During the short journey of a few hours, Qin Luo had a very fulfilling life.

Since we first met, this can be said to be the most conversation he and Jia Ting have ever had. The words we talked on a plane catch up to the sum of the words we have said since we met before.

Especially after Jia Ting accepted the painting, the relationship between the two seemed to improve a lot invisibly.

They chatted about the north and the south, about poetry and songs, about life ideals, and about future plans.

Most of the topics were brought up by Jia Ting. She is a young woman of literature and art. Needless to say, she has a sufficient reserve of knowledge. When ordinary people meet her, they may not be able to pick up on what she has to say.

Fortunately, Qin Luo didn't cheat to get into university, and his knowledge is equally rich. Although he is not as good as Jia Ting, the resources dug out twice have also increased his literature and talent, and he will not be shy when chatting with Aunt Di.

And during the conversation, he also noticed that every time he caught the topic Jia Ting raised and had an in-depth discussion with it, Jia Ting's interest would be a little bit more, and the frequency of laughing would also increase. .

From time to time, Qin Luo could see Jia Ting's sweet smile, and the inadvertent charm, even Qin Luo had to sigh, this is indeed a dangerous woman.

The charm of Ji Yan is the kind that can be seen, very intuitive, and full of impact.

And Jia Ting's charm is that there is a feeling of moistening things silently. The longer you spend together, the more you will be immersed in it and unable to extricate yourself.

Of course, Qin Luo was sure that he didn't like Zhou Ting because of this.

The reason why we get along so well with her is that on the one hand, it is really comfortable to get along with her, and on the other hand, it is because she is now Qin Luo's rare earth mine.

With the effort of taking a flight, the resources dug up are much richer than that of Ji Yan's gold mine.

It's hard for him not to love such a woman.

In the evening, a plane from Modu slowly landed at the Imperial Capital Airport.

The two had just finished their last conversation, when Jia Ting looked at the tarmac outside the window and suddenly sighed.

She had a feeling that she couldn't finish it. Since she was a child, it was the first time she had such a chat with a peer.

Qin Luo didn't feel this way, perhaps because of the fluent dialogue, Jia Ting regarded him as a literary young man of the same type.

But in fact, Qin Luo is very clear that he is not a literary young man. If he has to define himself, he wants to be an omniscient male god first, and then an omnipotent boss.

At the end of the chat, his greatest feeling was relief, because he felt that Jia Ting had almost exhausted his knowledge reserves.

If she brings up another topic, then Qin Luo can only give up and admit defeat, and by the way: there is really nothing left.

"We've arrived in the imperial capital," Jia Ting said quietly.

"En," Qin Luo replied.

Jia Ting looked at Qin Luo, as if she was about to say something, but she still didn't say it.

The two got off the plane together, and Yao Yanyan walked in front of them.

The tauren warriors looked at Qin Luo frequently when they were on the plane, and now they turn their heads three times after getting off the plane, and their slender waist drives the buttocks wrapped under the denim hot pants, twisting and twisting 09, no conspicuous.

Jia Ting frowned frequently, but when she saw that Qin Luo hadn't paid attention to Yao Yanyan, Jia Ting's brows relaxed a little.

In the end, maybe Qin Luo's ignorance made Yao Yanyan a little bored, so she didn't continue to make poses, and finally gave Qin Luo a wink, and walked away first.

The destinations of Qin Luo and Jia Ting are both in the parking lot. They walked all the way, and they didn't talk much, but they always maintained a synchronized forward speed with each other. Walking together, they looked like a couple.

The extraordinary appearance and refined temperament have attracted the attention of others frequently.

A man with a single-lens reflex camera followed for a long time, and finally seemed to have made up his mind, walked over quickly and said, "Hello, I am a photographer. The temperament and appearance of the two are really good, so I want to take a picture of the two, I wonder if it is possible?"

Jia Ting didn't refuse, but she didn't agree either. She just turned her head to look at Qin Luo, her eyes flickering slightly.

