Seeing that she started talking suddenly, the other girls were a little surprised, but they didn't say anything, instead they waited for her to continue talking with great interest.

"You thought I was handsome then?" Qin Luo asked her with a smile.

"Go, don't interrupt."

Ji Yan gave him a blank look, and then slowly told the story while recalling the past.

From Qin Luo's first confession to her, to the ninety-ninth confession.

Until the hundredth time, Qin Luo's delay in showing up completely changed Ji Yan's life.

She began to take the initiative to stick to Qin Luo, hoping to save the relationship. Gradually, they really came together, but facing her mother's repeated questioning, Ji Yan always denied it.

In the end, her behavior led to the performance at the school celebration party that brought countless people to tears.

A song "Between the Rainbow" expresses Qin Luo's entire feeling for this feeling.

After that song, Ji Yan completely recognized her emotions. In the storm, she regretted the past, and wished that time could go back to the time when Qin Luo confessed to herself for the first time.

Unfortunately, time does not go backwards, and what happened cannot be reset.

But fortunately, the two finally came together.

Although there were too many ups and downs in this process, looking at Qin Luo in front of him now, feeling his body temperature, breathing the same air as him, and looking at the same star "four six seven" sky, Ji Yan felt , it's worth it all the way.

"Although we were all present at the time, the feeling of listening to the story told by the parties is still very strange."

"Well, there is a very novel feeling."

"If you think about it carefully, it's not easy for you to get together."

The three girls gave their evaluations one after another.

As for Qin Luo, he just hugged Ji Yan into his arms, kissed her lightly on the forehead, and said softly: "It's over, we will always be together in the future.

"En," Ji Yan responded forcefully, and the happiness in his heart was ready to come out, beyond words.

"Hey~ So nasty!" Hao Meng pretended to shiver.

Shi Yulu booed: "Hurry up, Tingting, it's your turn.

"I want it too?" Jia Ting was a little dumbfounded.

"Of course, Ji Yan has already spoken, so you can't fall behind!"

"It's... alright."

Jia Ting pursed her lips, wrapped her hair from her temples blown by the breeze behind her ears, and pretended to be calm, but her slightly red face betrayed her nervousness

"I... probably started to look at Qin Luo for the first time when I sprained my ankle while running."

"I knew you two were having an affair at that time!" It was Ji Yan who interrupted this time.

Jia Ting rolled her eyes and didn't reply, continuing to tell the story of herself and Qin Luo.

After the school celebration party, the summer vacation began, Qin Luo and Jia Ting happened to be on the same flight home.

On the plane, Qin Luo drew a picture for Jia Ting, and that picture has been treasured by Jia Ting in her drawer.

After that, Jia Ting rushed to the small county where Qin Luo was located with Uncle because of a mouthful of braised pork, but she didn't expect to meet Qin Luo there.

She didn't expect to see Qin Luo again so soon, and she couldn't tell how she felt at that time. In short, after leaving the hotel, Qin Luo took her to visit the city where she grew up.

After that, they visited the Manga Exhibition in the Imperial City together, and met Hao Meng by chance.

It was also at the comic exhibition that their two hearts got close to each other for the first time. Under a certain kind of wonderful connection of heart and soul, they became lovers silently and started their summer trip.

After the trip, they returned to Shanghai together, and ended the trip on the Huangpu River, but the ending was a marriage proposal and a breakup.

After that, Qin Luo mobilized most of the taxis in Shanghai to stop Jia Ting from going to the airport the next day, so Jia Ting resolutely stayed in Shanghai.

Fortunately, this rift has been smoothed by time, and the fact that they can stay together like this is the best evidence.

"At that time, I was really stupid. I knew you were so powerful. I said that I couldn't leave. I also said that I chose to leave for your own good. Now that I think about it, it's really 89..."

The more Jia Ting spoke, the more embarrassed she became and panicked, and finally her whole face was flushed, and she buried her face in Qin Luo's arms in shame.

"I don't blame you, Tingting, you were doing it for the two of you."

"We still remember what you said to us before you left. No one will laugh at you."

"Yeah, and you didn't make it in the end, did you? Looking at the present, it's good that the ending is good."

Several other girls expressed comfort, and Qin Luo also raised his hand to stroke her hair.

After Jia Ting, Shi Yulu followed.

She had been making mental preparations before, but now that it was her turn, she took two deep breaths and said, "I and Qin Luo are because of..."

"Hungry for his song!"

Hao Meng's words directly broke up the courage that Shi Yulu had finally mustered up.

She yelled and threw herself on Hao Meng. The two fought for a while before they ceased fighting.

But after such a commotion, Shi Yulu was not too nervous.

She began to tell the story between herself and Qin Luo.

