After finally knowing the news about Chuntai Fang, Chen Qing asked carefully.

"If actors want to become stars, they have to be crazy. The crazier they are, the easier it is to become a ghost, so actors have become a large category."

"Actors have extremely strong obsessions, so you must be careful. Some are not only "It's like the actor who plays Chenxiang. If he really thinks of himself as Chenxiang, he can split a mountain with one axe." "The actor who plays Chenxiang is very strong. Some... for example... for example, Dream of the Red Chamber, could it be just an ordinary person? "

"Generally speaking, it is so."

"But if you can change the environment, you don't care about anything and just turn around and run."

"Change the environment?" "The highest realm of an actor is called 'dream truth', which means he can bring the play he is performing into reality. For example, if there is a landslide in the play, he will bring it into reality. If there is a plague, he will also Bring it to reality. "

Chen Qing kept it in mind.

After thinking about it, he went into the entertainment room and started searching for information about opera actors.

It was obviously impossible to gain a deep understanding of opera in just one day.

But it is okay to look up some famous songs and learn about some relatively famous plays.

Once I looked it up, it took me more than ten hours.

"Master, I have successfully advanced to the next level."

The voice of Painted Skin suddenly came.

Chen Qing was startled and said happily : "Really!"

Looking at the Painted Skin... or rather the Thousand Faces Lady.

She smiled like a flower, like a girl next door.

It didn't seem to have changed much, but there was a very strange feeling.

She... didn't seem to be standing Here.

Similar to "no appearance", but definitely not.

No appearance means forgetting once you see it.

But Qianmian Niang, clearly standing in front of me, seems not to be here.

Qianmian Niang smiled, "I'm not here~ "

As soon as he said this, Chen Qing felt from the bottom of his heart that Qianmian Niang was not here.

Very contradictory.

"This is my fake form, which is much more powerful than before. No matter who I become now, I'm afraid no one in the world can see through me."

"And I have learned a kind of... 'deception', or you can say It's hypnosis, still a long way from supernatural powers, but it's somewhat useful."

"The Vajra Indestructible has made some progress, maybe it can beat the Dragon Bone Skeleton~"

The Thousand Faces Lady is in a very good mood.

Chen Qing is also in a very good mood , nodded and praised: "Awesome!"

Just like before, with one thought, the painted skin... Thousand Faces Lady, Thousand Faces Lady stuck to Chen Qing.

Immediately, Chen Qing shuddered!

There was an indescribable... pleasure .

"I was just a skin before, but now... I am a real person, a real woman."

The Thousand Faces Lady said this with deep meaning.

Chen Qing is a straight man, but he can understand such straightforwardness. of.

He was somewhat at a loss, and touched his nose: "Hmm, hmm, not bad, not bad."

It was almost time, so Chen Qing said goodbye to Chen Kuan and Mr. Bai.

Chen Qing didn't understand how far the "momentum" should be cultivated.

At this moment, Chen Kuan The blood and qi were infinitely concentrated and infinitely huge, like a tsunami as huge as a mountain.

And Mr. Bai's momentum was also extremely sharp. Looking at the sword wrapped in white cloth, Chen Qing suddenly had an illusion: even if he was only a ghost, Little Karami from the Spring Realm can also use this sword to kill a... uh, Yin God-level ghost.

Well, it should be possible.

When he came outside, a few golden lights appeared, and Chen Qing had already appeared in the second small .

To Chen Qing's surprise, there were many more people.

Erxiao was the base of a centurion team. Normally, there should be only one centurion, Shitoushan, but there were three here at the moment.

The three centurions all had three heads and six arms, plus a sixth-grade brake, four people with twelve heads were chatting happily.

That voice was almost as loud as the aunties in an entire train compartment.

"Chen Qing! Come here!"

Sixth-grade The demon waved his hand.

Chen Qing saw this scene and was thoughtful.

Rakshasa attached great importance to the hierarchy.

A sixth-rank demon could hang out with a few centurions, either because he was strong enough to compete with these people, or because he had a sufficient background. "This is Centurion Shitoushan, you already know him."

"This is Centurion Langtu. The 100 men he leads are all good at charging and very brave."

"This is Centurion Dahaimu, He is a Rakshasa who is good at magic. "

Chen Qing met the three people one by one.

He was neither humble nor arrogant.

"I have heard about you. You are a man! Humans are cowardly and weak. You are not a human at all."

"Yes, it's not human at all."

This should be the highest compliment that the Rakshasa tribe gave to humans, but Chen Qing always felt a little annoyed when he heard this.

He didn't hesitate, patting his chest: "I just did what every man should do!"

"Women should wear makeup! Men should conquer the world!"

"Well said!"

Da Haimu nodded and said: "It is said that you are a great writer, and it is true! You can express so many truths in a few words, which is really amazing!"


Everything else is fine, but Chen Qing always feels a little ashamed to be praised for his literary talent...

Without the intention of chatting and entangled with them, Chen Qing bowed and left.

Return to his team.

Five people are intact, but Li Tiantian and others look almost disabled.

Li Tiantian's body is wrapped in heavy gauze, which should be the punishment she suffered in the insect prison.

She is definitely disfigured. Chen Qing whipped her face open with a whip, and when she fell to the ground, she peeled off the skin on half of her face.

Looking at Chen Qing at this moment, she felt terrified and hateful.

She didn't understand why this beast could be so cold-blooded and ruthless, even though they were both human beings!

Even if he wanted to curry favor with Luosha, he didn't have to sacrifice himself, right?

"Master, she's saying bad things about you in her heart!"

Chen Qing was stunned, "You can do this?"

"Yes, my tricks are very good now! I've heard most of the people with lower soul power than me, and I can even change them."

"This Qianmian Niang is a bit perverted..."

Chen Qing murmured, "What is she saying in her heart?"

After Qianmian Niang said that, Chen Qing sneered.

Compared with this injury, what are the more than one hundred teachers and students who were blocked by her and offered to Luosha?

If there is no accident during this trip to Chuntaifang, none of you will be able to come back!

After the Flower-Waisted Bride was promoted, she hasn't sewed human skin clothes for a long time.

Similarly, Mei Siping looked at Chen Qing with fear, but there was a sinister look in his eyes.

Since yesterday, he...became a eunuch!

He would rather have one of his hands cut off!

It doesn't matter if it's his left hand, right hand, or even both hands!

However, the broken ground is the most important part of a man!

He lowered his head, his heart full of resentment.

Among the ten people, Chen Qing hated Mei Siping and Li Tiantian the most.

He was the one who sold the news of the commander's base camp to Luosha last time.

The deaths of He Qiang, Zhang Mingyuan and others will be blamed on him.

"Xiao Qian, can you control him to attack me? I'll find a reason to kill him."

Hearing the name "Xiao Qian", Qianmian Niang was startled, and then smiled and said, "I'll try."

The next moment, Mei Siping suddenly drew out the Kunwu knife and stabbed Chen Qing!

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