The faction war is officially over.

Gu Qingyue still has to bury the soldiers who died in the war and revitalize the development of Changnian City. She needs to be busy for a while.

Chen Nian, Su Jinyu and others left and returned to the real world.

After returning, Chen Nian prepared to reward everyone in the guild group.

Buyu: Everyone performed well in the faction war. It just so happened that I exchanged a lot of things with my contribution points. Now I will give everyone a wave of benefits.

Lu Ge: Wow, the boss is going to give out year-end bonuses, everyone hurry up!

Heizi: The boss is awesome first!

Tianzi: The boss not only led us to turn the tide, but also gave us extra rewards. Woohoo, I'm crying!

Fa Ye: A big man has nothing to repay, I am willing to give myself to help the boss take a bath and rub his back.

Ah Huo: Haha, the above person, don't dream, the boss only wants beautiful girls to rub his back! The old pervert is approved.

——Ahuo has been banned for one hour——

Tang Rou: Is there an annual employee contest? I’ll sign up

Seeing that everyone is very enthusiastic, Chen Nian couldn’t help but smile and began to give out rewards to everyone one by one.

Although these rewards are not too expensive for everyone in the guild, they mainly show a kind of heart, not to mention that they are given by Chen Nian himself, so everyone still wants them very much.

Bu Yu: The first one is of course Xiao Qi, thank her for her contribution to the guild.

xx: The first one is well deserved!

xx: Xiao Qi is awesome!

xx: Xiao Qi is a fairy!

xx: The boss lady is so cool!

Su Jinyu smiled so hard when she saw this, and her eyes narrowed into a moon.

She was naturally happy to be ranked first by Chen Nian.

As for the next ranking, Chen Nian did not rank them in order and gave out a lot of rewards.

Even Shang Zeying was mentioned. She also made a lot of efforts in the camp battle and was recognized and praised by everyone.

But Tang Rou never saw her name, and she couldn't help showing a little disappointment.

Although she has not been in the guild for a long time, she has made no contributions but hard work. She was not even nominated... I am angry! I will never work again next time!

Bu Yu: The last one, the best employee of the year @Xiao Rou

Bu Yu: Although Tang Rou has not been in the guild for a long time, she has helped a lot. She deserves the title of the best employee of the year!

As Chen Nian sent out this message, a bunch of people boasted below.

Tang Rou was happy: "That's about right!"

Xiao Rou: Thank you, boss, thank you for your support~~~

The reward session ended happily.

Chen Nian returned to his daily life, and Shang Zeying also returned to his home and continued to work as a personal maid.

After a few days of peace, Chen Nian discovered a problem.

Shang Zeying was worried.

She often trained alone in the yard late at night, but she still got up earlier than Chen Nian in the morning, as if she didn't need to sleep all night.

One day during dinner, Chen Nian couldn't help asking: "Ying, tell me what's on your mind."


Ueze Ying stammered twice, obviously unable to say it.

"Miss your brother?"

Ueze Ying shook her head, and her light air bangs swayed with her head, which was very cute.

Suddenly, she lowered her head and bit her lip and said, "I... I want to get stronger!"

"Want to get stronger?"

"Well... I wanted to help more with the last battle, but my strength is completely incomparable to Miss Ye and Miss Su, and I can only do trivial things."

"I want to be able to help you better and help my brother better, so... I want to get stronger!"

"Can you... please train me?"

At this point, Shang Zeying raised her head, her white teeth still subconsciously biting on her crystal lips, her two small fists clenched tightly, looking quite nervous.

Chen Nian smiled: "You want me to train you? I'm very strict."

Shang Zeying's eyes lit up, and she was slightly happy: "It doesn't matter how strict it is, I'm willing!"

She couldn't ask for the training of the world's strongest.

Of course, there are more ways for extraordinary people to become stronger, such as upgrading, changing equipment, and obtaining advanced equipment...

There is also the most difficult one, called actual combat awareness!

No matter how many abilities you have, if you can't keep up with the actual combat awareness, it's useless.

For example, when attacked by the enemy, how should you judge what kind of attack it is? How to counterattack? How to win?

These are the things Chen Nian can help her train. As for the godhood... it can't be obtained for the time being.

"If you want to strengthen your combat awareness, get used to killing first."

"Kill, kill?" Shang Zeying's body trembled slightly.

"You have been protected by your brother since you were a child.Just like flowers that grew up in a greenhouse, now that there is no greenhouse, of course they have to get used to the cruel wild environment again. "

Chen Nian smiled slightly: "Of course, you want to kill those extremely vicious people, wanted criminals, and make positive contributions to society."

Ue Zeying nodded as if she understood: "But how should I..."

Chen Nian called Li Yunwei, the head of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

"Hey, I have a helper here who wants to work for you. Are there any wanted criminals who are extremely evil?"


Li Yunwei was overjoyed.

These days, there are too many criminals who rely on supernatural powers to commit crimes and murder and arson! It's impossible to handle them all.

I didn't expect someone to be willing to help, it's just what I want!

"It just so happens that there is a criminal who has been wanted for a month. He has killed five people in a row. He is extremely evil. I will send you the information now. "

Chen Nian received the criminal information and gave it to Heizi for investigation. When he found some clues, he asked Shang Zeying to take action.

In just ten days, Shang Zeying helped Linhai City solve many wanted criminals. She killed each of them, which was equivalent to giving credit to the law enforcement bureau for free.

Li Yunwei wanted to give her a banner to thank her!

The first stage was considered to be a progress, and Chen Nian immediately started the second stage of training for her.

Actual combat!

Chen Nian hung a string of bells around his waist.

"Whether it's a frontal attack, a sneak attack, or anything else, your goal is to use all means to snatch this string of bells from me."

"If you can't do it today... then you have to warm my bed at night and change into a maid outfit. "

Chen Nian said the punishment.

As a result, Shang Zeying failed to grab the bell for seven consecutive days, and warmed Chen Nian's bed on time every night.

Chen Nian suspected that something was wrong...

So he changed the conditions.

"If you can't do it, then before you do it, you can't wash my clothes, cook for me, warm my bed, or talk to me."

Starting from the second day, Shang Zeying pretended to kill Chen Nian and tried her best to grab the bell.

She almost tried her best, but still couldn't do it.

Chen Nian said that this is right... this is what he wanted.

However, the good times didn't last long, and Chen Nian's bell was soon snatched away.

Because Shang Zeying changed into a black silk maid outfit.

During the battle, she deliberately lifted her skirt up a bit, and while Chen Nian's eyes were straight, she snatched the bell with a kunai.

"Success!" Shang Zeying was very happy.

Chen Nian: You have a problem...

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