; I don't even know which way Chang'an is."

The white-haired man snickered. "Finding a continent is child's play for me when I know what to look for. Thank you!

"My name is Hui Yue. I am from outside this world, so most of the things I have cannot be used by you.

"Let me tell you a bit about the structure of the universe instead. First are the universes. There are countless universes, but traveling from one universe to another requires one to be at the highest tier of power.

"Then come the galaxies. Each universe has numerous galaxies, but even traveling between them is difficult as there is archaic energy, which can only be controlled by a certain rank of cultivation.

"In these galaxies are millions upon millions of worlds. Each world has its own rules and regulations.

"This world, for instance, is different from many others. Let me give you an example from my old world; if someone died there, then you could go to the Netherworld to discuss with the Ten Courts of Hell about getting them back.

"If you die in this world, then you are gone forever. At the same time, the cultivation methods and systems are also different in each world.

"However, one thing is the same: to break through the world's barrier; one needs to become a Deity, a God.

"To become a God in this realm is very difficult. I don't think anyone has succeeded since the Four Divine Beasts left.

"I would have gifted you a strand of Archaic Energy, but knowing that you are not even a God ranked cultivator yet, I doubt you can survive it.

"Close your eyes, focus on your dantian; I will give you a blessing instead."

Xue Wei did as he was told, closed his eyes, and waited to see what was happening.

Suddenly he felt a stinging pain in his body, it traveled from the top of his head and ran rampant through his body, but he was not screaming out in pain. Instead, he continued to focus on his dantian, only to be severely shocked.

His dantian was growing in size, the energy within was being purified, and it was expanding at a rapid pace. He was having a breakthrough after merely a few seconds!

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