"I won't kill innocent people."

Just this simple sentence, gave Sakura Country a slap in the face!


Because this is irony, it is you who killed innocent people. Shang Ze Zhi Shu did a good thing, so I came to save him.

Chen Nian doesn't need to say anything else, this is the best explanation to the world!

After this sentence is said, today's trial will become a big joke!

"Did you hear it? Buyu's response is too domineering... He is slapping Sakura Country in the face!"

"Not only Sakura Country, everyone present today has become a joke..."

"If it was said by others, I would not believe it, but I believe Buyu! With his strength, is it necessary to distort the facts and reverse right and wrong?"

The public opinion on the whole network began to reverse at this moment!

Originally, less than 10% of people stood on the side of Shang Ze Zhi Shu, but now it has increased several times, and more and more voices support Buyu.

"Public opinion has turned around, but... it's not enough."

"The facts are in the hands of the living, and the dead can only take the facts to the grave."

"So, what the result of today is depends on whether Buyu can leave alive..."

"With his strength, it's not easy to leave?"

"After all, he has to save two people, and there are still many strong people on the scene, so it may be difficult!"


At the scene, the Sakura people did not dare to start a war rashly, even if this was their home court, even if there were several powerful extraordinary people here.

But no one knows how strong Buyu is... The title of the world's number one is not for nothing.

An officer in military uniform picked up a megaphone and shouted in poor Dragon language:

"Bu Yu, as a Dragon, you trespassed into our country's meeting and disrupted the trial. Don't you take our Sakura country seriously?"

"Your Excellency may have misunderstood something?"

Chen Nian swept his eyes across the room and smiled faintly: "I don't take anyone here today seriously."

"You... Bakayaloo!"

The officer was so angry that he burst out with his own country's swear words.

Everyone present... including the Prime Minister of Sakura, various high-level officials, some high-level officials of Lighthouse Country, some high-level officials of Gallic Rooster, dignitaries from other countries who came to the scene, and all powerful extraordinary people.

Didn't take it seriously.

"Fuck, domineering!"

A Dragon boy who was eating saw this scene, stood up suddenly, and smashed his rice bowl.

My mother was furious: "Li Qiang, you dare to smash the bowl? I will beat you to death today!"

Before she finished speaking, there was another crisp sound next to her!

It turned out that my husband also smashed the bowl, and he raised his fist and shouted loudly: "Fuck your life!"

In the boys' dormitories of various universities, students ran to the balcony, holding their mobile phones and shouting, like a group of monkeys.



Not only these passionate teenagers, but also those senior leaders who have been in power for a long time in Longguo, who usually wear suits and leather shoes, couldn't help but punch the office desk.


"This is the character of my Longguo!"


Jones couldn't bear it anymore.

If he couldn't fight back against such a naked insult, he would be cursed by the people when he returned to the Lighthouse Country and couldn't raise his head!

"So arrogant, then I'll let you taste my power!"

Those with divine power can understand all languages, so Chen Nian can understand what he said.

Jones flew up with a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, carrying two legendary equipment.

Chen Nian did not take any weapons.

He also had another purpose, to fight with a strong man with divine power to obtain "divine power value".

If he defeated the opponent in a few moves, maybe the divine power value would not increase at all.

Try the first turn of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art first.

The big sword came forward!

Chen Nian remained calm, his body became light, and he dodged it easily.

He did not use space teleportation, but used "body skills".

Just after dodging the big sword, the big shield came again, but Chen Nian's body skills became more and more agile, and even golden light appeared under his feet.

He really achieved the "graceful as a startled swan, graceful as a swimming dragon" in "The Goddess of Luo River".

In front of his agile body, Jones was like a bull being played with. No matter how fiercely he attacked, he couldn't touch him.

"This is the actual combat ability of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art... It's really powerful." Chen Nian thought to himself.

He was even more looking forward to the effect of unlocking the second level.

Jones was so angry that smoke came out of his nose: "As a recognized world extraordinary, you can only hide!"

"Be careful, he can counter-shock your power... That's how my brother was justInjury." Shang Zeying hurriedly reminded.

"I don't believe you can stay away from attacking for the rest of your life!"

People also didn't understand why Bu Yu was so powerful, but he only knew how to dodge and evade without any intention of attacking.

Although he was not injured, this way of playing was a bit timid, and he lost the "strongest" card.


In the distance, the report came from the earphone of the Chief of Law Enforcement: "Commander, a total of 18 snipers are in place."

The chief ordered expressionlessly: "All snipers, change to soul-breaking bullets."

The supernatural power has been awakened for so long, and human technology is also improving. This so-called soul-breaking bullet is a special bullet used to target monsters with thick skin and flesh and supernatural people.

The main material of the bullet is taken from the low-level equipment of those supernatural people, so the cost is quite expensive, but the lethality is amazing.

All snipers, all change to soul-breaking bullets!

"Target, Shang Ze Zhishu, Shang Ze Ying brother and sister. "

"We must not let them leave here alive today, otherwise it will be the biggest joke in our country."

"3, 2, 1, go!"

Around the square, in the inconspicuous corners of the tall buildings, the muffled sound of silenced gunshots rang out at the same time.

The soul-breaking sniper bullets, with almost 360 degrees of no dead angle, shot at the siblings Shang Zeying.

As a ninja, Shang Zeying's perception and insight are top-notch.

She reacted immediately, shooting out several kunai from her waist, accurately hitting the bullets that broke through the air.

However, she could only block three bullets.

At that moment, Chen Nian's pupils shot out a divine light, which split into more than a dozen streams of light like a branch of a tree, and the remaining bullets All shot down in mid-air!

Not only that!

More than a dozen streaks of light returned along the trajectory of the bullet.

Those snipers were observing the situation with a high-power scope, and suddenly saw a streak of light constantly magnified in their pupils.


The scope was pierced by the streak of light, and the sniper's eyeball was also pierced, a hole was opened in his head, and he died on the spot.

The same scene happened to all the snipers who fired!

All were hit accurately, and no one was spared.

The officer kept screaming in his earphones, and he hurriedly took out the walkie-talkie and yelled: "What's going on, hey! "

No one answered...

The strange silence almost made his heart skip a beat.

The hand holding the walkie-talkie slowly dropped, and he stood there like a lifeless statue, his pupils trembling constantly.

Just at that moment, the snipers were wiped out...


PS: I have urged for 4,000 updates, you guys are awesome! The author would like to say happy weekend first!

Finally, I would like to thank "灬默笙灬" for the large reward, the boss is so domineering!

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