Facing Jia Ting's question, Qin Luo just smiled without saying a word.

And Jia Ting didn't ask any more questions, just continued to eat and drink with Qin Luo.

By the time the meal was finished, nearly four hours had passed, and the two of them drank up a large bottle of sake.

Qin Luo has a special physique, even the same-star baijiu is nothing to him, and the sake tastes like white water.

But Jia Ting couldn't do it anymore. In fact, she had a good capacity for drinking, but the sake also had some stamina, and she drank a lot. At this time, her face was red and her eyes were blurred.

After going to the toilet once, she didn't even go back to her seat, and collapsed into Qin Luo's arms, hugging his waist tightly.

Qin Luo gently supported her, and asked softly, "Drink too much?"

"A little dizzy..." Jia Ting replied in a murmur, and then looked into his eyes again, with a lovely smile on her face: "Qin Luo, all the resistance at home is gone now, I I will definitely snatch you back, you have to believe me, you can't be with Ji Yan first, otherwise I will be very sad.

In Qin Luo's impression, Jia Ting is a very smart woman, or to put it in a more precise way, she is very smart.

The other little girls in her dormitory are as insignificant compared to her as little white sheep, and this kind of her is actually very good at hiding her true feelings, and will only hide her thoughts in the 09 in my heart, will not show it easily.

It's like the time at the Imperial Comic Exhibition, the two clearly liked each other, but they never said it directly, but expressed it through various small actions. get to her meaning.

And she was like this, after that breakup incident, she also completely shed her disguise.

At least in front of Qin Luo, she has always maintained the truest self and expressed her feelings for Qin Luo with the most intuitive attitude.

Her wholehearted attention to Qin Luo, her open and secret fight with Ji Yan... All these are actually seen by Qin Luo, and she can deeply feel her heart.

To put it bluntly, it is a lack of security.

Afraid that Qin Luo would leave her forever.

Afraid that Qin Luo will be with Ji Yan first.

I'm afraid that everything that used to be is just a dream...

Qin Luo didn't know how to answer, so he could only calm down softly: "You drink too much, I will take you home.

"don't want!"

Jia Ting woke up suddenly, and with the strength she didn't know where she came from, she hugged Qin Luo's neck and kissed Qin Luo on the mouth.

Qin Luo's body froze slightly... He was very confused, because at this moment, the scene of kissing Ji Yan at the hospital gate unexpectedly popped up in his mind.

First Ji Yan, then Jia Ting... What should I do and choose, or should I be content with the status quo, not thinking about anything, and just let this complicated relationship continue to develop in an unclear way?

Obviously, he decided to stop talking about feelings for a while and do things as he pleases, but when Jia Ting expressed his feelings so passionately, Qin Luo found himself hesitating again.

As if sensing Qin Luo's absent-mindedness, Jia Ting raised her head slightly, her expression as if she was about to cry: "Are you thinking about Ji Yan? Do you really not like me anymore?"


"I don't want to! I was really wrong, I did something wrong before, I really like you, please don't leave me, okay, I really like you..."

Jia Ting's emotions suddenly exploded, and she recklessly leaned towards Qin Luo with her inner love and grievance.

However, before she finished speaking, Qin Luo blocked everything else with her mouth.

Jia Ting's eyes widened slightly, and her bright pupils were filled with spring water in an instant, her body completely limp in Qin Luo's arms, enjoying this tender moment that she had missed for a long time.

Two minutes later, the two separated slightly.

Jia Ting was already asleep, like a child who had nowhere to go home suddenly returned home, like a boat that had lost its course and stopped at the harbor.

The huge sense of security made her let go of all the defenses in her body, and she slept peacefully in Qin Luo's arms, her delicate oval face was full of tranquility and happiness.

Qin Luo looked at her quietly, and suddenly felt the urge to hold her forever.

At this time, a mobile phone rang suddenly.

Qin Luo subconsciously touched his trouser pocket, only to find that it was Jia Ting's cell phone that rang.

