The Undead Bone Dragon was successfully subdued by Zi Nan, and a contract was signed with him. Chen Nian can summon it at any time in the future.

Chen Nian's level also climbed by 20 levels, successfully reaching level 62.

Tang Rou also got a big hit, so happy!

The dragon disaster was eliminated just like that.

This is the power of "Wrath of the Gods".

Chen Nian said to Zi Nan: "How do you feel?"

"Too strong... This is definitely the most suitable Undead summoned beast for me! With it, my combat power will increase a lot."

"Very good, now I will assign you the first task."

"What task..."

After Chen Nian told her the content of the task, Zi Nan smiled and said: "It's a small matter, just ride it out to show off! Let's go~"

The Undead Bone Dragon carried Zi Nan into the air and rushed into the sky above Linhai City.

"What's going on? That's a dragon!"

"Didn't the dragon disaster already be eliminated? How did it fly in?"


People were extremely panicked, but the dragon had no intention of attacking anyone. It just flew over the city, as if it was patrolling.

"Who is that dragon?" Li Yunwei immediately asked Chen Nian.

"Don't worry, I've already subdued it. Now I can just fly it around for fun."

"That's fine. You scared me so much that the law enforcement bureau almost sent out all of them..."

Chen Nian smiled and looked at Tang Rou and said, "Are you still clamoring for an upgrade?"

"Don't say anything, boss. I'll be your slave in the future. As your little brother, why would you need to work hard?"

"Now that I've had my fun, I can start working."

"Ah? The dragon disaster is gone. What else can I do?" Tang Rou was puzzled.



A black commercial vehicle stopped at the beach.

The man who got off the car was a middle-aged man in a suit and tie, wearing shiny leather shoes, with steady steps, very much like an upper-class capitalist.

He was the boss who cheated Qin Yu, and now the secretary beside him was holding a contract worth 200 million yuan and came here to trade.

"Boss, why are we trading in such a place?" The secretary asked puzzled.

"I don't know, Brother Huo decided the location, how dare I ask more? Why bother so much, the contract gave him 200 million, it's that simple."

"It's the boss."

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity that Qin Yu, that bitch, became famous overnight. Let's find an opportunity to contact her again, paint a big pie for her, and trick her back to continue to make money for the company."

"Hehe, boss is wise!" The secretary gave a thumbs up.

At this moment, a pale dragon flew over the distant horizon!

The secretary was so frightened that he trembled all over and squatted down with his head in his arms. The boss smiled and said, "We have been notified that this dragon will not attack humans. Look at your cowardly look!"

"Oh... wait, wait, boss, the dragon is coming down!"

As the undead bone dragon landed, its wings fanned up strong wind pressure, almost knocking the two people to the ground.

"What, what's going on! Didn't it say it won't attack people?"

"Don't... don't come over!"

The undead bone dragon opened its mouth, and a pale blue light suddenly lit up, and a dragon breath spurted out!

The two were scared to death on the spot.

However, this dragon breath did not affect the two people, but accurately burned the document bag in the secretary's hand into ashes.

After doing this, the undead bone dragon took off again and quickly disappeared in the distance.

"Where is the contract?" The boss asked in shock and anger.

"Boss... the contract was burned..."

"You idiot! That's 200 million, 200 million!"

The boss was angry and anxious, stamping his feet on the beach, his face flushed, and he kept cursing.

"Damn, that beast! Why did he burn the contract when he could do something else? Damn him!"

Just when the boss was furious, Ah Huo came with a group of men in black suits. He walked in front wearing sunglasses, looking like a big boss.

"Where's the contract?" Meng Huo asked.

"The contract... the contract was just burned by that dragon... that beast..."

"What did you say?" Ah Huo took off his sunglasses, his tone suddenly raised, "You dare to play with me?"

"No... Brother Huo, listen to my explanation... That's a 200 million contract, how can I play with you! Otherwise, give me a few days, I'll think of a way..."

"Think of shit, you want to get money without a contract? Beat me up!"

As soon as the voice fell, the men in black suits rushed up and beat him up with punches and kicks.

After the job was done, the boss had a swollen nose and face, his nose was crooked, his eyes were swollen like a giant panda, and he had multiple fractures all over his body. He ran away in a hurry.

Ah Huo then reported to Chen Nian.

"Boss, the mission is accomplished."

Chen Nian smiledHe smiled: "Very good, I will not ban you for the next month, speak freely."


"Two hundred million disappeared, and I was beaten up, oh... life is really full of ups and downs!"

The boss wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Qin Yu should not know that we lost the contract now, call her immediately, coax her and let her renew the contract with the company."

"There is such a method? The boss is wise!"

The call was connected.

"Xiao Yu? It's me... Hehe."

"What's wrong?" Qin Yu asked.

The boss tried to make his tone gentle, "It is true that we went too far before and did not consider your feelings, Xiaoyu. We solemnly apologize to you! The 200 million compensation was just a joke."

"You have been with our company all the way, and we have worked hard together for several years. How can we bear to let you go, don't you think?"

Qin Yu sneered: "Sorry, I have nothing to do with the company anymore."

"Xiaoyu... our company wants to sign another contract with you in good faith, double your salary, and you have the final say on all schedule arrangements. The company will do its best to support you. What do you think?"

"Not interested! If there is nothing else, I will hang up."

"Qin Yu! Don't be shameless! Don't forget that you still have a labor contract with the company. We can sue you!" The boss shouted in a broken defense.

"Really? Then please sue as soon as possible. I can also help you find a lawyer. We will see you in court."

Beep, beep, Qin Yu hung up the phone.

"She is actually... so confident?"

The boss slowly put down the phone, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

"The contract was just destroyed, and she seems to have known that we don't have the contract... Otherwise, she wouldn't dare to talk to us like this. Did someone tip her off?!"

"Boss... Could it be... that all this was deliberately arranged by someone? We've been tricked!"

"Damn it!"

The company has always only regarded Qin Yu as a tool to make money, but one day, he was played to death by a tool.


On the other side, Chen Nian took Tang Rou to find Liu Xingchen.

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