After writing down their wishes, everyone continued to move forward.

The giant building looked like the Temple of Heaven, shrinking layer by layer and forming a cone.

When we reached the bottom, we found that each layer was a hundred meters high.

Looking up, we felt suffocated.

There were murals on the wall: golden people fighting and killing dark creatures.

I don't know what magic was cast, but when I stared at it, I could feel that the murals really moved.

"Could this golden person be a god?"

The gods were too mysterious, and they had always been at the top of the six paths and at the top of all living beings.

But even the knowledgeable Chen Kuan had only heard some illusory legends.

"I think so..." Kui Guan was a little uncertain: "Perhaps only the gods have the ability to create such a magnificent spectacle."

Chen Qing looked at Zhong Kui: "Zhong Kui, have you seen the gods?"

"Gods? Kui Bao has never seen them."

Continue to walk up, the steps are very large, each level is about one meter high.

Chen Qing counted as he walked.

No accidents happened. When Chen Qing counted to "999", everyone reached the top.

At the top, there was a huge golden door that was a hundred meters long and tightly closed. There was nothing behind the golden door, just a door.

At the door, there was a ten-meter-tall dried corpse sitting, and next to the dried corpse, there was a deformed man struggling to do something.

"General, you beast!"

The Marquis of the Evil Land was furious, pointing at the deformed man and cursing.

The man was frightened and turned around suddenly.

His body was extremely abnormal, and many parts were swollen as if a pillow was stuffed in. Half of his face was normal, and the other half was withered, just like a giant mummy.

Everyone's heart jumped.

Kui Guan was surprised: "He... he has been attacked by the heart poison!"

Liu Er Mihou moved suddenly!

The silver-wrapped bone stick in his hand slammed down heavily on the general, as powerful as thunder.

The general's face was ferocious, and his claw-like hand swung out, hitting the bone stick directly.


A shock wave exploded, but the general was unable to move.

With Liu Er Mihou's current strength, this attack was definitely at the level of a Taoist corpse, and the general was not a war-type ghost species, but he caught it easily.

Long Gu's wings were spread out, and he was about to join the battle, but Chen Qing hurriedly said: "Long Gu, don't use fire!"

The ghost fire of the netherworld is overbearing, and once it burns the body, it will be reduced to ashes.

Talents must not be lost.

Long Gu nodded and rushed into the battle.

Although the six-eared macaque and the dragon bone skeleton were only at the level of evil spirits, their combat power was definitely at the level of Taoist corpses. Although the general had strangely improved his strength, he was not the enemy of any one person.

Soon, the six-eared macaque hit a huge bulge on the general's shoulder with a heavy stick.


The huge abscess exploded, and the dragon bone chain suddenly stretched out, blocking himself and the six-eared macaque.

But what shocked everyone was that there was no blood plasma or juice inside, but a black child of two or three years old!

The child was a mummy, naked, and his whole body was dry, like dry firewood.

His face was roughly similar to that of a human, with a pair of eyes without whites, black all over, and two small protrusions on his forehead, which should be horns.

As soon as the child landed, he spread his feet, waved his little arms, and fled in one direction.

A dragon bone chain stretched out and tied him up tightly.

Six-eared macaque was shocked and almost hit by the general, but he recovered and continued to fight.

This time, Six-eared macaque hit all the abscesses on the general's body.

With his current martial arts, he was only one step behind Ten Thousand Enemies, and with just two moves, he broke another abscess.


The second mummy child was blown up, and as soon as he landed, he ran away barefoot and twisted his arms.

The dragon bone chain stretched out and tied it up tightly again.

As the two mummy children left his body, the general's strength was visibly declining.

Originally, he could take a blow from Six-eared macaque, but now that he was hit by the stick, he would immediately step back several steps.

Chen Qing shouted: "Six-eared, be careful, don't beat him to death!"


After the third stick went down, another mummy child fell to the ground.

Then, the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh...

As the seven mummified children left their bodies, the general could hardly stand, staggering and swinging his fists randomly.

The six-eared macaque chuckled, came behind him, and blew suddenly...


The general fell heavily to the ground with a thud.

The six-eared macaque randomly tapped his back with his bone stick, and he could no longer move.


Long Gu tied up the seven mummified children and the general and displayed them in front of Chen Qing.

The mummified children made a hoarse sound, and it was unclear whether they were crying or threatening. In their open mouths, even their tongues were black.

Looking at the general, he seemed to have lost his intelligence, roaring like a beast, muttering: "Mine!! All mine... mine!"

He frowned and looked at Kui Guan: "Is he like this because of the heart Gu? Can he be saved?"

"It is the heart Gu!" Kui Guan said respectfully: "The mother Gu can control the child Gu, but if it backfires, the child Gu's will will be imposed on the person who planted the mother Gu. His current mind is not much better than these little mummies."

"Infants and young children generally have weak soul power, so there will be no problem, but I think these things are weird. The general's soul power is not strong, and he forcibly planted multiple mother Gu, so it is normal for the backlash."

"Can it be solved?"

"I can take out the mother Gu, but the brain may be more or less affected."

Chen Qing nodded: "Take it."


The seven mummified children were still roaring.

No one cared.

Kui Guan took out a bamboo tube, with red smoke curling inside, twisting and blowing towards the general.

"Ah!!!" The general screamed and struggled violently, but was tightly bound by the dragon bone.

At this time, black blood had already gushed out of his nostrils. A moment later, a female Gu poked its head out and jumped into the bamboo tube.

Then, the second female Gu also jumped out and jumped into the bamboo tube.

Chen Qing's scalp was numb, and he made up his mind that he must not plant such a thing in his head.

The heart Gu himself is useful, but the person who planted it... still has to change someone.

The blood was gurgling, and it was scary to look at.

The eyelids of the Evil Earth Marquis and Mai were twitching!

They had all been planted with this thing, and they clearly remembered the pain when it was planted.

Kui Guan sneered: "You really don't know how to live or die. You actually planted four mother Gu!"

"You can't plant too many?"

"Of course, planting one is good. Planting two will affect your daily thinking. If you plant too many of these things, you will even think you are the person who planted the child Gu. No wonder he went crazy."

Four Gu worms ran out in succession. The general looked haggard and dead. He quickly called the coroner and treated him.

"Chen Qing, you said that this is what I can't solve?"

Chen Qing looked over and saw Zhong Kui standing at the feet of the mummy, looking up at the mummy.

Seemingly not liking this attitude of looking down on others, Zhong Kui snorted and quickly grew taller.

In a moment, he grew into a 20-meter giant.

He looked down at the mummy with a proud look, "Little mummy, nothing more than that!"

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