Confession 99 Times, Gao Leng's School Girl's Persona Collapsed

Chapter 92 It's Obviously I Came First

A sudden update, haha, I didn't expect it!

I didn't expect that in the morning, I felt that I might die suddenly at any time, but I felt much better after infusion for a whole day, the fever subsided a little, and I didn't feel so dizzy, so I could barely write.

So I started to write with my mobile phone from the afternoon, thinking that I could write a little bit, and finally made up enough chapters. Although it was much less than usual, it was not interrupted. The doctor said that it would be okay to stay in the hospital for a day or two. If you are seriously ill, you can be discharged from the hospital, and I will make up for everyone when the time comes, Wang Haihan.

The girl who appeared in the rearview mirror, Qin Luo, has not been seen for two months.

Although they had already cut off contact two months ago, the things that happened in the past were completely wiped out.

Seeing it suddenly now made him a little unexpected.

By the way... When Jia Ting kissed me just now, Ji Yan should have seen it, right?

"What's wrong?" Seeing him staring at the rearview mirror, Jia Ting couldn't help asking.

Qin Luo hesitated for a moment, then said, "I saw Ji Yan."

"Ji Yan?"

Jia Ting froze for a moment, then glanced through the rearview mirror, her face full of surprise.

At the same time, she thought, if Ji Yan was in the square just now, then there's no reason why she didn't notice that scene when they kissed.

Thinking of this, Jia Ting felt a little embarrassed.

The embarrassing thing is that although she still believes that everyone has the full power to pursue their own happiness and should not choose to regress because of someone, but everyone is still roommates after all, even if she is walking with Qin Luo now, she should not stimulate People.

Of course, Jia Ting didn't intend to provoke Ji Yan, she hadn't noticed Ji Yan at all before this, so of course there was no possibility of doing it intentionally.

It's just that I really didn't expect such a coincidence to happen, so it was inevitable to be embarrassed.

So she took out her phone and turned on the do not disturb mode.

"Was that... Qin Luo just now? What is he... What are he and Jia Ting doing?"

On the square, Wuyan looked at the direction the car was going away with a look of disbelief.

She muttered to herself, wanting to rush forward to question countless times, but she couldn't bring up the courage at all.

In any case, she never thought that the boy she had been hoping to make him turn back, when she saw him again, there were already other girls beside him.

What was even more unexpected was that that girl was actually his good friend.

When she witnessed the scene of Qin Luo and Jia Ting kissing under the gaze of countless people, the shock caused by that moment made Ji Yan feel dizzy in the brain, and even her breathing became obviously stagnant .

And beside her, there are Hao Meng and Shi Yulu who went shopping together.

Compared to Ji Yan, the reaction of the two of them was not too shocking. After all, they knew that Qin Luo and Jia Ting were "suspected" to be together a month ago. Now that they have witnessed such a scene with their own eyes, it is even more This fact is confirmed.

However, while not shocking, it will still be surprising.

Firstly, they didn't expect that a dignified girl like Jia Ting would take the initiative to kiss a boy in public, and secondly, they didn't expect that such a scene would happen to be seen by them.

The most important thing is to be seen by Ji Yan.

Hao Meng and Shi Yulu subconsciously cast a subtle look at Ji Yan, and then heard Xing Yan seem to be talking to himself.

Her lips moved slightly, her slight voice and absent-minded eyes were generally distracted.

"why why......"

"It was me, it was me first, obviously I came first..."

"Whether it's kissing, hugging, or liking him, it's obviously me first..."

The strong sense of unreality made Ji Yan even have the urge to vomit for a moment, she squatted on the ground covering her mouth.

Seeing this, Shi Yulu and Hao Meng on the side hurried forward to support her.

Shi Yulu hurriedly asked, "Ji Yan, what's wrong with you?"

Hao Meng also wanted to say a few words of concern, but all her thoughts were on Ji Yan's murmured words just now.

In an anime she watched that made her liver hurt, one of the heroines also made a similar speech, but she didn't know whether Ji Yan had watched that anime or was expressing her feelings.

The former should be enough, after all, she hasn't seen anime after the season in the past two years.

if the latter one…………

Well, there is no other meaning, I just think it is quite appropriate.

Hao Meng shook her head, threw out all those inexplicable thoughts, and then asked concerned: "Ji Yan, are you okay||?"

Hearing their voices, Ji Yan seemed to have caught a life-saving straw. She turned her head to look at them and asked pleadingly, "That wasn't Jia Ting just now, right? It wasn't Jia Ting, right?"

For Ji Yan, the fact that Qin Luo has a girlfriend is not particularly difficult to accept, because it does not conflict with her continuing to like Qin Luo. She believes that Qin Luo will soon change his mind.

But what she couldn't accept was that the person who got together with Qin Luo was actually her good friend.

