When he came to the trash can, Qin Luo looked down.

Perhaps it was because it had just been cleaned up not long ago, so the trash can was very "clean", except for the bag that Ji Yan had just thrown away.

Qin Luo hesitated for two seconds, put the thermos on the ground, and reached out to pick up the bag.

Under normal circumstances, he would not pick up the bag, but the problem is that he remembered that when he was at the school gate not long ago, Ji Yan seemed to want to throw away the bag, but he didn't throw it away in the end.

So, after more than a week, why is this being thrown away again?

What is in the bag that makes her struggle with whether to throw it or not?

The bag is in my hand, carrying a little weight, but not heavy.

Qin Luo unzipped the zipper, and the first thing he saw was a bunch of yellow fragments.

"this is...………"

He froze for a moment, and took out the pieces inside one by one.

There are some obvious lines on the fragments, and they are all painted in color, but at this time they have become a little dirty under the rain.

Some fragments look flat, while others obviously come from certain body parts, such as arms, legs, body, head...

Combined together, it becomes a lovely sculptural little girl.

Qin Luo's face became silent, and every time he saw a piece of debris, his eyes would become indifferent.

He seemed to want to say something, his lips moved, but no sound came out.


A gust of wind whizzed past, carrying a large amount of rainwater, crashing against Qin Luo's body.

Obviously possessing strength different from ordinary people, but he suddenly moved his left hand while holding the umbrella, as if he had lost his strength, and almost missed the umbrella.

The rain blew past, soaked his skirt, wet his sleeves, and wet his cold face.

Qin Luo's silent eyes fixed on the bag full of fragments, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on his expressionless face.

"I lost it..."

He muttered to himself, the corners of his mouth curled up and down as if twitching.

With a bang, the full bag of debris fell back into the trash can again.

Followed by it was the thermos pot that Qin Luo had just put at his feet.

The moment it touched the bottom, the lid of the thermos was popped open, and the soup poured out, further polluting the debris, and then mixed with the rainwater, becoming turbid.

Qin Luo looked away, holding an umbrella, and walked towards the auditorium.

The strong wind mixed with rain was raging around, and he walked alone with a slightly crooked umbrella, letting the rain wet his shoulders without looking back.

Not long after, two figures came out of the dormitory building.

When passing the trash can, Zhang Ru glanced inside, saw the dirty bag full of debris, and nodded in satisfaction.

Ji Yan didn't take a second look, but held an umbrella in one hand and put his arms around his mother's arm in the other, chatting and laughing as they headed towards the auditorium.

Not far away, a pair of beautiful eyes witnessed all this under the cover of sunglasses.

Jiang Zhitao wanted to say "Qin Luo" several times just now, but for some reason, the voice was still stuck in his throat.

Her intuition told her that she couldn't disturb her at this time.

She watched the familiar figure 09 go away slowly, seeing his tall and straight body seemed to be slightly bent, which she had never seen before, which made her feel distressed involuntarily.

After a short silence, Jiang Zhitao stopped staying in place and walked to the auditorium.

The auditorium of the University of Finance and Economics is very large and can accommodate thousands of people.

Depending on the event being held, appropriate arrangements will be made in advance, just like now.

The auditorium is decorated with lights and festoons, and warm lights cover every corner of the room, softly shining on the red carpet all over the floor, exuding a touch of classy elegance.

The long tables seem to be arranged randomly, but in fact they are arranged regularly, with all kinds of desserts and exquisite food on them.

There are students from our school who are serving as waiters. They have undergone special training, with polite smiles on their faces, and various kinds of drinks on the trays in their hands, walking naturally between the streams.

The students seldom have the opportunity to participate in this kind of occasion, and there is a sense of novelty and excitement in their eyebrows and eyes. They look here and there, take something from the table to eat from time to time, and whisper with their friends from time to time.

Those who have not officially stepped into the society seem to think that this is the normal state of society, have strong expectations for confrontation, and imagine that they can become upper-class people who often go to such occasions in the future.

