Chen Nian took Shang Zeying to Wolong Mountain.

On the way, he asked Heizi to check the relevant information.

"There was no such mountain near Xicheng. I heard that it is a new area that has only appeared recently. Many people speculate that there may be extremely powerful monsters hidden in it."

"However, hundreds of powerful teams of extraordinary people have explored it, and no monsters or copies have been found."

"It's just that there are still dragon roars every day, which is very strange!"

After reading the information sent, Chen Nian turned his head to look at Shang Zeying and found that she didn't say a word the whole time, but just followed him silently.

"Don't you want to know where I'm going?"

"I just want to know when to save my brother."

"I said, you can consider it more if you serve me well." Chen Nian replied with a smile.


Although Shang Zeying didn't talk much, her inner activities were still extremely rich.

She found that the world's strongest extraordinary person, who even her brother was afraid of, didn't even have a little airs. Although he often ordered her around, he spoke very casually.

It's a pity that I didn't see him in action in person. I don't know if his strength is as good as the legend says. If he's not strong enough... maybe he can't save my brother.

Climbing mountains and wading through water all the way.


Wolong Mountain, halfway up the mountain.

There was a long queue in front of Tang Zhu's foundry shop.

And these people all had extraordinary auras, and they were obviously experts.

They all came here because of his reputation, and wanted to find Master Tang Zhu to make equipment.

However, Tang Zhu himself was sleeping in the shop, and several apprentices were almost dying of anxiety.

"Master, it's already noon, aren't we going to start work? The guests outside can't wait!"

"What's the hurry? I just finished my meal, I'm sleepy, let's sleep for a while."

"But... hey!"

Several apprentices had no choice but to come outside and use various excuses to stabilize the guests.

"What's wrong with Master? He used to start working at 6 a.m., but recently he's been working later and later. He hasn't started working until noon!"

"Yeah, these people are here to find him to make equipment!"

"I know... Master may have reached the bottleneck of a senior forger. If he wants to be promoted to a master, it's useless to make these ordinary equipment."

Ordinary extraordinary people need to fight monsters to upgrade, and special professions such as blacksmiths need to make equipment to upgrade.

When the bottleneck is broken, more advanced equipment needs to be made!

Tang Zhu was unable to break through, and he was bored and had no intention of working, so he became more and more lazy.

"Don't worry, Master is feeling a little unwell now, and will come out soon."

"Everyone, please be patient, please be patient..."


Chen Nian and the others arrived at Wolong Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, many people have even spread out tents, prepared dry food and water, and camped out.

Not for anything else, just to queue up.

Chen Nian went up to someone and asked, "Brother, you guys are lining up to the foot of the mountain? Where is Tang Zhu?"

"Master Tang Zhu is halfway up the mountain."

"Halfway up the mountain? That means the queue is at least several hundred meters long."

"Haha, what else? It would be good if I can get in line after waiting for two months, otherwise I would be bored and set up a tent here."

Chen Nian nodded and prepared to go up, but was stopped.

"If you also want to make equipment, just line up behind me honestly. There is no point in going up!"

Chen Nian asked, "What do you mean?"

"Haha, Master Tang Zhu does not accept any bribes. No matter how rich or powerful you are, you cannot cut in line! And anyone who cuts in line will be besieged by the strong men of the whole mountain. Anyone who comes here must line up obediently."


Chen Nian still ignored his advice and continued to go up.

Only to hear a word "idiot" from behind.

Shangze Ying didn't know what Chen Nian was going to do, so she could only follow behind silently.

Along the way, Chen Nian passed by the entire long queue.

A lot of ridicule and abuse came over him.

"Still want to go up and cut in line? Dream on!"

"Get out of here quickly, don't make yourself bored."

"Do you really think you are a VIP customer, haha!"

"Just now a brother wanted to make legendary equipment, that's a big customer! He also ran to the front with confidence and wanted to cut in line, but was still driven back."

Although Shangze Ying didn't say anything, she was also making all kinds of guesses in her heart.

It seems that Buyu wanted to use his identity to cut in line and find the blacksmith to make equipment.

With his identity, he is indeed qualified.

But this method seems a bit cheap...

Chen Nian ignored the abuse and ridicule of people along the way, and finally came to the front of the team and saw the blacksmith's shop.

There was a commotion ahead.

"IWe have been waiting for so long, why hasn't Master Tang come out yet! "

"Yes, if it doesn't open, I'm afraid today will be over!"

"I've been waiting in line for a month, and finally waited, can it be done?"

Chen Nian also stepped forward and asked: "Excuse me, where is Master Tang Zhu?"

These people were extremely angry, and when they saw someone cutting in line, their anger suddenly exploded!

"Damn cutting in line? You're asking for a fight!"

A muscular man suddenly punched Chen Nian.

But his fist was firmly blocked by a slender forearm.

The one standing in front of Chen Nian was Shang Ze Ying. Although she was petite, her physical strength was not ambiguous at all.

Her strength was perhaps only slightly worse than Alan's, and these ordinary people were no match for her.

The man was shocked and took several steps back. He didn't dare to attack again, and could only mutter:

"Damn, hiding behind a woman, what kind of skill is that! "

Only Shangze Ying knew that she had saved the man. If she really did it without saying anything, it would not be so simple...

Chen Nian certainly did not have the time to argue with ordinary people. He could not even get the Divine Power Points by fighting with people without Godhead.

"Where is Master Tang Zhu?"

"Master...he is not feeling well now. If customers want to make weapons, please go to the back to queue up." The apprentice replied.

Chen Nian smiled and took out something.

"You give this thing to Master Tang Zhu."

A piece of black material, which did not look like anything on the surface.

This was a rare material that Chen Nian dropped after defeating Tian Long "Black Sun".

The apprentice did not understand, but seeing that this customer was not ordinary, he had to nod and do as he was told.

"I will show this material to Master, you keep watch."

After that, the apprentice held the material and walked into the shop.

"Master! Someone just asked me to show this to you. "

Tang Zhu was too lazy to even get up. He took the things from his apprentice and squinted his eyes to look at them.

As a blacksmith, he had the ability to identify materials.


Tang Zhu suddenly exerted force, as if he sat up in shock from a dying illness, took a deep breath, and his pupils were full of shock.

"Master, Master? What's wrong with you..."

"Rare materials... Hurry... Hurry up and entertain that guest for me, I'll be out soon!"

Tang Zhu had already started to tie his belt.

That speed... was faster than taking off pants to check in a hotel room!

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