Seeing her daughter's guilty conscience, Zhang Ru became even angrier.

Her pretty face was frosty, and her voice was much colder than usual: "You never use cosmetics, but this morning I found out that you secretly used my cosmetics. Men go on dates."

"Ji Yan, how did your mother educate you? Mom didn't say that you are not allowed to fall in love, but you are still young and you should focus on studying, and you rarely have contact with boys, so you can tell whether the other party is sincere. Are you still trying to figure something out for you?"

"Mom won't say that men outside don't have a good thing, but you are a pure and naive child, with a heart-to-heart. When a person approaches you for a certain purpose, you can't tell whether the other person is good or not." bad."

"You were obviously a very good child before, why did you suddenly become like this?"

The glamorous and pretty wife is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on. The more she talks, the more excited she is, and her tone of voice becomes higher unconsciously, making Ji Yan unconsciously lower her head even lower.

But at the end, she couldn't help rebutting in a low voice: "I'm not stupid. I know who is good and who is bad. Qin Luo... He really likes me."

As soon as these words came out, it seemed to further anger Zhang Ru, making her eyes widen involuntarily.

"Do you know what you're talking about?" She said angrily with a look of hatred on her face, "How do you know that he really likes you? Why do you say that? Just because he sent you home? "

"That's not the case," Ji Yan shook his head, explaining: "I didn't intend to pay attention to him at first, but...but he has been pursuing me since then, confessing to me ninety-nine times in a row, lasting three For more than a month, if he didn't really like me, how could he do this?"

For more than three months in a row, I confessed ninety-nine times...

Zhang Ru instinctively felt a little unbelievable, and felt that her daughter was lying to herself, because even this kind of thing seemed absurd to her.

In today's exaggerated society, even if young love is pure, how many people can stick to it?

But out of trust and understanding of her daughter, she knew that Ji Yan was not lying to herself.

Reminiscent of the young man's neither humble nor overbearing but well-behaved and sensible appearance when facing him, Zhang Ru's hostility towards him receded a little, but his face was still not very good-looking.

She said coldly: "Even so, do you really plan to fall in love with him? Didn't you promise your mother that you would never fall in love before graduation?"

"I..." Ji Yan muttered twice, unable to refute.

She did indeed promise Zhang Ru that she would never fall in love before graduating from university, because she would never have such a day at that time.

If she hadn't met Qin Luo, she would never have imagined that there would be someone who would still persist after being rejected so many times.

She never thought that she would care so much about a person in her heart, what he thinks of her, his emotions, his emotions...

Now that she has experienced all this personally, she doesn't know how to answer her mother's question.

So she chose to remain silent, as if making a silent protest.

Zhang Ru's breathing gradually became faster, as if she was very angry with her daughter's attitude, but this time she did not get angry.

After a short silence, Zhang Ru regained her composure a little bit, she took Ji Yan's hand gently, and said in a sad and painful tone: "Ji Yan, it's not that mom really doesn't want you to fall in love, but that mom is too afraid that you will be hurt. hurt."

"Mom raised you up by herself, and never dared to let you suffer the slightest harm, but what happened when you were a child really caused too much shadow in my mother's heart, and my mother will never let such things happen again. Do it again, can you understand?"

Her words made Ji Yan continue to remain silent, but tears slowly welled up in her eyes, and an old incident in her childhood also appeared in her mind, which was the psychological shadow of her mother all the time.

Ji Yan hadn't seen his father since he was born, and he found out later that it was his father who abandoned their mother and daughter and left.

The mother originally lived in a very wealthy family, but the father was a poor boy. Because of unreasonable love, the mother went away with the father.

Originally, the life of the two was very happy, but when the mother became pregnant, the father left without saying a word.

This incident dealt a severe blow to the mother. Later, the grandparents re-accepted the mother and comforted her to live a good life and give birth to the child in her womb.

Later, when Ji Yan was born, Zhang Ru also took Ji Yan as her spiritual sustenance.

As for the incident that can be called Zhang Ru's inner shadow, it happened more than ten years ago.

At that time, Ji Yan was still a child under three years old, babbling and tottering.

One day, Zhang Ru went out with Ji Yan, just to withdraw some money from the ATM, the little Ji Yan outside disappeared.

Zhang Ru almost went crazy at the time, crying and calling for help from the people around her. Finally, under the full investigation of the police, she finally found Xiao Jiyan that afternoon.

The surveillance video showed that when Zhang Ru was withdrawing money, a woman wearing a mask appeared at the door and waved the lollipop in her hand to Ji Yan.

The young child doesn't understand the dangers of society at all, she only knows that lollipops are sweet and delicious.

So she walked over involuntarily, and was finally grabbed by the woman. She just covered her mouth and nose with a towel, and soon passed out.

It turned out that the woman was a human trafficker, and through this incident, the police destroyed the human trafficker's den in one fell swoop.

When Xiao Ji Yan was found, she was falling asleep in the corner, and beside her, there were several other children of the same age.

Since then, Zhang Ru seemed to have suffered from some kind of mental illness, and never dared to easily let Xiao Jiyan disappear from his sight.

From kindergarten to elementary school, elementary school to junior high school, and then to high school, every time Ji Yan went to and from school, Zhang Ru would personally send her to school.

And in the process, Zhang Ru kept instilling in Ji Yan the idea that "the outside world is very dangerous".

She packaged those who deliberately approached Ji Yan as villains with ulterior motives, and asked Ji Yan to protect himself no matter when and where, and not to communicate with strangers casually, let alone get along with strangers alone.

Over time, Ji Yan has developed the current indifferent personality, and she always treats strangers with an attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away. Coupled with the departure of her biological father, she has an inexplicable disgust towards men since she was a child. .

Ji Yan knew that it was because the incident when she was a child left a certain shadow in her mother's heart, so she never complained about her mother, and she always obeyed her mother's words since she was a child, to be a good baby and not to make her sad .

So, seeing his mother shedding tears while talking, Ji Yan was also emotionally affected, sobbing: "Mom, don't cry, I know you are worried about me..."

"It's good that you know, it's good that you know," Zhang Ru hugged Ji Yan while crying, gently stroking her hair.

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