Compared with them, the social people present are much more natural.

The men are dressed in suits and leather shoes, and they are modest but neither humble nor overbearing, while the women are dressed in dresses, with reserved and quiet smiles on their faces.

Among them, some were invited social figures, some had studied at the University of Finance and Economics, and some were simply the parents of their children.

But in the same room, everyone will not come just to watch the show. This is the school celebration party held by the University of Finance and Economics, and at the same time, it is also a social platform for everyone.

Young students with ability and eloquence can establish diplomatic relations with these social people by virtue of their own abilities. Maybe they will be useful in the future. Even if diplomatic relations cannot be established, it is good to seek a good relationship.

However, such students are only a minority after all. Most of the time, people from the society communicate with each other. Even if they don't know each other, they can establish a harmonious chat atmosphere with a few words and a smile.

Among this group of people, there is another group that is favored by people from the society and students.

That is the performer invited by the school.

Aside from the performers among the students, those performers from outside the school are basically well-known. Even if they are just small Internet celebrities in the eyes of ordinary people, their lives can live smoothly.

Moreover, the school doesn't like to find people who have no real materials to sensationalize the public. The people invited are basically with some real skills, and there are also a few famous singers.

One of them is Linglong, who is a well-known actress in the past two years. With her outstanding appearance and sweet singing voice, she became all the rage and became the dream lover of many teenagers.

She was invited to come and will sing a song at the opening of the show.

After reading the program schedule, the students also expressed their great anticipation for her performance.

At this moment, the performance has not officially started yet, everyone is walking in the auditorium, and many people's eyes are on Ruo Lan.

Many people couldn't help coming forward to chat, most of them were men, and women were more willing to sit at the table, with reserved smiles on their faces, but they didn't know what they were talking about behind their backs.

At this time, a figure slowly walked in, making the women involuntarily look away, with surprise in their eyes.

The man was tall and straight, with a well-proportioned figure. Under the scattered but stylish black hair was a handsome face with no flaws. His facial features were correct, and his tough lines revealed the unique beauty of men.

He was wearing a formal suit stained with some fish stains, which made his temperament even more dignified and mature, and his expressionless appearance revealed a vague sense of gloom, which made people think involuntarily. Learn more about him through his deep eyes.

It is really hard for such a young man not to attract the attention of women.

Down to the young female students present, up to the thirty or forty-year-old mature women who came to the party, their eyes all fell on him involuntarily, with different expressions.

"He's pretty handsome," Jia Ting couldn't help but commented, looking at Qin Luo with deep appreciation.

She is a very literary woman, in other words, she has a bit of a literary taste, and she likes everything with a sense of ritual.

Qin Luo is a relatively casual person on weekdays, and doesn't care about dressing up, so when he attends in a formal dress, it gives people a sense of visual contrast, and he looks more charming than usual.

"Yeah, he's pretty handsome," Hao Meng nodded, and said with a puzzled expression, "I always think he's much handsomer than before, but he doesn't look like he's just 20 years old after a sudden plastic surgery." Now, is there still such a big difference in appearance?"

She was a little confused, obviously Qin Luo used to be just a little handsome, at most the level between T2 and T1.

How could it become the ceiling of TO without knowing it?

"Do you know that young man?" A curious voice followed.

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man with thin cheeks, tall and thin figure, calm and introverted temperament, and looked in his forties.

He is Hao Meng's father, and he came to watch the party with his daughter this time, and he is sitting next to Hao Meng.

Sitting next to him was a graceful and elegant middle-aged woman, she was Hao Meng's mother, and this time she came with a family.

Hao Meng nodded and said, "Yeah, he's our roommate's boy..."

"It's our friend, his name is Qin Luo," Jia Ting interrupted suddenly.

The man nodded, and the woman agreed: "This young man has a good temperament, he must have been born in a good family, making friends with such people will be good for you when you step into society.

"I know Aunt," Jia Ting replied with a smile, then turned her head and met Hao Meng's dissatisfied eyes.

