After the two of them had been together for a long time, Chen Qing pointed in a direction: "Go ahead, Bodhidharma is in the village ahead." After saying that, he felt annoyed. This is just like the routine tasks in low-quality web games. Just follow the instructions of the NPC and keep clicking the next step and you're done... The mad ghost thanked him solemnly: "Thank you, old man!" After the mad ghost left, Chen Qing came to the village with another golden light. A thought summoned the general and the filthy marquis: "Come on, come on, let's put on a good show." A moment later, the mad ghost arrived. After stopping at the entrance of the village to watch for a while, he was a little surprised: "It turns out that masters are not always in remote places, but there are masters in such a lively village."

The general knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Master, I am a third-rank sword-bearing guard of the court, and also the best master in the Forbidden City, but my kung fu is like one in the sky and one on the ground compared to you. Please accept me as your disciple!"

The Marquis of the Evil Earth also kowtowed: "Master! I am a genius that appears once in eight thousand years in the Kunlun Sect, but after seeing you today, I know that there are heavens beyond heaven and people beyond people. Please accept me as your disciple!"

In addition to the two people, there are a bunch of people outside, all kneeling on the ground and kowtow.

Crazy Ghost frowned, there are too many people who want to become his disciples!

Especially this general, the strongest master in the Forbidden City, and a master that appears once in eight thousand years in the Kunlun Sect, what level should that be?

At this moment, Crazy Ghost has lost his confidence.

But he also knelt down, kneeling straight on the ground.

Someone next to him said, "Brother, Bodhidharma is a god descended from heaven. He can split the earth and open mountains with a wave of his hand. There are so many people who want to worship him as their master. It's useless for you to kneel here. Let's go!"

"That's right! This immortal figure can kill tigers with falling flowers and sink boats with flying leaves. His internal strength has reached the realm of perfection. Do you know the narrow sky in Huashan? He split it with one palm!"

People kept hinting at the power of Bodhidharma.

Step by step, the upper limit of the force value in the heart of the mad ghost was raised.

Under the continuous hints of the mad ghost, the master in his heart has evolved from "traveling a hundred miles a day" to "riding clouds and mist".

The destructive power has also evolved from "breaking stones and cracking monuments" to "opening mountains and cracking the earth".

Finally, Bodhidharma, played by Chen Qing, appeared.

Bare upper body, barefoot, dressed like a farmer.

Glancing at everyone, shook his head.

"It's not that I don't want to teach you, these skills are too overbearing. If you can't perform a single move, you will be crushed to pieces. Go!"

Everyone wailed, crying to the sky.

At this time, Master Bodhidharma's eyes changed, and he looked at the mad ghost.

He took a few steps, came to the mad ghost, and solemnly helped him up: "Ah! Ah! The Ren and Du meridians are naturally open, and the root bones are the legendary Arhat Supreme Bone! The flesh and skin are the appearance of nine dragons and nine tigers, and these meridians are actually immortal meridians!"



"A rare martial arts genius!"

Dharma was excited.

The mad ghost was also excited!

At this moment, Mo Ming felt that his whole body was full of strength! He even felt that he was already a bronze skin and iron bones.

"Okay! You are my disciple, follow me!"

The mad ghost was overjoyed.

Following Chen Qing into the thatched house.

Chen Qing said solemnly: "Feng Qingyang, do you know your qualifications..."

As soon as he said this, he slapped his forehead.

Feng Gui hadn't introduced himself yet, but he called him by his name. Isn't this a revelation?

But to Feng Gui, it had another meaning: Bodhidharma, the founder of the family, has the ability to predict the future!

Chen Qing saw that Feng Gui didn't react, and thought to himself that it was okay.

He continued: "Your qualifications may only be seen once in a thousand years! The last person with this physique was the master of heaven and earth. He didn't care about swords, spears, swords, and halberds. He could learn them at a glance, and he could master them after learning for a while. In three or five days, he could create his own martial arts at the level of a grandmaster!"

"Master of Heaven and Earth?" Feng Gui's eyes burst into a gleam!

This name sounds powerful!

Even more domineering than his master, the sword demon Dugu Qiubai!

And do I have such a powerful physique?

Chen Qing said solemnly: "I think you can do it too!"

Feng Gui was stunned for a while before he said: "But I... only want to use the sword."

Chen Qing followed suit and immediately said: "Then you can become a land sword immortal! Shout 'Sword' and all the swords in the world will be at your disposal."

"Land... Sword Immortal?"

Feng Gui muttered in a trance.

After a while, Feng Gui asked: "Then how can I become a sword immortal?"

Chen Qing had already prepared

Preparation, flipped out a row of martial arts secrets.

Because of the rush of time, these are all printed on A4 paper, and the font is even Songti.

But would the mad ghost care?

If he cared, he would have been exposed long ago.

The mad ghost looked at these secrets, read them one by one, and his heart was excited: "The Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing! The Great Shift of the Universe! The Nine Yang Magic Art..."

Each of them is a famous and powerful martial arts.

But the mad ghost's eyes stopped on the last one.

"A Qing Sword Immortal Secret".

"A Qing!" The mad ghost was overjoyed: "But is it A Qing, the leader of the thirty-three swordsmen!?"

"That's right!"

There are countless swordsmen in China, but the one who is respected as the leader of swordsmen is named Zhao Chunv, also known as A Qing.

The mad ghost took it overjoyed, and saw the first article written:

"Ah Qing learned from the white ape, and this white ape was transformed by the sword fairy. After learning, he defeated three thousand Yuejia alone..."

The mad ghost was happier and more surprised as he read. His body shook slightly.

The air in the room actually trembled slightly.

However, after turning another page, this change stopped abruptly.

The mad ghost murmured: "Could it be... another kind of 'no move is better than a move'?"

Chen Qing took a look and immediately thought to himself, "Fuck!"

There is no ink!

The content behind it became fainter and fainter, and it was a blank page in the end.

And the mad ghost was still trying to comprehend.

Chen Qing's eyes condensed!

He had seen this kind of momentum!

Baidi was like this when he was building momentum that day!

The mad ghost seemed to be building "momentum" at this moment, but he had no experience, and he would build it for a while and then let it go for a while.

"Momentum" always broke halfway.

But this was shocking enough!

Who is Baidi? That is the person who has the strongest drowned ghost in the world!

That is the strongest person with the title of emperor!

And the mad ghost is just a wandering soul. Even if it is a broken "momentum", it is already amazing enough.

After waiting for a long time, the mad ghost's "momentum" has not been accumulated, and it always breaks halfway.

At this time, the mad ghost stood up and bowed, saying: "Master, it is a great favor to receive your teachings! But I have important things to do and cannot serve you..."

Chen Qing was stunned. Hey, that's not right!

Didn't you just get the super-super-high-level swordsmanship secret book?

What do you want to do if you don't practice swordsmanship well now?

The mad ghost looked towards the volcano, worried: "The Demon Cult is slaughtering the villagers and bullying the people. I can't just sit back and watch!"

"Your swordsmanship is not perfect now, you will die!"

The mad ghost said proudly: "Eight hundred miles of rivers and mountains, thousands of houses are brightly lit. In this world, what difference does it make if there is one more sword or one less sword!"

As he said that, the thin figure walked out of the door without hesitation:

"People who have always been concerned about the country and the people are all sad people throughout the ages."

"The Demon Cult, Feng is here!"

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