The wound was so severe that the wound was still there.

Gong Huagu was overjoyed!

She was also injured, but she immediately led Bian Que to a boy who was wrapped like a mummy: "Please treat him!"

The boy was injured by a strong man, and his face and chest were almost cut in half with one knife.

Bian Que removed the gauze and held up the half of his face that was almost fallen off.

A cool aura flowed into the boy's face, and the flesh at the wound squirmed and rolled like tentacles, quickly entangled together, like two ships pulling a rope to get closer to each other and quickly growing together.

Bian Que's white and tender fingers, like soap, operated repeatedly. The boy coughed a few times and spit out a few blood clots. He opened his eyes weakly and looked at the unfamiliar environment: "We have moved again, right? This... where is this?"

"We are safe!" Gong Huagu said softly: "You rest first."

Just as he was about to say something, the hidden sedan shook slightly, and the hidden sedan shouted with a choked voice:

"Guangfu County, we have arrived, please cooperate to get off from the back door, please be careful when opening the door."

"Next stop, Yuecheng Square. Please hold the handrail..."

Chen Qing: "..."

This guy may really have a serious illness!

We have to find an opportunity to dismantle it and see what parts are missing.

"We have arrived, but there is no rush here, let's heal first."

The second seriously injured person is a girl, petite and weak. I don't know how her thin body can bear the uniform of the Ghost Guard.

If it was before, she might not care about privacy, but now the conditions are better, so naturally she can't let the girl be treated in public.

The Demon Suppression Tower was a mess, with a bunch of sheds printed with "Forest Fire Inspection Station".

It was just right to use them to build a temporary operating room.

Bian Que led the female warriors into the operating room and began the treatment.

The tense mood of the past few days relaxed at this moment.

In fact, they were all young men in their twenties, the most lively and beautiful age.

Everyone surrounded the Nether Team in the middle and asked them about their experiences.

Su Er smiled and said, "Yes! The person who named it 'Huo Tu' is really not well educated."

Chen Qing: "..."

"Tell me! How is Huo Tu?"

"How should I put it... The smoke is too strong and choking. My throat and nose are full of ash, and the phlegm I cough up is all black." He rolled up his sleeves and said, "Look, all the hair is gone!"

"Who cares about your hair! Monsters! Talk about monsters! Is there a Godzilla?"

"There is no Godzilla, but there is a lava monster," Su Er laughed slyly, "I tell you, that lava monster can mate! At that time Senior Yin Jiao, we loaded a truck with water and poured it on them at the critical moment. Hahahaha, they were so angry that they chased us all over the world..."


"Senior Yin Jiao is so awesome? !"

"Not only that! At that time, they held a grand and grand meeting. Wow, it was a bit like the Yanhuang Ancestor Worship Ceremony. Then we robbed their... well, it should be their prince or crown prince! You don't know, Huotu directly started a war!"


"What happened later?"

Yin Jiao was so proud!

Finally, someone appreciated his masterpiece.

Chen Qing was a little surprised. He originally thought that Yin Jiao was playful, but now it seems that the Nether Team also had a part in the trouble?

"You are a loyal guy!" Chen Qing wanted to punch Yin Jiao, but he didn't know where to start, so he had to give up: "You actually took all the blame by yourself."

Yin Jiao laughed.

As they talked and treated, the atmosphere gradually became lively.

In just about an hour, except for a few people who were too injured and needed to rest, everyone was full of energy.

Chen Qing pretended to let the Flower Waist Bride, Piercing Cloud Arrow and other ghost pets bring in the dining table and put out the steaming dishes.

Hard dishes such as crabs and lobsters, home-cooked dishes such as twice-cooked pork and stir-fried pork, as well as cakes and so on.

Since the death of the commander, the situation of the Ghost Control Army has taken a sharp turn for the worse. It is good enough to save their lives. Most of the time, they just have a few compressed biscuits to get by, and even a bowl of instant noodles with hot soup is a luxury.

Not to mention the table in front of them.

Every time a dish comes up, everyone exclaims "Wow" in unison.

"Thank you, Brother Jinlin!"

