PS: In the last chapter, someone complained about why we had to take a plane back instead of flying back. I set Linhai to be more than a thousand kilometers away from Lucheng, so it was a bit unrealistic to fly back. But I thought about it, what logic does it matter, just be happy! So I changed it.


The winter cold wave hit, the temperature dropped sharply, and it rained heavily in Linhai City.

The streets were almost empty in the evening.

Shang Zeying stayed at Tang Rou's house waiting for news. She stood by the window, and the heavy rain poured down, blurring the scenery outside the window.

Suddenly, Shang Zeying saw a figure appear on the street.

The man was wearing a suit, holding a black umbrella with his white-gloved hands, and his leather shoes were washed shiny by the rain.

"How could he... find this place?" Shang Zeying murmured.

At this moment, the person under the umbrella raised his head, his eyes passed through the rain curtain, and met Shang Zeying's eyes.

He smiled and his mouth moved.

Although she couldn't hear what he said, Shangze Ying could judge by his lip shape.

"I'm here."

He said so, like the ghost in hide-and-seek.

"Jack is here!" Shangze Ying turned around and said to Tang Rou in a hurry: "Hurry up, he found us."

Unexpectedly, Tang Rou shook her head.

"No need to go."

"He is so powerful, we are no match!" Shangze Ying added anxiously.

"It's okay, look."

Tang Rou raised her mobile phone, which contained a text message, and the sender's note was "Boss".

The text message only had three short words.

I'm here.

"He... so fast? But wasn't he in Lucheng not long ago, and that place has been blocked..."

Tang Rou shrugged: "Boss can save you, you should know that he is omnipotent."


On the roof, three members of the Shanhe Yongan Guild were guarding, they came here for emergency support.

When they saw the man in a suit, they immediately went into battle mode.

"He's here, get ready to attack!"

"Wait... we don't need to do anything."

"What do you mean? Didn't the boss ask us to come and take care of him?"

"The boss... is back."

A flash of lightning suddenly flashed through the rain.


The sky and the earth were illuminated at this moment.

Jack stopped because he found that there was suddenly a person in front of him.

There was no sign!

When that person appeared, even the rain in the sky and the earth gave way to him!

The heavy rain fell, but it could not extinguish his golden eyes full of kingly majesty.

He just stood there quietly, and there was an aura of "I am the only one in the world", and the suffocating feeling that came over almost made people breathless.

"Is it really the boss? How is that possible? He was clearly in Lucheng two hours ago!"

"Yeah! I saw Xiaoqi posting photos of the two of them having dinner in the group..."

"Linhai City is 1,600 kilometers away from Lucheng. Even if you fly, it takes two and a half hours. What's more, Lucheng has been blocked, and the procedures and processes for the plane to take off will take more time. It's impossible for him to..."

"Wait... Did he, did he fly back?"


Several guild members on the roof were stunned, their pupils full of disbelief.


The black umbrella fell to the ground and was soon blown away by the strong wind.

Jack took off his hat and saluted Chen Nian respectfully, like a polite gentleman.

He also bowed like this when he killed Zi Nan.

"You just kept silent, I thought you would be in Lucheng. I didn't expect that the whale had been caught just after the bait was thrown."

Chen Nian stretched out his right hand and held it in the air.

The third turn of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art - The Moon Restores the Stars.

At this moment, Jack's body flew forward uncontrollably, as if he was equipped with a huge magnet and was being sucked into Chen Nian's hand.

In the end, his neck was grabbed by Chen Nian and lifted in the air.

"Where is she?" Chen Nian asked.

"Hasn't anyone told you that it is ungentlemanly to attack suddenly?"

Jack smiled, and a silver-white scalpel slipped out from the sleeve of his right hand hidden behind his back.

He suddenly raised his hand and stabbed Chen Nian.

He didn't know how many times he had killed those powerful transcendents in this way of showing weakness first and then attacking.


The next second, Jack's hands were broken.

The two arms were broken off at the same time, and the blood immediately spread in the rain, leaving a shocking red.


The severe pain made Jack scream like crazy.

At this time, another thunder exploded above his head, but the dazzling lightning was still not as bright as Chen Nian's golden eyes.

"I ask again, where is sheWhere."

Jack finally recovered from the severe pain and forced a pale smile: "You are so anxious to care about a dead person, ha... She is in a village 20 miles west of the city. Don't worry, I haven't done anything to her yet."

"Show the way."

Chen Nian just lifted Jack's neck like a chicken and flew into the air.

When he flew to the middle of the air, he suddenly turned his head, and his golden pupils just met the three people on the roof.

"Clean up down there."

"Yes, it's the boss..."

After saying that, Chen Nian took Jack away.

The few people breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to clean up the mess down there.

"The terrifying murderer has no power to fight back in the hands of the boss... It's too scary!"

"It's fine if he makes trouble in Britain, but he has to run to the boss's territory to make trouble. Isn't this courting death? "

Tang Rou and Shang Ze Ying also watched the whole process from the window.

"Wow, the boss is angry! This is the first time I see him angry." Tang Rou couldn't help but sighed, "I'm afraid you don't know, this is the fate of anyone who dares to touch the boss. You will enjoy yourself if you follow him."

Shang Ze Ying:.......


Outside Linhai City, a small mountain town.

As soon as Chen Nian landed, he smelled a pungent smell of blood in the air.

It seems that he killed many villagers here.

"The woman is inside..." Jack said.

Chen Nian didn't say anything, and took Jack to go deeper, and finally saw Zi Nan's figure in front.

She was lying on the ground, her whole body had been soaked by the heavy rain, and her face and clothes were covered with mud.

There was a strange blood-colored magic circle on the ground.

"Look, I didn't lie to you." Jack smiled awkwardly.

"Bring her out. "

"If you kill me, this blood array will explode immediately, blowing her body to pieces and completely tainting her soul."

Jack laughed and said, "I don't care about my life, can you bear to watch her suffer? If you want to save her, you can go in by yourself."

"Don't come in!" Zi Nan shouted, "This is a trap, he deliberately set the trap and waited for you!"

Chen Nian walked forward.

"Stop! I can't be saved, don't worry about me, kill him!" Zi Nan almost screamed hysterically.

Chen Nian continued to walk forward.

"What are you doing, Chen Nian! You are still taking good care of Xiao Qi, how can you let this demon succeed, don't come over... I beg you."

Chen Nian finally walked into the blood array and came to Zi Nan's side.

"People, I will kill. You, I will also save."


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