Therefore, she is eager to get a positive answer from the two friends.

However, the silence of the two friends seemed to silently give her the most unacceptable answer.

For a moment, Ji Yan's already fair face became even paler, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Hao Meng and Shi Yulu hurriedly gave birth to comfort, but Ji Yan still turned a deaf ear to him, and just muttered to himself in a daze: "Why is it Jia Ting...Why is it Jia Ting...

As she spoke, she suddenly seemed to remember something, took out her mobile phone and called Jia Ting.

Then, the phone rang "The user you dialed is busy".

Call again, still the same beep.

Repeated several times, unchanged.

Ji Yan's fingers holding the phone trembled, and he almost failed to hold the phone.

She pursed her lips, stared steadily at the direction Qin Luo had just driven away for a while, then turned and left without saying a word.

"Ji Yan, where are you going?"

"I don't know...... Shall we follow and see?"

Hao Meng and Shi Yulu looked at each other, then nodded to each other, and after seeing Ji Yan got in the car and left, they quickly followed in a taxi.

Seeing that Ji Yan took a taxi home, the two of them also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Ji Yan didn't rush to find Qin Luo and Jia Ting impulsively, not to mention whether she could find them, even if she found them, what could she do?

Go up and ask why Qin Luo is with Jia Ting? Or ask why Jia Ting is with Qin Luo?

In what capacity? Qin Luo's ex-girlfriend? Or Jia Ting's friend?

Speaking of being an ex-girlfriend, I'm afraid even Ji Yan himself is embarrassed to admit this identity, because until the day of the school celebration party, Ji Yan has always insisted that they are just ordinary friends

As for Jia Ting's friends, there is no position to say anything about them.

As friends, it is right to offer blessings at this time, but Hao Meng and Shi Yulu feel that with Ji Yan's character, there is a high probability that they will rush forward to tear each other under such circumstances.

Fortunately, Ji Yan finally returned home and avoided the worst thing from happening.

So the two of them also went back home. On the way home, they also tried to contact Qin Luo and Jia Ting.

But no reply was received either by phone call or message.

This made them both depressed.

"Mengmeng, tell me what will happen in school tomorrow?"

"Does it need to be said? Ji Yan's EQ is so low, he will definitely go straight to the point when he comes up, and Jia Ting is so strong, every minute is the rhythm of tearing."

"You still think that others have low EQ?!!!"

"Please pay attention to the key points, thank you."

"Oh, what you said is also reasonable, but I really don't want to see them like this. We are all good friends, why did it become like this?"

"Yeah, it's the first time I have someone I like, and it's the first time I have someone who can be a lifelong friend. It would have been double happiness, but why did it become like this..."

Shi Yulu sighed, and was about to echo, when she suddenly felt something, and looked at Hao Meng warily: "Did you just say something bad?"

Hao Meng looked away guiltily: "I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense."

Although Shi Yulu didn't believe it, she didn't pursue it any further. She just felt a headache about what happened tomorrow.

Huangpu River, The Bund.

If you want to say where the traffic in Shanghai is the largest, it is definitely Shanghai.

Qin Luo remembers the first time he came here out of admiration, he was really shocked by the flow of people here.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there are huge crowds of people. If the sky happens to be filled with boiling water, it is almost equivalent to cooking a pot of human meat dumplings.

When it was the worst, there was a policeman standing guard every 50 meters to maintain traffic order and implement traffic control.

Because of this, Qin Luo has been in Shanghai for two years, but he has only been to the Bund once.

There was no way, it was the time when there were the most people, and I was really scared.

But there is one thing to say, the scenery is really good, at a glance, you can see the stable and quiet Huangpu River, and across the bank is the most prosperous CBD area in the entire magic city, the Oriental Pearl Tower, the central building and other towering and gorgeous buildings.

The whole picture is fused together, which is a gorgeous picture scroll that can only be produced in this era.

However, the reason why Qin Luo brought Jia Ting here today was not just to see the scenery.

On the Huangpu River, there are boats drifting past from time to time.

They will carry some guests to and from both sides of the Huangpu River for the guests to take pictures and have fun.

The process is very short, but the price is very expensive, 280 yuan for adults and 220 yuan for children.

A young couple stood by the river, watching the boats passing by in the Huangpu River, watching the laughter and laughter of the passengers on it, without any envy.

"Husband, I also want to take a boat, the girl hugged the boy's arm and became coquettish.

The boy agreed without further ado and said, "No problem, let's buy a ticket right away.

He took the girl to the ticket office, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the ticket price.

Two tickets actually cost 560 yuan, and this is only a one-way ticket. If you go back and forth, you need to add 140 yuan, which means that it costs 700 yuan for two people to play around the Huangpu River.

How black is this!

The boy immediately had the urge to turn his head and leave, but in the end he gritted his teeth and walked away while taking out his cell phone [smiling and said to his girlfriend: "I'll answer the call first.

