Confession 99 Times, Gao Leng's School Girl's Persona Collapsed

Chapter 28 Bow Your Head, Bend Over, And Say I'm Sorry


A huge force shook the ball frame, and there was a muffled sound.

The basketball was poured down instantly, and before the flat-headed man could react, it hit his instep.


The flat-headed man felt his instep being hit by an iron mound, gasped in pain, and blushed for a while.

But even so, he didn't get angry like before, but looked at Qin Luo with horror, just like everyone else present.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the man who was holding the basket with both hands and hanging in the air, his face was full of shock that couldn't be concealed.

On the basketball court, the most dazzling things are always three-pointers and slam dunks.

The former is a manifestation of technology, full of elegance, while the latter is a manifestation of strength, full of violent beauty.

Qin Luo's slam dunk just now fully reflected the beauty of violence, making everyone's eyes explode with the muffled sound.

Slam dunks are very common in major basketball competitions. As long as they are tall enough to reach the standard and have undergone professional training for a long time, slam dunks are not too difficult.

However, the University of Finance and Economics is a university that focuses on finance after all. Although there is a school basketball team arrangement, it does not pay special attention to it. The usual training is quite satisfactory. Not much.

Because of this, such scenes are not common in schools.

Today, what Qin Luo did was a feast for the eyes of the people who eat melons.

Qin Luo scored only one of the three pitches at the beginning, and only scored eight points from the beginning to the end.

Facing the breakthrough of the crew cut man, he turned a blind eye.

But the crew-cut man's pitching is almost perfect.

Seeing that the score has reached 48 to 8, the battle situation has come to a violent reversal like a roller coaster.

The two consecutive dunks, as well as this slam dunk, are deeply imprinted in the eyes of the people who eat melons.

When everyone thought that he was going to play hard and would eventually leave in despair, it only took him a few minutes to shock the people present repeatedly.

The contrast between the front and the back made them seem to have turned into a cheering club in the stadium in an instant, shouting with uncontrollable excitement.


"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"This slam dunk is so fucking handsome! It's so handsome and lawless!"

"Qin Luo, I love you! Ahhhhhh!"

"Senior, you are so handsome! I want to give birth to a monkey for you!!!"

The shouts were like ocean tides, one wave after another, as if turning the basketball court into a personal concert.

And the figure that just jumped down from mid-air is the superstar that everyone is looking forward to.

Han Yiyi, Wang Chen, and Li Xuan were so shocked that they couldn't speak. They looked at Qin Luo as if they knew him again.

We have lived together for almost two years, and we have been classmates for two years, and we have established a very deep friendship, and we have a deep understanding of each other.

But in their cognition, they never knew that Qin Luo had such a unique skill.

That slam dunk, not to mention the women wanted to scream after seeing it, even the old men couldn't help but want to scream.

As for the girls on the side, they were more emotional than the boys, and they were so excited that they were about to lose control of their expressions.

Hao Meng jumped up and down and shouted: "Qin Luo, you are so handsome!"

Shi Yulu put her hands in the shape of a trumpet and put her mouth in front of her mouth: "You are so handsome!!!"

Jia Ting was listening, just wanting to complain about the lack of vocabulary of a few good friends.

But Rao is as knowledgeable as she is, and it is difficult to find suitable words to describe her mood at this time.

If I had to say one word, it would probably be emotional.

Never before at this moment has a boy made her emotionally turbulent so intensely.

Jia Ting stared blankly at Qin Luo, and inexplicably appeared in her mind that he carried herself all the way to the infirmary in the posture of a princess hug, bought buns and sat at the door of the infirmary to have breakfast together, and how he helped herself in the infirmary. The picture of rubbing medicine.

At the end of the picture, there was a scene where she was lying on the hospital bed and Qin Luo was pressing on her.

Jia Ting's face turned red slightly, she shook her head to calm herself down, then cast a strange glance at Ji Yan.

This girl, known as the school belle, was looking at Qin Luo intently at this moment, without blinking her eyes.

That pretty face, which was always as indifferent as ice, seemed to melt unknowingly, and there was a little obsession in his expression.

Jia Ting silently looked away.

For some reason, she felt a little uncomfortable.

On the court, Qin Luo picked up the basketball that had rolled to the side, held it with one hand, and said flatly to the crew cut man, "Continue."

The crew cut man gave Qin Luo a hard look, and was about to say something when he felt a faint tingling pain from his instep and shoulder.

He gritted his teeth and said unwillingly, "I won't fight anymore, I admit defeat."

Qin Luo said blankly: "Yes, I apologize."

The flat-headed man clenched his fists tightly and stood there without moving.

A group of Han on the side shouted at the top of their voices, "Apologize!"

Li Xuan and Wang Chen shouted, "Apologize! Apologize!"

Then there were a few girls on the side, and then they infected the onlookers who were eating melons.

The sound was one piece, resounding throughout the stadium, making the crew cut man's face turn redder and redder, and his eyes wanted to protrude from their sockets.

Why didn't he want to just apologize and understand the matter like this, but his youthful self-esteem made it difficult for him to open his mouth, he just felt that if he bowed his head and gave in at this time, it would be more uncomfortable than killing him.

It's fine to admit defeat, if you want to apologize again, how will you mess around in school in the future?

Poor him, he never thought that he would lose, so he found it very difficult to accept the current situation, so much so that he had the urge to run away.

At this time, Wang Chuan walked up to him and said coldly, "Go and apologize."

The flat-headed man turned bitter, and looked at him aggrievedly: "Brother Chuan..."

"Go and apologize!" Wang Chuan lowered his voice and said bitterly, "Don't you think you didn't cause enough trouble?"


The flat-headed man murmured for a while, but in the end he couldn't say anything. Like an old man, he dragged his weak legs and walked to Ji Yan step by step.

"Sorry," he whispered softly.

Suddenly, a basketball hit his back, knocking him staggering.

"Low your head, bend over, and say sorry," Qin Luo's cold voice came from behind.

The flat-headed man turned around and glared at Qin Luo. He was about to speak when he met Wang Chuan's angry gaze.

The anger was stuck in the chest of the crew-cut man, and he still couldn't vent it in the end. He bent down in front of Ji Yan dejectedly, and said unwillingly: "I'm sorry."

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