She pouted her cute face into a bun, with the words "I'm not happy" written all over her face, because this was the first time she was interrupted by Jia Ting several times.

Jia Ting had no choice but to pull her aside, teasingly said, "Why are you so angry?"


Hao Meng snorted and turned her head with her hands on her hips, as if ignoring her.

Jia Ting said: "It's not that I deliberately robbed you, it's just that you can't just tell people that Ji Yan and Qin Luo are boyfriend and girlfriend. You almost told Aunt Zhang in the dormitory before, so I interrupted you." of."

"Why can't you say it? They are just in love," Hao Meng was a little puzzled.

Jia Ting explained: "The relationship between the two of them, um... how should I put it, at least in my opinion, they probably haven't gotten together yet, so I can't just talk about it with others, and Aunt Zhang doesn't want to Let Ji Yan fall in love, so don't tell her.

"Does Aunt Zhang hate Qin Luo?"

"have no idea."

"I think Qin Luo is very good, and my mother likes him very much."

"Really? Do you want Qin Luo to be your son-in-law?"

"Bah, I only like paper figures, I don't care about the three-dimensional!"

While they were talking, two more people walked into the auditorium, and like Qin Luo who just walked in, they also attracted the attention of many people.

The only difference is that this time most of the attracted eyes come from men.

When Ji Yan and Zhang Ru walk together, they don't look like a bunch of mother and daughter at all, but like a pair of sisters, at most there is a big age gap.

The faces of the two are about seven points similar, plus they usually have a serious and cold appearance, they look like two snow lotuses, one big and one small.

Together, there is a rather magical beauty.

In particular, they are all dressed up today, wearing the same white evening dress, walking like a snow lotus in full bloom, making people unable to move their eyes away.

The faces of the teenagers were flushed, their hearts heaved powerfully, and they were quite fascinated by the scene in front of them.

But after thinking about it, it can only be

His face was full of helplessness and sighs.

The school flower is worthy of being a school flower, it just looks good.

It's a pity that the family has an owner.

Teenagers love the young Ji Yan, while men are more fond of the older Zhang Ru.

Among them, there are also some successful people who frequently go to high-end occasions, and have seen many women with good looks and outstanding temperament.

But compared with Zhang Ru in front of him, those women seemed to have become vulgar fans, unbearably vulgar.

Such a cool face and detached temperament are really rare, and they couldn't help but feel a little bit excited.

Zhang Ru bathed in the sight from the surroundings, proudly straightened her waist, showing off her slender and fair neck, and seemed to enjoy the high-profile feeling very much.

She opened her mouth softly and said to Ji Yan: "Ji Yan, you have to remember that even if you are looking for a boyfriend, you must find those men who are capable, just like those social people present,

Many of them have achieved success at a young age. "

"With such a man, you will have a stable and happy future, and you will not follow in the footsteps of your mother, you know?"

Ji Yan seemed a little absent-minded, looking left and right from time to time, as if looking for something.

After hearing her mother's voice, she came back to her senses a little bit, and was about to respond when she caught a glimpse of a familiar figure out of the corner of her eye.


Ji Yan subconsciously wanted to call him, but his voice stopped in time, and he carefully glanced at Zhang Ru, hoping she didn't notice anything.

However, Zhang Ru is not a fool, she frowned when she saw her daughter, and then looked in the direction her daughter was facing just now.

A handsome young man was sitting on the chair over there, holding a goblet in his hand, his wrist was shaking slightly, his eyes were downcast, and he was staring at the swaying liquid in the cup, his face

Slightly cold and hard.

Zhang Ru had to admit that even a woman as experienced and knowledgeable as her would seldom meet a man with such an outstanding temperament and good looks like Qin Luo.

Different from those little fresh meats on TV who are posing all day long, Qin Luo's charm is unique and transcendent, like a bright star in the night sky, no matter how many people are around

He can also see him at a glance.

