During the day, the magic capital is like a ruthless steel forest, shrouded in depression and seriousness everywhere.

And at night, it will tear off the serious veil, revealing the charm that makes people addicted and unable to extricate themselves.

As big as those gorgeous modern buildings, as small as everyone on the side of the road, they will be the embodiment of the charm of this city.

The endless vehicles on the street are also a manifestation of charm.

It's just that at this moment, the charm of the two cars is too eye-catching.

The black Maserati is running fast, like the queen of the night, its domineering way of driving makes other vehicles daunting, and they will avoid it involuntarily.

And it completely ignored the traffic laws, rampaging through several red warning lights, and almost caused a car accident several times in a row.

The dark green Continental GT followed closely behind. Compared with the rampant Maserati, it looked more elegant and calm. It walked through the traffic with an extremely flexible figure, like a dancing elf, and almost collided with other vehicles several times. Collision, but can always avoid it dangerously.

The dark green elf followed closely behind the black queen. It seemed that it might be thrown away at any time, but it still held on tightly, refusing to retreat at all.

"This kid......"

Ye Zhiqiu smacked his mouth, and there was an unconcealable horror on his beautiful face.

Jia Ting looked behind frequently, and the tears that had just stopped flowing out again.

She prayed countless times that Qin Luo would stop chasing him, but when the familiar car was blocked by other vehicles, it would appear again soon, which made her both pleasantly surprised and painful.

Jia Ting struggled with the incomparably complicated mood. She clenched her fists tightly and lowered her head to force herself not to look in the rearview mirror.

"Jia Ting, what's the background of your little boyfriend?"

Ye Zhiqiu's sudden question made Jia Ting involuntarily raise her head, and she asked, "What do you mean?"

"This driving skill is not something that a twenty-year-old college student can possess. Are you sure he is not a professional racing driver?"

Jia Ting thought for a while, then said hesitantly: "On the way of traveling, I only think that he drives very steadily, but I have no chance to find out whether his driving skills are good..."

As she spoke, Jia Ting also felt a bit stunned.

Because of the angle and position, and she kept forcing herself not to look back, she didn't know how Qin Luo drove along the way.

But Ye Zhiqiu watched the whole process of driving, saying that she was overbearing is not enough to describe it, this is completely ignoring traffic laws and driving without regard for the consequences.

But even in such a situation, Qin Luo was still able to follow closely, biting at the back... How did he drive this way?


Ye Zhiqiu couldn't answer Jia Ting's doubts, because she was also shocked by what Qin Luo saw in the rearview mirror while looking at the car.

She slammed her mouth and had to give up the plan to throw Qin Luo away, because according to this driving method, even if she drove the car desperately onto the sidewalk, Qin Luo might be able to chase him all the way, and finally It is also inevitable that they will be caught up.

The only way is to need a third party to intervene.

Ye Zhiqiu took out his mobile phone and made a call.

On the side of a certain road, the driver of a Volkswagen connected to his mobile phone.

"big sister head."

"Is it possible to force the car behind me to stop?"

"Big sister head, I'm a demon god who deserves a false name...

"Stop talking nonsense, I ask you if you can do it?"

"completely fine!"

"Then move, now! Immediately!"


Just as the driver was about to hang up the phone, the other person suddenly added: "Don't hurt him."

After speaking, the phone hung up.

The driver was stunned for a moment, then put down the phone, with an excited smile on his face, stepped on the accelerator, and drove away.

In the magic city with many luxury cars, his Volkswagen can only be regarded as the most inconspicuous one, but when this car appears on the road with an elegant posture like a dragon swimming, it becomes the most beautiful of all cars cub.

Not long after, he finally found the Continental GT that was regarded as the target.

This two-door sports car with elegant appearance and luxurious interior is equipped with a 6.0TW12 engine with high power and horsepower.

It looks elegant and dignified, but when it becomes violent, it looks like a beast, and other vehicles will not be its opponent at all.

However, the Volkswagen driver did not back down at all. Instead, he licked his lips excitedly and stepped on the accelerator even harder.

Boom—Volkswagen exploded with a strong horsepower that did not belong to it originally, and caught up with Bentley in just ten seconds, and began to wait for an opportunity to force it to a stop.

The car in front was getting closer and Volkswagen tried to form a double-team with the car in front and stopped the Bentley behind.

However, Bentley seemed to have seen through its thoughts long ago, and flew out one step ahead, easily overtaking the car in front and using the Volkswagen behind.

