London, Britain.

All law enforcement forces in the city, including those top superhumans, are trying to capture Jack the Ripper.

The whole city has issued a wanted notice, but he still hasn't been captured for a whole month.

He has almost become the nightmare of the whole London, and seems to have truly become the terrifying murderer in history, making countless people unable to sleep and eat.

Just when the chief was overwhelmed, a piece of news reached his ears.

"Sir, there is news that Jack the Ripper has appeared in Lucheng, Longguo!"

"What? Really!"

"Absolutely true! Someone has been killed, and the method is exactly the same as Jack's. It must be him!"

"Haha...haha...the killer is finally gone. Well, now it's Longguo's turn to have a headache."

"Sir, do you think Longguo can control that terrifying killer?"

"Impossible! We have been trying to catch him for a month with all our strength in the city, but we haven't succeeded. How can Longguo do that? Just wait to be disturbed!"

"But...Longguo has no words."

"Haha, he is not omnipotent. Only when we really confront the killer can we clearly know how terrifying he is. Longguo will suffer a lot now!"

Jack the Ripper appeared in Lucheng, Longguo. This news immediately caused a sensation in the world.

"Longguo just made a splash, but I didn't expect it to get into trouble again!"

"Jack the Ripper is no joke... His strength may not be as good as Buyu, but his mysterious ability is enough to scare people."

"Anyway, Britain is in turmoil because of that guy, I wonder what will happen to Longguo?"


Chen Nian told Zi Nan truthfully: "Jack has come to Longguo."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zi Nan's face changed immediately.

Her skin was originally pale and lifeless, and at this moment her expression was even more pale and bloodless.

"He.....he really came.....he came to find me, he came to find me!"

"Sister Nan, calm down first, he is in Lucheng, we are in Linhai City, more than a thousand kilometers away."

"Lucheng? But Xiaoyu is in Lucheng...she is in danger!" Zinan was even more anxious, "You don't know how terrifying Jack is, he is elusive, no matter how strong he is, we can't take it lightly."

"Don't worry, Xiaoqi is very strong, I will inform her now."

Chen Nian called Su Jinyu and explained the danger of Jack, but concealed the fact that Zinan had been killed.

"In short, try not to go out during this period, I will come to Lucheng tomorrow."

"Okay, I know!"

As for why I went tomorrow, because Lucheng has not been fully blocked yet, if I go there and Jack escapes, then I will be empty-handed.

That day, Chen Nian let Zinan live at home.

At night.

She was sitting on the windowsill, hugging her legs and looking at the night sky outside, just like when she was sitting under the bridge, feeling like she had no desire to live.

"Don't think about it, go to bed early." Chen Nian said outside the door.

"I... told my parents that I would go on a long trip, and I have also seen Xiaoyu. Now I just want to leave quietly." Zi Nan turned around and repeatedly reminded, "Xiao Qi must not be in trouble, you must protect her!"

"Don't worry."

The next morning.

Heizi has sent Chen Nian the latest information.

[Twenty-three people died in Lucheng overnight! All the deaths were extremely tragic, all of them were done by Jack the Ripper]

[Lucheng has been completely blocked, only entry but not exit, law enforcement teams from all over the country have all rushed to emergency support, and security forces have increased fivefold]

It was indeed completely blocked. As long as Jack is not allowed to escape, he can always be caught.

The downside is that Jack will stay in Lucheng forever, and the locals will be miserable.

Chen Nian is ready to leave for Lucheng.

Before leaving, he asked Zi Nan if she wanted to go with him.

Zi Nan said it was impossible. She would never go to where Jack was. It would be nice to stay here and wait for death quietly. She didn't want her body to be dissected and her soul to be devoured.......

"Ying, keep an eye on her and report to me in time if there is any situation." Chen Nian reminded before leaving.



Chen Nian took a plane and got off the plane in Lucheng soon.

The airport was crowded with law enforcement officers, so many that it was terrifying! All passengers must undergo the most stringent identity checks.

One of the captains was being interviewed by reporters.

"Now in Lucheng, all major traffic is strictly blocked. To exaggerate, not even a mosquito can fly out."

"Jack the Ripper has become a turtle in a jar. I believe he will be caught soon. Let Britain see the law enforcement capabilities of my Dragon Country!"

Only passengers can get off the plane, no passengers can get on. All roads have checkpoints set up, and no car can get out. Everywhere in the cityThere are drone patrols, a real sense of strict defense!

Chen Nian went straight to Su Jinyu's house.

At the same time, at the airport, a man in work clothes got on the plane.

The stewardess saw him and hurriedly stopped him: "What are you doing? Get off quickly. Now is a special period. Only people can get off the plane but not get on."

"I know, I just come to the toilet and I'll get off right away." The staff member smiled and ran into the toilet on the plane.

The stewardess was also helpless and had to wait, but after waiting for a long time, no one came out, so she went to the toilet and knocked on the door.

"Hey, are you still in there? Come out quickly, you are violating the rules!"

"I'm coming."

The door of the toilet opened, and a hand stretched out unexpectedly, and suddenly pulled the stewardess in!

Next, a creepy scene happened in the toilet.

A large amount of bright red liquid flowed into the toilet...

When she came out, there was only the "stewardess", no one else.

This "stewardess" was Jack the Ripper!

Although the plane did not carry any passengers, the flight attendants, the captain and other crew members were not restricted because the plane had to continue working and bring in reinforcements from other places.

He took advantage of this and disguised himself as a flight attendant to get out.

No one knew that Jack had escaped from the cage of "Lucheng".

When the plane took off, Jack looked at Lucheng, which was getting farther and farther away, through the window, with a grim smile on his lips.

"It feels good to play with everyone in the palm of your hand."

He took out his mobile phone and opened the album.

The album was full of photos of girls!

Different girls, different looks, different clothes, and the same way of death.

These girls were Jack's "trophies", people he had killed.

His slender fingers quickly flipped through the photos, and finally stopped on a girl with light golden curly hair and a red scarf.

Jack stuck out his tongue and licked the photos on the phone morbidly, and the hot breath covered the screen with a layer of mist.

"I told you, you can't escape..."

"Even if it's your soul after death, it can only be mine!"

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