The next chapter will start to be put on the shelves, and I will simply say a few words to everyone.

Starting from the next chapter, the whole process is high-energy, with a total of 43,000 words of updates.

Converted into a chapter of 2000 words in the past, that is, more than 20 chapters.

Because it is a high-energy plot, I don't want everyone to watch half of it, so I just released it all at once, so that everyone can enjoy watching it.

The first chapter is scheduled for 9pm, after which everything will be released within half an hour.

I hope everyone can subscribe and support. If the results are not bad, we will continue to maintain high-frequency updates in the future, as well as explosive updates from time to time.

By the way, an interesting thing, the girls in the book are actually written by me based on the prototypes of my ex-girlfriends.

Of course, it's just a prototype, and there are similarities in character design, but it's definitely not as exaggerated as in the novel.

The stories I wrote are more or less based on some of my past experiences. Of course, there are only a small part of them, and most of them are still made up.

Then there is an advantage of writing this way, that is, I have a sense of substitution, so it is very exciting to write, and there are very few cases of Cavin.

In my opinion, a good novel can arouse readers' emotions. I don't know if everyone's emotions are aroused when they read it.

If so, that means I'm not kidding myself.

By the way, by the way, you can guess who my first love is in the article, and leave this question as a small Easter egg for everyone.

Well, that's about it, what I hope most is everyone's support.

I won’t talk about flower evaluation and rewards. It’s good to give a subscription support. Any comments are welcome to send in the comment area.

Still the same sentence, the author is not a VIP, so I can't leave a message in the comment area, but I read everyone's messages several times a day.

Finally, it will be put on the shelves at 9 pm, and we look forward to your arrival.

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