At the beginning, she paid attention to Qin Luo because of the story between Qin Luo and Ji Yan, but as she gradually got to know Qin Luo, she began to pay attention to other parts of Qin Luo.

For example, talent.

As a girl who has loved music since she was a child, music has almost become a part of her statement. Every piece of Qin Luo's works made her deeply intoxicated.

Taking this as an opportunity, after the stories of Qin Luo, Ji Yan and Jia Ting came to an end, she became Qin Luo's music student.

At a birthday dinner, she played a nocturne on the stage, but because she saw Qin Luo who was watching from the audience, she cared too much about his feelings and evaluations, so she made a mistake while playing.

Shi Yulu was so nervous that she almost shed tears. At the critical moment, it was Qin Luo who stood on stage and played a nocturne with Shi Yulu.

At the end of the song, the two received warm applause from the audience.

Later, the two were invited to participate in a music festival abroad, and both of them won an award. Although it was not particularly heavyweight, it was a special gift that belonged to them alone.

On the way to foreign countries, they ate, drank and had fun all the way, and they got tired of being together every day without knowing it. When she came to her senses, Shi Yulu found that she seemed to like Qin Luo

However, before she figured out whether this was really the case, an accident occurred at home.

While she and Qin Luo were abroad, her father died suddenly.

In a hurry, Shi Yulu was about to return, and Qin Luo accompanied her, but was dropped on the uninhabited island by the plane arranged in advance by Shi Yulu's big brother.

On that uninhabited island, the two spent a period of time that only belonged to the two of them.

At that time, Shi Yulu was lonely, weak and helpless. Thanks to Qin Luo who accompanied her every day to comfort her, otherwise she might have passed away.

It was also during that time that the relationship between the two quickly heated up, but because they were concerned about the situation at Shi Yulu's family, the two never expressed their 0

After being successfully rescued, Qin Luo helped him expose her big brother's crimes, allowing her to grow up smoothly and become the heir of the family business.

Unlike Ji Yan and Jia Ting, there was no sad story between them.

"It's me, it's me!"

Hao Meng stretched out her hand and shouted impatiently.

The others looked at her dumbfounded, and then quietly waited for her speech.

Different from the stories of the others, the story between Hao Meng and Qin Luo is the most interesting.

Hao Meng, who has the label of "Two-dimensional is true love", really never thought that he would find a three-dimensional man to fall in love.

Until Qin Luo's company developed a cross-age VR game console——

By chance, two people with unknown identities met in the game. They teamed up to kill enemies, enjoy the scenery in the game, taste rare food in the real world in the game, and finally even in a beautiful scenery. A log cabin was built somewhere and registered as a couple in the game.

They met, fell in love, and got to know each other in the game. Until one day, Qin Luo didn't know that the other party was actually Hao Meng, but Hao Meng already knew through certain details that it was Qin Luo.

Her story is different from the other three, so Shi Yulu made fun of her: "You still said you won't find a three-dimensional man, so what do you say now?"

Hao Meng pouted and argued, "I fell in love with him in the second dimension!"

For her defense, the girls just smiled lightly, but Qin Luo felt a warm current rushing through her heart.

He hugged Hao Meng into his arms, and said softly: "Whether it's two-dimensional or three-dimensional, whether it's this life or the next life, as long as it's you, I will definitely be with you."

" say such things.....too foul..."

It is quite a two-dimensional speech, but it doesn't seem to have any sense of disobedience when it is said.

She hugged Qin Luo tightly, as if she wanted to flow all her tenderness into Qin Luo's heart.

In the silent night, they chatted and laughed around the bonfire, watched the bright moonlight and the stars shine together, and enjoyed the stories that belonged to them alone. 0.6

Suddenly, they said in unison: "It's your turn!"

Qin Luo said "ah": "I want to say it too?"

"We said it all!" The four girls showed unprecedented unity.

Qin Luo smiled helplessly, then looked at the moon in the distance, and said slowly: "The story between me and you all starts from the day I met Ji Yan at school..."

The book is over.

After typing these last three words, first of all, I want to say sorry to everyone, I failed to give this book a perfect ending.

Readers who have followed along the way should know that when it was serialized before, this book was reported to have more than 100 chapters and only three or two chapters could be read. I had a fever of 40 degrees and was hospitalized. My father passed away. Even.

But I underestimated the pressure brought by life. Now I am alone and have almost no relatives except one sister. Writing books is a career I love, but my ability is limited and I cannot use it to maintain my life.

So, I'm sorry for not being able to give you a perfect ending. The stories in these two chapters are my original outline, but I can't finish it anymore. I'm very sorry.

Finally, I would like to say something to everyone who has always supported me——I am going to match up with life, and I will see you by fate. .

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