"Tsk, what a nice car," the Volkswagen driver murmured.

His eyes lit up, as if he had encountered a prey, with an excited smile on his face, he continued to step on the accelerator and chased after him, trying to force the Bentley to a stop in a more aggressive way.

But after all, he still underestimated the driver of the Bentley. Whenever he used the terrain or other vehicles to try to stop the Bentley, the Bentley would always be the first to save the day, or go through corners with incomparably dexterous and tricky turns. or obstacles.

On the highway where countless vehicles are speeding, it is like a supercomputer driving in the torrent of information composed of old computer codes. All obstacles in front of it are like a joke that can be easily overcome. generally.

When another curve came, the driver of the Volkswagen stepped on the accelerator, trying to block it at the intersection by drifting.

Bentley is elegant at almost the same time, but bypasses the public with a more extreme attitude.

At that moment, the bodies of the two people almost passed each other, the driver of the Volkswagen turned his head and looked aside, and he clearly saw the appearance of the driver of the Bentley.

A man who is too young and too handsome.

The Volkswagen driver regarded him as a temporary opponent, but the other party didn't seem to care about him at all, his eyes were always fixed on the front, and after a drift passed by the Volkswagen, he drove away amidst the violent roar.

Light as a frightened bird, like a swimming dragon!

The driver of the Volkswagen became more and more frightened. He called himself the God of Magic City. This is not a bragging, but a recognized title after several contests with others.

And with such a title, he naturally has unparalleled talent and ability in car driving skills, and he can clearly see how strong a driver is.

Originally, he thought that with his own ability, it was not impossible to be comparable to professional drivers.

But after meeting this Bentley, he found that he was really naive at first.

If he can only compete with professional drivers, then the opponent is beyond the level of professional drivers.

In other words, his opponent who keeps saying "no problem" is not on the same level as him at all!

The driver of Volkswagen didn't feel frustrated because he knew what is beyond others and beyond the sky, but he still felt very unbelievable because the other party's appearance was too young, he looked like a college student .

"Sister Zhiqiu really gave me a problem."

The Volkswagen driver gave a wry smile, then picked up his mobile phone, made a call, and said bluntly: "Come to my place immediately, and force a Bentley to stop with me."

Not long after, another five vehicles joined the battlefield.

However, apart from slightly interfering with Bentley's forward pace, their appearance still failed to completely stop it.

When they were left behind by Bentley once, looking at the taillights of Bentley walking away, there was only a deep sense of frustration in their hearts.

"What kind of monster is this!"

"A Continental GT looks like an F1 driver, isn't the driver a fairy?"

"If you can't run or win, you can't win, I accept this wave of operations.

The body of the magic capital is about to change hands. "

"Ha ha ha ha...……"

The drivers who were called by the Volkswagen owner were also very optimistic, speaking and laughing in spite of their frustration.

The owner of the Volkswagen car also had a wry smile on his face. In fact, it’s not that they really can’t do anything about it. After all, the other party is a car, not a rocket. As long as it is running on the road, he has the means to force it to a complete stop, but the means will be rough. .

Remembering Ye Zhiqiu's special order "don't hurt him", the owner of the Volkswagen car thought for a while, dialed a phone number, and explained: "The big sister head, it's not a small one who doesn't work hard, but an enemy


"I see, trash, you can't handle this, what do you need?"

"I'm wronged, my sister, I called all my brothers, and the six cars didn't stop him. The most terrifying time, that kid actually erected the car. This was done by someone. Something? We are humans, not gods, and we can't do ghosts..."

"Stop talking nonsense, he must be forced to stop!"


"Use tricks...no, auntie, don't you

As soon as Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking, everyone heard another girl's eager voice from the opposite side.

But the owner of the Volkswagen car honestly didn't ask more questions, just waited silently.

Not long after, Ye Zhiqiu's voice sounded again: "I told you that I will not let him have an accident... force him to stop by means, it doesn't matter if the car is destroyed, I will pay for you to replace it with a new one."

The Volkswagen owner automatically ignored the first half of the sentence, because it was obviously not meant for him.

And the second half of Ye Zhiqiu's words made him excited, and he responded, "Concubine!"

After the call ended, the owner of the Volkswagen car called again and said loudly: "Brothers, take care of things, I'm fucking on fire! Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!"

After all, he directly took out a set of valuable protective clothing from the trunk and put it on his body.

Among them, the expensive tempered helmet alone can ensure that his head can safely fly away from his body in a collision at a speed of more than 200km/h.