Qin Luo said casually: "Yes."

Then the two stood aside, with the airport as the background, posing as if they were taking ID photos.

The photographer said: "The two of you can get closer and relax a little bit, don't be so nervous."

Qin Luo didn't want to approach the other party hastily, fearing that Jia Ting would be offended, Tian cast a questioning look at Jia Ting.

Jia Ting did not speak, but expressed her thoughts with actions.

She took the initiative to take a step closer to Qin Luo, and Qin Luo took two steps closer to her.

With such a movement, the bodies of the two were very close to each other.

Although it was not close enough, Qin Luo could already smell the shampoo fragrance from Jia Ting's hair.

The photographer said over there, "The two of you can pose in a more intimate pose, and it will look better in the shot.

This time Qin Luo didn't ask Jia Ting, and said directly: "That's fine, just shoot."

Jia Ting, who was on the side, originally planned to say the same thing, but she didn't speak when she heard the words, and just silently glanced at Qin Luo.

The photographer expressed some regret, but since the two were unwilling, he could only press the shutter like this.

The camera is the kind that can produce photos in real time, and a small photo will pop up immediately after shooting.

Then the photographer took another shot and another photo popped up.

He walked over with two photos, handed them to Qin Luo and Jia Ting, and said with a smile: "Thank you very much for your cooperation. To be honest, I have taken thousands of photos of passers-by, but like you two It is really rare to see someone with a good image and a good temperament.”

Both of them are used to similar compliments, and they just laughed it off.

They took the photo and shook it in their hands.

Soon, images emerged from the photos.

In the background, a plane seemed to be about to take off, and the two stood in front of the glass, their arms seemingly close together, with peaceful smiles on their faces.

Although it is not very sweet, but it has a very harmonious feeling, a bit like an art photo of a couple.

The two looked at the photo all the way, and when they came back to their senses, they had already arrived at the parking lot.

A BMW sports car silently stopped in front of them. Its body was blue and white, with beautiful lines and full of futuristic texture.

Qin Luo once saw this car on the Internet, BMW i8, nearly 2 million, the advantage is the appearance and interior full of futuristic texture, the disadvantage is that this thing is a sports car, but it is only a three-cylinder engine with a 1.5t engine.

Although the gasoline-electric hybrid runs pretty fast, buying a three-cylinder engine for two million is really speechless.

Having said that, this car is still very good in the eyes of many rich people, don't ask, it is handsome.

In this era where appearance is everything, even if your inside is so rotten that you can’t see it, as long as you have a good-looking outer shell, there will be countless people willing to pay for it.

"It's my aunt," Jia Ting said.

In the next second, the door of the BMW sports car opened like butterfly wings, and a well-proportioned, stylishly dressed woman came out.

She was wearing sunglasses, so Qin Luo couldn't see her face clearly, but judging from her rosy lips and beautiful chin, she should be a beauty, and her overall temperament was good, with the beauty of ten urban beauties.


The urban beauty called Jia Ting, and then walked over at a leisurely pace, holding Jia Ting in her arms.


Jia Ting obviously had a good relationship with her aunt, so she hugged her aunt backhand.

In the process, they each put their chins on each other's shoulders.

Qin Luo could feel that the woman's eyes under the sunglasses were looking at herself.

At this time, Jia Ting took the initiative to introduce: "This is my friend, Qin Luo, we came back by plane.

After a pause, he said to Qin Luo, "This is my aunt."

"Hello," Qin Luo greeted her politely.

"Friend?" The woman's voice seemed slightly surprised, she first glanced at Jia Ting, then took off her sunglasses, smiled and said to Qin Luo: "Hello.

As soon as she took off her sunglasses, Qin Luo could see her true appearance clearly.

This is indeed a good-looking woman, with delicate features and soft lines.

It is true that she is older than them, but it should not be too much older. She looks like a mature woman in her twenties and a young woman in her thirties.