He said he was answering the phone, but he actually called his roommate.

"Brother, how much money do you have?"

"one thousand."

"The rivers and lakes are in an emergency, lend me a hand."

"For that woman? Let me ask you, how much do you like her?"

"I've never liked a woman so much in my life!"

"Then I will pay one hundred."

"One hundred is fine."

Not long after, the boy received a transfer of 500 yuan from his roommate. He was relieved immediately, and quickly bought two tickets.

Although the boy deliberately hides himself, the girl actually puts all this

You can see it all.

In other words, she already knew that the boy was borrowing money when she came out to play with her several times, but she didn't care, as long as she had fun anyway, as for the boy

What will happen, she doesn't care about appreciation.

When returning back, the boy saw that a ship seemed to be about to set sail, so he hurriedly pulled the girl and ran all the way over, saying: "|| Hurry up, let's get on the boat."

"Yeah," the girl followed the boy and was about to board the boat.

However, a staff member suddenly stood in front of them.

"Sorry you two, you can't get on this ship, the staff member said softly.

"Why?" The boy stared at that moment.

I just bought the ticket by gritting my teeth and stomping my feet, but you still won’t allow me to board the boat, is it plausible?!

The girl was also puzzled, but she was not as excited as the boy. She just looked at the staff with puzzled eyes.

Then I heard the staff explain: "I'm really sorry, this ship has been chartered by another customer, you can take the next return ship, which caused you a lot of trouble.

Sorry for the inconvenience. "

The girl slowly opened her eyes wide: "Wrapped up by...?"

The boy was also full of disbelief: "A ferry ticket is so expensive, is there anyone willing to buy it? How much does it cost?!"

Hearing this, the girl gave him a contemptuous look: "Large mob, have you seen the central building opposite? Someone bought a 5-second large-screen advertisement for Id for 100,000 before.

o What about birthdays, compared to what is chartering a boat?"

Even though she said so, she actually felt very envious.

The behavior of chartering a boat like this is definitely not for the sake of going on the Huangpu River alone to enjoy the scenery?

After all, even if the scenery of the Huangpu River is beautiful, it is only beautiful with the blessing of the luxurious buildings on both sides. In fact, to put it bluntly, there are ten rivers in the city.

If you really have the pleasure of chartering a river cruise, wouldn't it be better to change to a scenic spot?

The only possibility is that this must be a boy bringing a girl on a date.

For this reason, a special boat was chartered!

So romantic, and so rich, it's much better than the idiot around me who has to ask his roommate to borrow money to buy a boat ticket...

Thinking of this, the girl suddenly felt envious.

It was also at this time that they heard footsteps coming from behind.

The girl looked back subconsciously, and then she froze in place, her eyes wide open, staring at the boy who was walking slowly without blinking.

Even with her knowledge of people in the entertainment industry, she couldn't tell a few people who could match the appearance of the man in front of her.

(well done) This.....this is really...hiss.

The girl wiped the corners of her mouth subconsciously, then glanced at the woman beside her, and curled her lips involuntarily.

The boy who failed to board the boat was already depressed, but now he saw the woman he liked showing such a nympho to another man.

He wanted to get angry with the girl, but he didn't dare. Of course, he couldn't say anything to a stranger. He just said something weird: "This ship has been taken

It's a bag, you'd better wait for the next search. "

The man who was walking towards him was originally talking and laughing, but after hearing this, he suddenly fell silent.

The boy smiled triumphantly, and then suddenly heard the staff behind him say: "Sir, Ma'am, everything is ready, please board the ship."

"Thank you," Qin Luo nodded towards him and led Di Ting to walk forward.

When passing by the boy, he showed him an inexplicable smile.

For some reason, Qin Luo had a pretty smile, even as a boy he had to admit that he was pretty, but he saw a trace of pity in it.

This pity was magnified infinitely, and finally turned into ridicule in the boy's eyes, which made the boy feel a little ashamed for no reason.

He turned his head to look at his girlfriend, only to find that his girlfriend's gaze was still fixed on the man's back, obsessively.

The man didn't get angry, and complained: "Isn't it just that I have two stinky money, when I have money, I will also charter a boat to take you to Jiangsheng.

"You?" The girl glanced at him, walked back with a sneer, and said as she walked, "Pull you down."

Seeing this, the boy quickly chased after him: "Hey, baby, why are you going, don't you still have to take a boat?"

"I'm not in the mood, don't sit down."

"Huh? But...but I've bought all the tickets."

"You can take it and return it."

"But... it shouldn't be possible to retreat, right?"

"Then you won't take it and sell it to others at a low price?"

"It's such a pity...forget it, let me try."

Seeing that he actually turned his head away and sold the ferry tickets in his hand to others with a contemptible smile, the girl sneered, turned around and left. .

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