Not long after, six cars were on the road again with violent roars.

And when they caught up with Bentley again, Duan Ye's tactics were no longer gentle.

They didn't measure the distance between cars, observe the environment, or even brake to slow down as they approached.

When Bentley arrived at an intersection, six cars from four directions rushed out at the same time, colliding with each other at a very fast speed.

Boom boom boom...

The sudden collision sound made Jia Ting tremble subconsciously. She quickly looked in the rearview mirror, and at a glance saw several cars colliding and rolling violently at the intersection behind.

Billowing thick smoke rose in all directions, and the panicked crowd fled in all directions, but the Bentley, which had been biting hard at the back, never rushed out of the thick smoke and appeared in the Maserati's rearview mirror again.


Jia Ting's breathing stagnated for a while, and Lian turned pale in an instant. She pulled the door handle almost subconsciously with her right hand, trying to open the car door, but the closed car lock prevented her from succeeding.

Ye Zhi Qiuchen said angrily: "Are you crazy? At this speed, you can jump off and smash your clever little head into a brainless one."

"Open the door, let

I'm getting off, I'm going to see Qin Luo, I'm going to see Qin Luo!"

Jia Ting kept pulling the door of the car, with a deep cry in her eager voice.

Crystal tears covered her fair face in the blink of an eye, adding a touch of heartbreaking beauty to her normally dignified self.

Ye Zhiqiu sighed: "My aunt has always done what she said to you, Qin Luo will be fine."

"Then just now..."

"It's my subordinates, but they will be fine, after all, it's not the first time they did it, and they finally forced Qin Luo to stop.

Knowing this, Ye Zhiqiu let out a long breath.

For the first time, she felt relieved to find that the Bentley no longer appeared in the rearview mirror.

She hasn't felt this feeling of being pressed by others for a long time, but she didn't expect that after so many years, it would be a 20-year-old boy who gave her this feeling

Ye Zhiqiu slowed down the speed of the car, rolled down the window, took out another pack of women's cigarettes, lit it, and took a deep breath, his slightly tense face was relieved a little.

After a few seconds, she said slowly: "You little boyfriend, you have outstanding looks, outstanding temperament, and you are also very capable. If there is a chance, I would like to make friends with him."

friend. "

Her words made Jia Ting's eyes light up, and she couldn't help but said, "Auntie, you think he's very nice too, don't you?"

"It's very good, but it's not enough," Ye Zhiqiu exhaled again, and said, "At least, it's not enough to snatch the Ye family."

Jia Ting opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she still didn't say anything.

So she tightened her lips, and when her lips trembled because they were too tight, she bit them with her teeth, so that her pink lips showed a tinge of purple.

"I will find a way. This time I will go back to the imperial capital, and I will solve this matter myself!" Her voice was not loud, but her words were sonorous.

Ye Zhiqiu remained silent until he finished his cigarette, then accelerated the car again, and disappeared into the thick night not long after.

On the other side, at the intersection where the accident occurred, six cars were completely changed in the violent collision.

All the surrounding vehicles stopped and got their legs back, lest it would be affected.

Passersby fled away one after another, and at the same time did not forget to take out their mobile phones to take pictures and send them to Moments.

The visual impact of such a large-scale car accident is not weaker than that of a masterpiece movie, and it is worth being shocked in their hearts for a long time.

And when the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, a scene that shocked them even more appeared.

Among the ruins of six cars, a dark green Bentley stood out.

Because it was unscathed, just surrounded by traffic-damaged cars, so that it could not move.

How lucky is it to not be affected by such a car accident?

Pedestrians lamented the man's luck against the sky.

And in the driving seat of the Bentley, Qin Luo looked around indifferently.

Panicked pedestrians, quiet streets, damaged cars, and those drivers who don't know whether they are alive or dead.

All of these are not worthy of attention in Qin Luo's eyes.

Why did he look into the distance, as if he saw the Maserati going away in the dark.

It wasn't until the siren sounded from far to near that he seemed to come back to his senses, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The phone was connected quickly, and a woman's pleasantly surprised voice came: "`||Mr.

It was only after the verification was completed that it was confirmed that all the money came from normal and legal sources, so..."

"Do me a favor," Qin Luo interrupted in a non-emotional tone.

Tang Rui, who was on the other side of the phone, was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said: "It's absolutely fine, please let me know if you need help, and I will do my best to help you!"

"Two things," Qin Luo said indifferently: "The first thing is that I will be taken to the police station in ten minutes because of speeding and dangerous driving in the city, and I will be released on bail.