When she smiles, she gives people a dignified and elegant feeling, but I don't know if it's an illusion, Qin Luo always feels that there seems to be a hint of sharpness hidden in her watery eyes.

Out of a strange habit, Qin Luo probed her depth.

【Test object: Ye Zhiqiu】


【Test complete】

【Target: Ye Zhiqiu】

[Personal design: strong and domineering]

【Available Raiders】

Qin Luo:

Qin Luo found that he didn't know whether it was luck or something recently, and he could easily detect any woman.

However, Jia Ting's aunt's personality is quite interesting, strong and domineering, just like the domineering female president written in the novel, but I don't know if she is the female president.

Jia Ting and Ye Zhiqiu didn't exchange too many pleasantries, as they realized that they couldn't park on the side of the road all the time.

When Ye Zhiqiu was about to pull Jia Ting into the car, Jia Ting said, "Wait a minute."

Then she turned to face Qin Luo, holding the gift bag she bought earlier in one hand, waved at Qin Luo with the other, and said with a smile, "I'm leaving first, goodbye."

"Okay, goodbye," Qin Luo replied.

Not long after, the sports car took the two of them away and gradually disappeared from Qin Luo's sight.

"The young man is handsome, your boyfriend?" Ye Zhiqiu asked while driving, with a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Jia Ting rolled her eyes and said, "What kind of boyfriend, just ordinary friends."

"Ordinary friends, will you come back by plane together?"

"It just so happened that he was on the same plane, and we didn't know about it until we got on the plane."

"Yeah," Ye Zhiqiu seemed a little unconcerned, then smiled and said, "But he is indeed quite handsome, and he has a good temperament. It seems that you two get along well. Are you really not a boyfriend?"

Her words made Jia Ting involuntarily think of the harmonious relationship between herself and Qin Luo on the plane, and the picture Qin Luo drew for herself.

For a while, her face looked a little unnatural, but she shook her head and said, "No."

Ye Zhiqiu said reassuringly: "That's good, otherwise Ziming will probably die of heartbreak when he finds out."

Jia Ting shook her head: "You know, I only think of Ye Ziming as the big brother I grew up with, and I don't have any feelings at all.

"Emotions can be cultivated."

"If you really want to have feelings, it has been cultivated for such a long time since childhood. The key problem is that they are too familiar, and it is difficult to have feelings between men and women. I know very well that he is not the type I like."

"But you also know that although baby kissing is not in the mood now, the matter between you and Ziming is something that both families are optimistic about, and your grandfather's greatest wish is

I want to see you get married with my own eyes.

Jia Ting moved her lips, as if she wanted to refute, but in the end she just sighed and asked, "Is my grandfather in good health?"

Ye Zhiqiu said softly: "It should be okay, I don't know too well, you will know when you go back and see for yourself."

Jia Ting responded softly, then stopped talking, lay back on the chair and closed her eyes to rest her mind, but what echoed in her mind was the unfinished painting.

"You can do it, boy, was that your girlfriend just now? Not bad, she has the three-point beauty of your mother back then, and she is worthy to be my daughter-in-law."

In a black Volkswagen car, Qin Luo's nonchalant father was driving with a cigarette in his mouth, while talking about the scene he had just seen from afar.

Qin Luo sighed helplessly, and explained a third time: "She's really not my girlfriend, she just happened to come back together."

Qin's father smacked his lips: "If you're not a girlfriend, then you can become a girlfriend. I think it's okay. There's nothing wrong with it. If it's really not good, the older one is fine too.

Qin Luo was speechless at the time: "Why do you say that as if I'm going to be a bachelor? Are you in such a hurry?"

Father Qin glanced at Qin Luo with disdain: "You know what, high-quality women are in high demand these days.

At this age, it's not easy to hit the nail on the head. It's purely luck. "

God is so sharp...

Qin Luo sighed helplessly. Although he had known for a long time how incomprehensible his father was, every time he heard his speech that was completely inconsistent with his age, experience, and identity, he still felt a little nervous in his heart.

