Qin Yu was falling to the ground at ten times the speed of a free fall!

The extraordinary people in the law enforcement team could not react at all. They had watched many people fall to death, and no one was saved.

The evil taste of the Sky-breaking Demon God.

It is a kind of enjoyment to throw people to death and let them witness their death!

"When the fragile human body is broken, the picture of blood gushing out is just like a beautiful flower, hehe..."

The terrifying wind pressure is like a ruthless Five Finger Mountain, pressing Qin Yu so that she cannot escape.

The scenery in front of her eyes changed rapidly, the sound of sonic boom exploded in her ears, and her world seemed to become a chaos at this moment.

"Am I... going to die..."

Such a thought flashed through her mind.

The power of ordinary extraordinary people seems ridiculous and pitiful in front of the demon-level disaster beast.

The law enforcement officers couldn't help but look away. Even they couldn't bear to see a girl's internal organs completely shattered by the fall...

But when Qin Yu was one meter away from the ground, she was caught!



"How is it possible!"

Normally, even if a cat falls from a tall building, your hands will be broken if you use both hands to catch it.

The terrifying kinetic energy brought by falling from a high altitude is no joke!

What's more, Qin Yu is the weight of an adult, and with such a fast speed, she is like a human missile.

Whoever dares to catch her will have only two results.

If the person who catches her is not strong enough, he will be crushed to death on the spot.

If the person who catches her is strong enough, then Qin Yu herself will be broken like a piece of tofu.

Both situations can be said to have not happened!

Qin Yu's body was hugged by a pair of hands at that moment, and the terrifying kinetic energy carried by her body was completely offset, without any damage.

This process lasted less than a second.

One second later, Qin Yu still fell to the ground, but of course she would not be hurt at this time.

Qin Yu suddenly looked up and only had time to see the side face of the man.

That side face seemed to overlap with a figure in her memory, making her subconsciously shout out a word.


Seeing Qin Yu land safely, the law enforcement officers were shocked beyond words.

This was the first survivor to land safely.

"Who, who is that person!"

"Monster... offset all the terrifying kinetic energy in an instant, without causing any harm to the girl. How terrifying is this power control?"

"But why did he suddenly disappear again, where did he go?"

A law enforcement officer pointed to the sky: "In, up there... I didn't see clearly, he had already flown into the air!"

Li Yunwei breathed a sigh of relief, only she knew Chen Nian's true identity.

Fortunately, he took action... Otherwise, Linhai City would be turned upside down by this demon god during the New Year.

"Quick, organize everyone to rescue and evacuate, and try to minimize casualties!"

"Captain, captain... the demon god is still up there, are we just going to ignore him?" The subordinate was shocked.

"Indeed, don't worry about it, collect all those detection drones."


A few hundred meters above the night sky, Chen Nian was floating in the air and confronting the demon god.

Fortunately, it was night, and he was flying high enough, so no one could see him or have equipment to take pictures of him, so he could do whatever he wanted.

"I didn't expect that there would be a human with good strength?"

The Sky-breaking Demon God flapped his flaming red wings, but his eyes were full of contempt and disdain. He didn't take Chen Nian seriously at all.

"I hope you can hold on for a while, so I can go back later." Chen Nian said.

Chen Nian is currently a fourth-level extraordinary person. If a demon-level disaster beast wants to fight him, it must be at least fifth-level. The same level is not enough.

But the Tianlong level is different. The third level is enough to give Chen Nian a headache, let alone the fourth level.

This is the absolute gap between Tianlong and the demon.

After all, the Tianlong bloodline is inherited by the strongest of the seventy-two pillars of the demon!

"Arrogant!" The Sky-breaking Demon God sneered, "You are the weakest race in the universe, and you are just frogs in the well. Today, I will let you feel the biggest difference between us."

As soon as the voice fell, the Sky-breaking Demon God took off into the air and continued to fly straight up like a sky rocket.

The fiery red wings were fully spread, several meters long!

Chen Nian followed closely behind.

"You can actually keep up with my speed... Very good, come and chase me, you must come and chase me." The Sky-breaking Demon God laughed loudly. In his eyes, Chen Nian was just a toy that he could manipulate as much as he wanted.

The two of them, one in front and one behind, broke through the thick clouds.

One thousand meters.Five thousand meters.

Ten thousand meters.

Thirty thousand meters in the sky!

The Sky-breaking Demon God turned around and saw that the human was still chasing him. The smile on his face finally disappeared.

"Impossible... The human body can't breathe at this altitude!"

The reason why Chen Nian could do this was simple. He used the wind-type words to form a thin film around himself, locking a small part of the oxygen inside.

Of course, it was still dangerous to continue flying upwards, and he needed to use the spirit-calling technique. The spirit-calling technique can allow the human body to break through the limit and become a "god" for a short time.

"Have you had enough of hide-and-seek?"

Chen Nian didn't plan to play the chasing game anymore, and teleported behind the Demon God with the illusion technique.

The Dragon-Slaying Sword brought up a golden blade light.


Half of the Demon God's wings were cut off on the spot!

"Uh ah!!"

The Demon God screamed and flapped the other half of his wings to immediately move away from Chen Nian.

But his wings were the source of his power, and now he could no longer reach the previous high speed.

No... I am a demon god! How can the demon god's body be cut off so easily!

It won't take long for the wings to recover. As long as I can delay it, this human will not be able to stay in the sky for long. He will soon be unable to hold on.


The other half of the wing was also broken by the sword light containing dragon energy.


With both wings cut off, the Sky-breaking Demon God lost the ability to fly and fell from tens of thousands of meters.

"I heard that you like to throw people to death?"

Chen Nian put away the Dragon Slaying Sword, and suddenly raised an interesting smile at the corner of his mouth: "To thank you for saving me, I will give you my favorite way to die."

"I will kill you!!"

The demon god's hands suddenly burst out dark red energy balls, and kept throwing them at Chen Nian above.

The next moment, these dark red energy balls were pierced by a divine light!

The energy cannon shot by the Sky Eye hit the demon god's chest heavily, suppressing him so that he could not move, and fell at several times the speed of sound.



Li Yunwei had already evacuated the people around.

At this moment, a white meteor suddenly appeared in the sky!

"Be careful, be prepared for impact!"

Seeing that the white meteor was getting faster and faster and was about to hit, Li Yunwei hurriedly gave the order.


The demon fell to the ground.

The terrifying impact instantly broke the earthquake into pieces.

Accompanied by a violent sonic boom, a violent earthquake occurred in the surrounding area, and the terrifying shock wave exploded in a ring.

Fortunately, although these extraordinary people in the law enforcement team could not beat the demon, they had no problem blocking the shock wave, otherwise they would be useless.

In the end, only the area around the demon was destroyed, and a huge meteorite crater appeared.

"What on earth is that..."

The law enforcement team immediately sent people to the big pit to explore, and the lighting of the drone shot over, illuminating the picture in the center of the pit.

"Captain, Captain... It's the demon god from before. He has no life signs and is confirmed dead."

"The demon god was thrown to death?"

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