"Uh, these two

Tang Rui was speechless for a moment, never expecting that Qin Luo's help would be such a thing.

He must have been caught racing in the city. After all, why do these rich kids like racing so much... Tang Rui complained in her heart.

"Is it difficult?" Qin Luo asked.

Tang Rui quickly came back to her senses, and hurriedly said: "I'm going to ask the leader for instructions, please give me three minutes!"

Drag racing and dangerous driving in the city, although the crimes are not particularly serious, Shin has broken the law.

Having said that, this is really not a big event. Given Qin Luo's strong financial strength and the degree to which the industry values ​​his potential, it is likely that Qin Luo will help solve it.

Three minutes later, a strange call came to Qin Luo's cell phone.

The other party was a middle-aged man, and he said, "Hello, Mr. Qin, I am a vice president of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Di Renqing, and you are a very high-quality customer of our bank.

Please, I can be responsible to help you solve it, but I have some details and need..."

"You don't need to know the details, I just need you to help me solve the problem."

Qin Luo interrupted coldly, and then without waiting for the other party's displeasure, he continued: "In the next month, my account in your bank will increase by at least 500 million yuan. If you want this

Don't ask too many questions, just do me this favor. "

After saying this, the other party did not reply for a while, but his heavy breathing, which was clearly audible through the receiver, showed his violently turbulent heart.

After a brief silence, he said: "Helping customers solve all difficulties and problems is the principle and foundation that our bank has always followed through. Please rest assured, Mr. Qin, I

Then I will personally come forward to solve this matter for you, and there will be no worries at all!"

"Very well, sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble, this is my job. In addition, I heard Xiao Tang said that you need help with two things. I don't know what the second thing is? It is mainly within the scope of my ability.

We will definitely do our best to solve your problems!"

"Let's talk about it when we meet."

Seeing the police car approaching, Qin Luo hung up the phone.

Many people were affected by this car accident, and Qin Luo was the first to bear the brunt. Even the police were surprised that Qin Luo was so lucky that he was not affected by such a collision (Wang's).

Then, Qin Luo was taken away, and he was the only one who was taken away, because he and his car had already been locked by the police for dangerous driving.

As for the drivers in the six cars, when the police saw the heavy protective clothing and tempered helmets on their bodies, they fell into deep thought collectively, and then sent them to the hospital.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Hao was taken to the nearest police station.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Luo came out from the bureau.

Along with him, there was also a middle-aged man with an unattractive appearance, and a young beauty in professional attire.

Tang Rui has contacted Qin Luo many times, but this is the first time she has seen Qin Luo in person.

The previous few contacts, whether it was helping Qin Luo to set up a stock trading account or helping him with large transfers, were all done online and remotely. She did not have the opportunity to meet Qin Luo in person, that is,

Even though I have seen Qin Luo's ID card photo in the bank's information database, I feel that the person in that photo is nothing special.

But after seeing Qin Luo himself, Tang Rui felt that she was wrong, very outrageous.

Qin Luo's handsomeness and temperament are the only ones she has ever seen in her life.

Just one glance can leave an indelible deep impression on any girl's heart - he has such a charm.

Especially at this time, his face is expressionless, does it seem that there is light shining in the deep pupils, it is breathtaking, people can't help but want to stare at him, trying to

To pry into his inner thoughts.

Such a man has a charm that makes any woman fall in love with him. Even Tang Rui, who is called a flower in the work unit, has a heart-throbbing feeling for the first time at this time.

Feeling recognized.

Her gaze fell on Qin Luo, and she couldn't move it away for a long time, while Di Renqing on the side kept looking at Qin Hao, and finally came to a conclusion of only four words - deep and unbearable

Having been immersed in the society for decades, he claims to have extraordinary experience and wisdom in identifying people, but now he can't see through this twenty-year-old boy.

He eagerly wants to know whether the boy's real source of income is as simple as trading in stocks?

Is there a huge family power behind him?

Otherwise, how dare he say "at least 500 million funds will flow in within a month" right out of his mouth?

Facing the many speculations in the minds of the two, Qin Luo did not answer, but expressed his second request immediately: "I want to embezzle 10 million.

Di Renqing frowned slightly, and asked tentatively: "Mr. Qin is planning to re-enter the stock market to make a fortune?"

Qin Luo shook his head, but what he said again made the two of them stunned on the spot.

"Help me contact the largest local taxi company," he said.

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