Especially at this time, the way he stared at the wine glass indifferently, can highlight a wonderful charm.

After all, Ji Yan is still a little girl, and she is also very fascinated by Qin Luo at this time, and it is difficult to look away for a while.

And Zhang Ru also stared at him for a long time, and then suddenly came back to his senses, his face looked a little annoyed.

"Strange, I should hate him, why do I think he's pretty?" Zhang Ru muttered in a low voice, then returned to her normal look, and said to Ji Yan: "That's the last time I sent him off."

Your male classmate back home?"

Ji Yan suddenly panicked: "Mom, don't get me wrong, he..."

Zhang Ru interrupted with a smile: "Mom knows, he's just a good classmate of yours. Mom didn't misunderstand, but since he is a classmate, he should go over and make a move.

Huh, that's how we're being polite, isn't it?"

Uh.....go over to say hello?

Ji Yan was a little dazed, because according to her understanding of her mother, her mother would pull her as far away from Qin Luo as possible, why did she take the initiative to say hello now?

However, Zhang Ru didn't explain much, taking advantage of Ji Yan's dazed time, he took her little hand, and the mother and daughter walked towards Qin Luo.

Many people who observed them secretly noticed this scene, and immediately remembered the same sentence.

Sure enough, like attracts like, and people are divided into groups.

Hao Meng noticed the same thing, and refused to accept Jia Ting, saying: "Look, Aunt Zhang took Ji Yan to find Qin Luo on her own initiative, which is completely different from what you said."

But Jia Ting didn't respond, she wrinkled up beautifully, but felt a twitch in her heart for no reason, and inexplicably gave birth to a bad premonition.

Finally, the mother and daughter came to Qin Luo's table.

But at this moment, Qin Luo didn't seem to notice them, all his thoughts seemed to be on the wine glass in front of him, his eyes followed the swaying liquid in the glass, slightly lost in thought.

Zhang Ru felt a little dissatisfied immediately, she didn't know whether the kid in front of her was pretending or didn't notice them, anyway, in Zhang Ru's mind, the former was more likely

The mother and daughter will always be the focus of the crowd no matter where they walk, and they are even more eye-catching when they walk together. Everyone noticed them just now, and you were the only one who didn't.

noticed, is it possible?

It must be because of what he said to him before, which made him harbor a grudge, so he pretended not to notice now.

Oh, childish brat.

Zhang Ru felt a little disdainful in her heart, and her sense of Qin Luo dropped a bit.

Ji Yan also felt a little embarrassed, so he took the initiative to call out, "Qin Luo."

Qin Luo's pinched fingers trembled lightly, as if he was forcibly awakened from a trance by the voice.

He turned his head slightly and saw the mother and daughter who came to him at some unknown time, and the silence on his face suddenly turned into a bright smile.

"It's Aunt Zhang, hello, we meet again," he smiled softly, and his tone was neither humble nor overbearing, unlike those other men who were distracted by Zhang Ru's beauty

Zhang Ru nodded, and said calmly, "It's Qin Luo, right? You're also here for the party?"

Qin Luo smiled and said, "It's sort of."

Ji Yan explained from the side: "Mom, Qin Luo is going to perform on stage later, and we have his show tonight.

The program schedule of the party was announced long ago. Although Ji Yan didn't pay special attention to it, he heard that Qin Luo would perform tonight.

And many people are spreading the news that Qin Luo has prepared an original song, which was composed for Ji Yan, and is waiting to sing it to her in front of everyone at the party.

Of course, Ji Yan was also looking forward to it, and asked Qin Luo what kind of song he created, but Qin Luo did a good job of keeping it secret, and other people who had heard the song were also very excited.

It has not been disclosed, so Ji Yan will only know when the time comes.

Of course, she wouldn't foolishly explain this matter to Zhang Ru 747, otherwise her mother might get angry again.

"Is there your program?" Zhang Ru seemed a little surprised, then nodded, as if commenting or praising: "The young man is very talented, and he is versatile, but

Very rare. "

"Thank you Aunt, Qin Luo smiled and said, "What can you do for me?"