"Brother Jinlin is awesome!"

Even though they are drooling, the discipline of the Ghost Control Army is still good, and they all sit upright.

Chen Qing was stunned, and suddenly remembered that Zhou Yangqiao just said that if Han Yuan is not around, he will listen to him.

He ordered: "Eat!"

Everyone was delighted and immediately started to eat voraciously.

The first bite of the food was so delicious that the young men could not help themselves.

He closed his eyes and uttered a very lingering "Hmm..."

"Wow, the last time I ate hot food was the last time..."

"The last time I ate hot food was like noodles, it feels like it was in my last life."

"It's so damn delicious! I'm going to cry!"

Thinking of Han Yuan, the guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, an idea came out, wanting to prepare some wine and food for him, but he had already left.

Take out the leather and write:

"Do you want some wine and food, hot?"

Han Yuan was very angry: "This is an intelligence system! Not a chat tool!"

Chen Qing had no choice. He returned to Guangfu County.

After eating and drinking.

Everyone was in a good mood.

Naturally, some people were worried about Han Yuan, so they could only make a few excuses to deal with it.

Everyone was still confident in Han Yuan's strength.

Finally, after eating, Chen Qing said, "Come with me."

The person who opened the spirit has been selected and is waiting for everyone.

"Before, I wanted to kill all the Ji family members. Believe me, I hate the Ji family as much as you do."

"But I know about the Kailing Pill."

Everyone walked to the corridor outside the Kailing Room, and a person was already waiting there.

Several people whispered in unison: "Teacher Wu Kong!"

"Teacher Wu!"

"Is everyone okay?" Wu Kong's eyes were slightly red. Obviously he knew the situation of the Yugui Army.

"We... are... all fine."

"Teacher, why are you here?"

Wu Kong said slowly: "Since the blood moon began, Ji Wei forcibly took away many professors and scientific researchers, including me."

"Later, when I came here, I learned that they were developing something that could change the status quo, the Kailing Pill."

"To put it simply, this thing has a chance to open the talent of ordinary people to practice."

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Just one sentence, you know how amazing this thing is!

Gong Huagu was full of disbelief: "Teacher Wu, what is the probability you said?"

"For normal people, it is about 10%. If the recipient is a little picky, the success rate can reach 40%."

"How is it possible!"

Zhou Yangqiao was shocked: "This... Doesn't this mean that monks can be mass-produced!"

"I was also shocked before, but it is true."

Wu Kong pointed to the boy who was already prepared inside: "This is an ordinary person, everyone might as well take a look."

Everyone looked at each other with mixed feelings.

They understood what Jin Lin said.

Jin Lin hated the Ji family, but because of this thing, he didn't take action.

Han Yuan hated the Ji family, but because of this thing, he didn't take action.

Just imagine it!

With the huge base of human beings, with this thing, it is possible to form a brigade-level! Even a division-level! Army-level! Legion-level monk unit!

At that time, there will be no end of the world!

Go to the hometown of these bastards!

Seeing their reactions, Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

He sighed with relief.

These young men really care about the world and the people in their hearts.

But they hate the Ji family to the bone, so they can't stay in Guangfu County forever.

Guangfu County has been integrated into the fourth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower, but it is not sure whether the people here can enter the Fire Earth or the Dirty Earth.

We have to experiment.

If the members of the Ghost Control Army can enter the Fire Earth... that means the soldier ghosts and lava monsters on the Dirty Earth can also come out.

Just thinking about it, Chen Qing slapped his head!

Ask Han Yuan!

In Chuntaifang, he pulled out his Champion Hou army!

In the past, because I couldn't reveal the news that I had the Demon Suppression Tower, I kept it to myself and didn't ask. Now I ask whatever I want.

Excitedly, I came outside and saw Han Yuan's news displayed on the leather:

"Wine! Food! Where is it?!"

This guy is the master now! I have to serve him well!

Chen Qing immediately nodded and bowed: "Brother Han, where are you? I'll bring it to you right away!"

"Call me Tianyuan Daozu."

"Yes, yes, yes! Tianyuan Daozu, where are you? I'll bring it to you right away!"

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