"Boss, the plane is parked at the airport. You just need to show your exclusive boarding pass."

"The one serving you, boss, is the most beautiful flight attendant in the airline. Her name is Yueyue. Have a good trip!"

Chen Nian almost couldn't hold it back. What's the point of calling a beautiful flight attendant? Do I need this special service?

I'm going to break up the place and fight!

Soon, he walked up the boarding stairs and entered the cabin.

"The guest is here!"

Yueyue, who was playing with her phone, stood up immediately, crossed her hands on her waist, and greeted the guest who was boarding the plane with a professional smile.

"Welcome to the G303 flight..."

Before she finished her words, she saw that the guest had passed her and walked straight in.

This guest... is not simple.

With the appearance of this flight attendant, he didn't even look at me. His eyes only stayed on the black silk of my calf for a moment.

And he looked so young... He must be young, but he was wearing a mask, so his appearance could not be seen clearly.

I don’t know what kind of guest is worth using a private plane to take him...

Yueyue took out the intercom: "Report to the captain, the guest has boarded the plane."


The captain did not dare to delay and immediately contacted the main control to prepare the flight process.

Planes need to queue up for takeoff, and most routes are operating normally.

But as soon as the captain contacted the main control, the main control immediately issued an order.

"G303, ready to take off at any time. Repeat, G303, ready to take off at any time."

The captain was stunned: "General control, isn't the runway next to G707 about to take off? Are you sure I can take off?"

"Flight G707 has been delayed and can take off."


Both captains were stunned.

What's going on? The guest just boarded the plane and directly cut in line, squeezing the next plane that was about to take off to the back?

This guest... is not a small person!

After the plane took off smoothly, Yueyue came to Chen Nian's seat with a plate of drinks and snacks.

She was clever and wanted to please this distinguished guest.

"Guest, do you need a meal?"


Chen Nian leaned back in his chair, his eyes slightly closed, and was gathering his strength.

It takes about two hours to get from Dragon Country to Sakura Country.

The trial of Uezawa Shiki should be about to begin...

Although the stewardess's black silk stockings are good, his mind is thinking about the upcoming war, hoping that the strong people there will be strong enough.

Fighting, cool!

Yueyue felt a little unhappy when she saw that she was ignored. She thought that she was the best-looking among the stewardesses, and her Douyin account also had hundreds of thousands of fans. How could he be so dismissive?

A bit pretentious.

Wait... Why does his black T-shirt look familiar?

Yueyue suddenly opened her phone, flipped through the news, and found the photo of "Buyu slaying a dragon with one sword".

She used two fingers to zoom the photo to the maximum, and her pupils suddenly contracted!

In the photo, Buyu was wearing the same black T-shirt...

"He, he is...!"

Yueyue covered her mouth, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she could no longer utter a word.

The shocking fact was strongly impacting her brain!

Buyu.....he is Buyu.....No wonder he was treated as such a distinguished guest, I actually became Buyu's exclusive flight attendant in my lifetime!

Yueyue realized how ignorant and stupid she was just now.

She wanted to take a photo with Buyu, or ask for an autograph, or secretly take a photo of him and post it on WeChat Moments...

In this way, the attention she received would inevitably soar, and maybe the fans could double!

But she didn't dare, the reason in her mind still defeated greed, and she didn't do anything extra.

"I should have cut my skirt shorter to show more black stockings..."

She couldn't help but feel regretful.


Sakura Country.

Today is the trial day for Uezawa Shiki.

There is less than an hour left before the trial officially begins.

The National Assembly was almost packed with people. It is roughly estimated that at least tens of thousands of people came to the scene, and those who could come to the scene were not ordinary people.

They were either powerful people, or powerful extraordinary people, or wealthy capitalists.

Moreover, not only Sakura Country En was present, but also Lighthouse Country, South Korea, Gallic Rooster, etc.......

"Look at the man in the gray and white windbreaker, he is Jones from Lighthouse Country. It is said that his godhead is Heimdall in Norse mythology, and he is very powerful!"

"And the lady with the hat, I have seen her on TV, her godhead is the sun goddess Sur, it is said that herNo one can stop the sun fire!"

"But the strongest person present today is the rising star of Sakura Country, Hanyu Hayabusa! He has killed the devil, and I don't know what kind of godhood he is."

"Why is the trial so lively today?"

"Because today is not only to judge the crimes of Ueze Shiki and calm the public anger, but more importantly, this is a joint boycott against Dragon Country!"

"What do you mean?"

"Ueze Shiki was tried because he helped the Dragon people. Only when he dies, can all countries unite tacitly to fight against the powerful Dragon Country!"

"Indeed... Dragon Country's Bu Yu is too strong, and they have also occupied more than half of the benefits of the national fortune this time, so they must be targeted. "

Outside the crowd, Sakura Uezawa was wearing a black suit and stood silently on the roof of a tall building.

It wasn't raining, but she was holding a black umbrella to cover the gray sky.

Since leaving Chen Nian and returning to China alone.

She has been seeking various solutions and constantly asking for help from bigwigs everywhere, hoping that they can save her brother's life.

But no one was willing to lend a hand.

Even those who were on good terms with the Uezawa family chose to watch coldly.

"Give up, no one can save him." Everyone said so.

The day before the trial began, Uezawa Zhishu got the last chance to say goodbye to his family.

But no family came to see him.

A madman who slaughtered his own people, a traitor who helped other countries, under all these circumstances, people wanted to sever their ties with him, the farther away the better, including his biological parents.

In the end, only Sakura Uezawa went to visit him.

Sakura Uezawa will never forget what her brother said to her.

"Don't come to save me, live well. If you dare to save me, even if I can survive, I will never recognize you as my sister in the future! "

So, she could only watch here silently.


The noon bell rang.

Ueze Ying looked up, clenched her five fingers, and subconsciously bit her lips.

Under the detention of two law enforcers, Ueze Zhishu was brought in. For a while, there was a constant stream of abuse, rushing towards him like a tide.

Looking at these people, Ueze Zhishu felt a little strange for a while.

At the beginning, they almost praised themselves as gods, but now they want to kill themselves on the spot to vent their anger.

"Heh... I didn't expect that I would have this day. "

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