Zhang Ru said lightly: "It's nothing, but you are Ji Yan's only male friend after all, since you saw it, come over and say hello..."

After a pause, Zhang Ru asked casually, "Is your family here today?"

Qin Luo shook his head: "No, they are in the north."

Oh, foreigners.

The corners of Zhang Ru's lips curled up slightly, and he said, "The traffic is very convenient now, and the day of the flight will arrive soon, and the children at home will perform on stage. Parents should come and see it. Is it because they are busy with work and can't leave?"

Qin Luo replied tepidly: "My parents own a small restaurant, and they are usually not too busy. If they are tired, they will close the restaurant for a few days. The main reason is that they are old and don't want to let the

They were tossing about, and I didn't tell them about the performance... Heh, it's not a big deal, it's unnecessary. "

When it came to the end, Qin Luo's tone seemed a little playful, but Zhang Ru felt that she must have heard it wrong.

At the same time, her perception of Qin Luo dropped a few points.

As a foreigner, his family owns a small restaurant, and he has no advantages other than a good skin.

Just because I insisted on confessing my love ninety-nine times, you want to take my daughter away?

How can there be such a good thing!

She squinted her eyes and said slowly: "There are some things, Aunt thinks it's better to ask you face to face, between you and Ji Yan... are you boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Well..." Qin Luo didn't answer this question, but turned to look at Ji Yan, and asked her with a half-smile: "What do you think?"

"Of course not!" Ji Yan denied it without hesitation, and said, "We are just ordinary friends...well, the relationship between classmates is not what you think, Mom.

"Really? That's good?" Zhang Ru smiled sweetly, glanced at Qin Luo as if mocking, and said, "Since we are ordinary classmates, it's good. After all, you are still young and you are too close to each other.

It's not good for anyone. "

"Besides, Ji Yan and I both live in Shanghai, even if she wants to find a boyfriend, she must find it locally... Well, you don't have to be too sensitive, Aunt didn't mean to look down on you, just

It’s because Aunt has only one daughter, Ji Yan, and even if she gets married in the future, she doesn’t want her to be too far away, can you understand?”

Qin Luo's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled and said, "I know Aunt."

"Really... that's good," Zhang Ru gave Qin Luo a subtle look.

Qin Luo's smiling face, neither humble nor overbearing, made her a little unexpected.

I thought that the young man's self-esteem would not be able to bear such a blow and contempt, but Qin Luo never showed any emotional changes, as if he didn't care about her words or any appearances.

This made Zhang Ru feel as if she had punched the cotton with a punch. She was slightly annoyed and helpless, and lost the idea of ​​continuing to talk to Qin Luo.

Just at this moment, a handsome middle-aged man came over.

He wore a high-end suit and a watch worth hundreds of thousands of dollars on his wrist, giving him the appearance of a high-class person.

He came to Zhang Ru and said with a smile, "Hello, I'm Li Youwei. I talked to you about the cooperation of your beauty salon before. Do you remember?"

Zhang Ru recognized the identity of this person at a glance. He is the regional sales manager of a high-end skin care brand in Shanghai, and Zhang Ru opened a beauty salon by herself [the business is very good.

So Li Youwei approached Zhang Ru once, and said that he wanted to discuss cooperation matters with her, and wanted to buy their skin care products in Zhang Ru's beauty salon.

Although Zhang Ru didn't agree, but he was quite interested in it, and he always remembered it in his heart.

She replied with a smile, "I remember."

"Is it convenient to continue talking with you about cooperation?"

"of course can."

Zhang Ru looked at Ji Yan while talking, and said: "The party is about to start, don't run around, you know?"

Ji Yan responded obediently: "Understood, Mom."

Zhang Ru nodded in satisfaction, and never looked at Qin Luo again, as if she had completely regarded him as air, and walked aside talking and laughing with Zhang Youwei. .

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