There will be a strong sense of disobedience.

He didn't want to talk about dating with his father anymore. He was afraid that his father would say something like "You can cook the raw rice first" and change the subject:

"Have you noticed that I've become handsome?"

Father Qin glanced at him and smiled disdainfully.

"What do you mean?" Qin Luo was not happy at the time. After all, he was also a man who was hailed as a school girl by his alma mater. Can he bear this grievance?

Qin's father smacked his lips and said, "Isn't it normal that you are handsome? It means that you have inherited my good genes, and don't pretend, your father and I were ten times more handsome than you back then. You,

Oh, the little witch sees the big witch. "

Qin Luo sucked his teeth and wanted to refute at the time, but after thinking about it later, there was no need to be angry with a bad old man.

Seeing that his son wasn't arguing with him, Qin's father felt bored, and asked casually, "Where's your sister? How's it going?"

"She... is okay, pretty good," Qin Luo responded casually.

Because he knew in his heart that Jiang Zhitao and Jiang Tianyao made a bet, Qin Luo's tone was a bit strange when he spoke.

He realized later, afraid that his father would ask again after he heard something, but unexpectedly, his father's reaction was quite flat, as if the sentence just now was really a random question

, does not have any special meaning.

Turning his head, he found that his father just responded casually while driving, which made Qin Luo feel a little puzzled.

After Jiang Zhitao left, the mother was depressed all day long, shedding tears at every turn, as if her daughter was not taken away by her own parents, but was dragged to jail.

It wasn't until I saw my daughter on TV later, and until my daughter was doing well and became a big star, that my heart finally settled down a little, but I still couldn't help missing my daughter.

In contrast, Qin's father's performance was relatively flat. In the days when Jiang Zhitao had just left, Qin's father was obviously depressed, but this was mainly because of his depressed mother.

Later, Qin's mother's mentality gradually improved, and Qin's father returned to his previous inconspicuous appearance.

In contrast, Qin's mother's reaction is more real, while Qin's father's reaction is more like not paying much attention to this matter.

In the past, Qin Luo didn't pay much attention to this matter, but now he is more mature than before, and he looks at things from a different angle. He always feels that there may be something hidden in it, so

So I couldn't help but ask.

He said, "You don't seem to care much about her?"

"What's there to be concerned about?" Qin's father took a puff of cigarette, and said lightly, "She left with her own parents, and she's not going to jail, can she still be killed?"

"That's what you say, but you have been her adoptive father for fifteen years after all."

"Ham, as parents, what we hope most is for our child to be well. She has become a big star now, isn't she very good? I'm worried about the ball."

Looking at his sloppy appearance, Qin Luo also felt that maybe he was really thinking too much.

Qin Luo's home is located in a small county in Beihe Province, close to Didu, only two hours away by car.

Two hours later, the car drove out of the high-speed toll booth.

On the facing green belt, there stands a huge stone with the welcome slogan of this small county written on it.

After half a year, I don't really miss it, but it is inevitable that there will be a feeling of "going home".

Qin Luo opened the window, bathed in the night breeze, and looked at the familiar buildings and scenery passing by, feeling inexplicably at ease.

After eight o'clock, the car drove into an old community of some age, and finally stopped in front of one of the buildings.

Qin Luo carried all the gift bags in his hands, and walked upstairs with Qin's father.

Yes, walk upstairs, because it is an old community, and there are only six floors, so there is no elevator in this building.

And Qin Luo's house lived on the fifth floor.

In the past, Qin Luo lacked exercise. Although he was not out of breath when he went up to the fifth floor, his heartbeat would inevitably speed up after he finished.

It's not the case now, there's no pressure at all to go up to the fifth floor, not to mention carrying a bunch of presents in your hand, even if you carry another Father Qin, it won't take much effort at all.

When he reached the fourth floor, Qin's father said: "Give me the things, I'll carry them for you, look at the 900, you're tired."

