Condemning the Heavens

Chapter 502: Blood Star Region

Xue Wei and Lan were both somewhat nervous, but they knew that they could not rush anything.

The middle-aged ghost invited them to follow their caravan all the way to the next city, and then begin their search from there on.

It was the capital of a region. They were in the Blood Star Region, and the county was called the Ice Flower County. This county was one among the eighty-nine counties within the Blood Star Region, and it was also the biggest.

Although there was a constant battle within the regions to advance the ranking on the county rank, the Ice Flower County had been on the top for the last thousands of years. No one had been able to shake the glory and foundations that had been built.

The caravan was coming from three counties away; they were moving from the Sunset County, towards the Blood Star Capital, which was the name of the capital city of the Blood Star Region.

The Sunset County was famous for its Ghost Vehicles. The carriage they were in right now was one of those mechanic vehicles that ran solely on the heaven and earth essence.

The Ghosts could not use this energy in order to advance, so there was an abundant amount of it in the air, and Sunset County had invented a way to let carriages run on it. Other items absorbed the essence and transformed it into energy that could fuel their machines.

Xue Wei was curious about how it worked, but the middle-aged ghost was guarding the mechanism with his life, and Xue Wei quickly gave up his idea of understanding its intricacies.

He was not willing to insult their guide, who was so kind and offered them a lift.

The carriage did not have any windows; however, inside there was a large screen that was made from energy. It showed everything that went on outside the carriage on an incredibly life-like display.

However, there was nothing to see. The land was desolate. The carriages kicked up the sand, and the only shrubs that were visible were all dead.

There were no signs of animals, not even insects. The Ghost Realm seemed too empty.

Xue Wei and Lan had both reached a rank where they had transcended the human body's physical needs. They did not need to sleep, nor did they need to eat or answer nature's call.

This was not something they usually thought about. However, while being in the Ghost Realm, they realized just how important this was.

There was nothing to eat since the ghosts only consumed other ghosts and souls. While there were some water sources, according to the middle-aged ghost, they were scarce, and they should not be used for drinking.

The water in the Ghost Realm could poison a living cultivator due to the overwhelming yin energy within.

Xue Wei and Lan listened to every word that the middle-aged ghost told them. They understood that their lives would not be comfortable while they were in this place, but they would not be uncomfortable either.

The middle-aged ghost also went on to tell them that they were not in danger when staying in the ghost realm.

While they too had souls, these souls were within their bodies, and could not be consumed by a Ghost.

While the ghosts were somewhat envious of their life force, and the fact that they were alive, they would not feel any greed towards them. They knew their position well and understood that they were already another being than living humans.

Xue Wei found it extremely comfortable to speak with the middle-aged ghost, and even Lan was finding it fortunate that they had encountered this caravan on the way.

While they were very grateful, they never lowered their vigilance. They understood that although this ghost was telling them many things, they had no way of knowing if he was telling them the truth or not.

However, as their journey advanced, their connection grew closer.

The caravan would not stop, apart from when it reached villages. They did not need to pause at night as there was no need to eat. They did also not need to be careful of beasts attacking their caravan after twilight.

The only thing they had to watch out for was bandits. Bandits existed everywhere, especially in the Ghost Realm, where cannibalism was the only way to advance.

The middle-aged man was always keeping an eye on the display that showed the outside, even when speaking with Xue Wei and Lan. He was never tired, nor was he unhappy.

They had traveled for a few days, and up until now, Lan and Xue Wei had still not met anyone else in the caravan apart from the middle-aged ghost. However, a village was appearing in front of them.

It was not a big village, but it still housed around five hundred ghosts.

Xue Wei was shocked to see that although it was a small village, a giant wall had been erected around it, and one needed to enter through a small gate to visit the village.

The middle-aged ghost looked at the puzzled expression of Xue Wei and chuckled.

"This is literally a man eat man world," he began to explain. "Merchants such as myself are very suspicious. We need to accept a seal when we enter the city, making it so that we cannot attack their villagers, apart from self-defense.

"The seal only lasts for a week, and after that week, we will have left the village again. Each village and city has its own seal, and the seal they draw on your hand will only work for you, and only within the confines of that city."

Xue Wei frowned. They had a lot of technology he had never seen or heard of before.

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