I picked it up and saw that it was a call from someone whose note was "Little Aunt".

Ye Zhiqiu's face appeared in Qin Luo's mind, and he immediately answered the phone: "Hello.

The other side was silent for a long time before saying, "Where's Jia Ting?"

"I drank too much and fell asleep."

"Are you in the hotel?"

"Still in the hotel."

"So are you going to the hotel now?"

Qin Luo rubbed her swollen temples and said, "Aside from living at school, she usually lives with you, right? I don't know the way, so you can pick her up."

The person on the other side didn't seem to expect Qin Luo to say that, and there was another short silence to regret, before he replied softly, "I'll be right there."

Not long after, a Maserati stopped in front of the hotel.

Qin Luo carried Jia Ting out in the posture of a princess hug. During this process, Jia Ting in her sleep still showed no signs of waking up. Instead, she unconsciously hugged Qin Luo's neck and pressed her face against Qin Luo's chest. , like a little baby girl looking for her father's love.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at this scene with dignity: "It's the first time I've seen her like this."

After all, she had a wicked smile on her face, and took out her mobile phone to take a picture of Jia Ting.

Qin Luo looked helpless: "Is it my aunt?"

"I wasn't my aunt in the first place," Ye Zhiqiu complained, and then pointedly said: "I'm another aunt, but it's a pity that the other one can't protect herself now."

Qin Luo was not interested in mentioning Ye Ziming to her, so he put Jia Ting in Ye Zhiqiu's car and said, "Take her back, I'll go first."

"What's the hurry, why don't you talk about two dollars?" Ye Zhiqiu stopped, and at the same time took out a pack of cigarettes, took out one and handed it to Qin Luo.

Qin Luo didn't refuse either. After taking the cigarette, he let Ye Zhiqiu light it for him, and took a deep breath.

Marlboro cigarettes with popping beads, peach flavor, almost no spicy tobacco flavor, only the faint sweetness of peach spreads in the mouth.

Ye Zhiqiu exhaled a puff of thick smoke and asked, "That hacker is you, right?"

Qin Luo smiled: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Ye Zhiqiu thought for a while: "If you have to say...a woman's intuition.

This excuse is really a jack of all trades... Qin Luo shook his head: "What if I say yes? What do you want? Help you avenge your nephew?"

Ye Zhiqiu said indifferently: "I have nothing to do with the Ye family for a long time, not to mention that this time he is to blame, with his father helping him, he will not go to jail, but in this life, he will never think about achieving anything 920, I asked Your question is just purely interested in you."

Qin Luo looked her up and down, smiled and said, "Why? Want to grab a man from your niece?"

"What? I'm not qualified?" Ye Zhiqiu suddenly smiled charmingly. The amorous feelings displayed at that moment are really not what a girl in her twenties like Jia Ting Jiyan can possess

Of course, Qin Luo wouldn't really believe it, but silently looked away, and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it, you don't need to beat around the bush like this."

"Cut, it's boring," Ye Zhiqiu curled his lips, but didn't hesitate, and directly explained why he came: "I want to cooperate with you.

"Cooperation for what?"

"I haven't thought about it yet."

"I didn't think about what you said to me?"

"Our company involves security, entertainment, finance, electronics... There is always something we can cooperate with. I have identified your potential, so I hope to reach a consensus with you."

"Not interested in."

"You don't have to refuse so early. I know that you have invested in two game companies successively, and you have helped your sister with such great fanfare in the entertainment industry. You will definitely not be willing to be a free person in the future. As long as you cooperate with your sister, the benefits will definitely be indispensable. How about yours?"

Qin Luo frowned: "Sister?"

Ye Zhiqiu smiled slightly: "You can call me Auntie if you want."

Qin Luo rolled his eyes, but he didn't directly refuse. Instead, he threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, turned around and walked to his car, and waved his back to Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and watched him leave in the car...some words were so clear that she already knew what Qin Luo meant.

Sometimes, if you don't refuse, you agree.


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