Qin Luo looked contemptuous: "You can pull it down, it's already at the door and you say this, isn't it hypocritical? Don't say that I won't be tired of carrying these things, and I won't be tired of carrying another one.

"Good guy, look at you. Isn't it time for you to go upstairs and downstairs to complain for a long time?" Qin's father mercilessly scolded his son, and then took a closer look.

, I was a little surprised to find that my son was really relaxed and neither blushing nor out of breath.

So he raised his hand and squeezed his son's arm, and then lifted his son's clothes, watching his son's abdominal muscles tsk-tsk: "Okay, brat, there is still a lump."

Qin Luo said lightly: "I'm not envious."

Qin's father sneered: "Your father and I were also strange men with eight-pack abs back then, so why should we envy you?"

Qin Luo rolled his eyes, didn't bother to talk to him, and strode up to the fifth floor.

Just about to take out the key to open the door, the door was opened from the inside.

A woman wearing an apron stood in the room, and she immediately smiled when she saw Qin Luo: "Your son is back.

"Hey, let's cook, mom," Qin Luo said as he entered the room, raised the bag in his hand, and said with a smile: "I brought you a present, let's see if it's empty.

Qin's mother subconsciously preached: "You child, you are not going on a trip, you will come back after the holiday, what gifts do you bring?"

Having said that, Qin's mother is still very useful in her heart, the smile on her face has become brighter several times, and she can't help but look through the gift bag.

After taking out the bag, silk scarf and sleeves from inside, Qin Ma said in surprise, "LV's? Are they expensive?"

"Tell me the truth, brat, where did you get the money?" Qin's father also asked.

When Qin Luo was picked up at the airport just now, Qin Luo casually threw the gift in the trunk, and Qin's father didn't care too much.

Looking at it now, I realized that they were all luxury brand packaging bags, which was a little surprising for a while.

Qin Luo said casually: "Don't worry, it doesn't have much money, just see if you like it."

"I like it, but..." My mother is still a little uneasy.

At this time, Father Qin found the expensive kitchen knife. He just took a look at it in his hand, then squinted at Qin Luo, and asked, "Did your sister give you the money?"

When he said this, his tone was completely different from the incongruous look before, and there was even a hint of sharpness that Qin Luo regarded as an illusion.

He explained casually: "I'm learning to trade in stocks recently, and I made a little money."

"Stock trading?"

Qin's mother was stunned for a moment, but she didn't think much about it, she easily accepted the argument, and then muttered: "Mom also heard that many people have made a fortune in stocks in recent years, but you should take it easy, don't invest in it." Too much money, it’s okay to lose money, the key is not to be in debt, you know?”

"Understood, mom, don't worry, I know what's going on," Qin Luo nodded, then looked at his father, wanting to see his reaction.

I thought my father would ask a few more questions, but what I didn't expect was that my father just nodded and showed a look of indifference to his stock trading

on the line.

After finishing speaking, he ignored the fine leather shoes and belt, and started playing with the kitchen knife. While groping for the blade with fine patterns with his fingers, he said in a loud voice.

: "It's okay, good knife."

After the simple exchange of greetings, my mother suddenly slapped her thigh and said, "Hey, the soup is still cooking, son, go to the living room and sit for a while, dinner will be ready soon."

After speaking, he hurried back to the kitchen, and Qin's father also went in to help.

Qin Luo came to the living room and sat down on his own, looking around at the place where he had lived for twenty years.

The TV that is rarely turned on except for watching the Spring Festival Gala, the air conditioner that is only turned on in summer, the windows that want to be opened with great effort, and always look sluggish

potted plant.

After a few months, everything is still as it is in memory.

The only difference from when I was a child is that there is a missing girl who can sing and dance at home.

There was an extra rustic girl with old-fashioned hairstyle, braces, round glasses, and freckles on her face.

...huh? Rustic girl?!

Qin Luo froze for a moment, looking at the girl who suddenly appeared in sight, he was a little confused for a while. .

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