The first time Chen Qing killed someone in his two lives.

But surprisingly... there was no discomfort.

It was terrifyingly calm.

The ghost of the F-level wandering soul... was still too weak.

If it hadn't appeared suddenly and scared the group of people, there might have been danger.

He commanded the ghosts to clean up the bodies, but they all fell to the ground one after another.

Even though the factory had a roof and the sun couldn't shine on them, it was daytime after all.

Except for the ghost king, the rest couldn't bear it.

Helplessly, he took the ghosts back and used the demon tower to collect all the bodies.

Li Ba's body had turned into gold.

What surprised Chen Qing was that Li Ba's mobile phone actually fell to the ground.

His hands were cut off by Chen Qing before he turned into gold, so they should be able to be used to unlock the phone.

He tried fingerprint unlocking and it worked.

He first looked at the address book and took photos of all the phone numbers he had contacted in the past week.

Then he looked through text messages and WeChat.

Li Ba was a gangster, and he had a lot of fun with his phone.

There was a group called "Dancing Demons" with many pictures and videos.

Almost all of them could be posted in the "curiosity" category of adult websites.

In this group, humans can lay eggs.

The capacity is infinitely large.

The old woman was dressed up.

Scrolling up,

photos of Chen Qing and Chen Man appeared.

It can be seen that they were taken with a long telephoto lens, and they should have been secretly taken in the car.

It records where Chen Qing went and what he did.

There are also one or two comments from time to time:

"Damn, this guy is so fucking rich! He just went to a camping store and spent hundreds of thousands."

There are also surveillance footage.

Especially when there was a conflict with his aunt's family, the most discussion was made.

"He spent 280,000 in just a few minutes today! Damn him! I'd be sorry if I didn't rob him!"

"When will we do it?"

"In the next two days."

Further down:

"That little bastard has been tied up."

"Did you see where he was?"

"I've been following him"

"He's going to come out soon, car, hurry up"

"OK, he got on Lao Wang's car, it's stable"

"I've made a fortune!!"

"Stable, stable"

Li Ba replied:

"Don't be careless, hold on for the last hour! We'll have a celebration party tonight, three skinny horses for each person!"

Just watching,

a message suddenly popped up on WeChat:

"Did you succeed?"

Chen Qing flipped up, and murderous intent gradually appeared in his eyes!

The message from three days ago had been deleted, but Li Ba had been reporting the progress.

I think this is the person who wanted to get Chen Qing behind the scenes.

It can be seen that this person deliberately hides himself. His nickname is a bunch of letters and numbers, and his profile picture is blank, without any introduction.

But Li Ba gave the note "Mr. You".

The surname You is not common.

Without rushing to reply, Chen Qing quickly looked through Li Ba's replies to other people,

and pondered his habitual tone.


"Both are tied up, damn it"

The other party immediately replied:

"That's good, you guys hide first, I'll call you later"

I want to ask more, but I'm afraid of alerting the enemy, so I can only give up for now.

Six people disappearing together is too obvious. It will soon arouse suspicion.

The person behind the scenes must be found as soon as possible.

I looked at Li Ba's bank APP again, and there are more than 11 million deposits.

"Really rich!"

Chen Qing said secretly, and then looked at the recent transfers. There are two, each of 5 million.

The remittance account is called "*Jinhua".

You Jinhua?

But seeing how cautious he was on WeChat, the probability of using his real name when transferring money was not high.

"Chen Qing, are they trying to steal our money?"

Chen Man had suffered a lot, and there were fingerprints on his face.

If it were an ordinary child, seeing a ghost and such a bloody scene, he would have collapsed long ago.

But Chen Man was born without emotions, anger, sorrow, or joy, and seemed very calm.

"Well, so they were all killed."

There were four mobile phones at the scene, and three of them could be unlocked using the fingerprints on the stumps.

But there was no valuable information.

Maybe they didn't know about the existence of "General You".

Thinking of this, Li Ba's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Chen Qing pressed the recording button and then connected.

Neither side spoke.

It was only two seconds before the other party hung up.

Secretly said something bad!

Chen Qing called again, and the phone was turned off.

This number may never be turned on again.

Chen Qing narrowed his eyes and felt a sense of pressure.

This kind of money is not worth changing.

The hidden ghost is not known to ordinary people.

Moreover, he is generous and not short of money.

His identity is definitely not simple.

After keeping several mobile phones and the corresponding fingers properly, Chen Qing went back.

The hotel can no longer be lived in.

Chen Man simply did not go to school. After thinking about it, it seems that he can only go to the base before the house is completed.

I don’t know if I can take Chen Man with me.

I called He Qiang to ask.

He Qiang was stunned: "Can children live in the dormitory?"

"This... There is no precedent."

"Brother Qiang, help! Recently, someone has been targeting me and my brother, and I can’t take care of him every day."

"If it doesn’t work, can I exchange it for the remaining opportunity to select antiques?"

He Qiang was silent for a while, and said: "I'll ask the captain."

After a while, a strange number called.

As soon as Chen Qing answered the phone, Han Yuan's hearty laughter came over: "I have long said that my great personality can impress everyone, but they don't believe it! Look, now it's not just you, you also brought your family to join me!"

"Since you have made great contributions, it's confirmed!"

Chen Qing was overjoyed.

"Thank you, Captain!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Qing came to the hotel.

He wanted to see if there were any clues left here.

The room was too big and difficult to search.

He also summoned the Ghost King to help find it together.

Of course, looking at the Ghost King's gifted appearance, Chen Qing didn't hold much hope.

"Monitor?? Monitor!!! Monitor where are you!!!"

The Ghost King shouted.

Chen Qing was in a big head and was about to stop it, but suddenly there was a clang, and a screw fell off the central air conditioner.

Looking up, a grille was shaking and about to fall.

Pulling a chair to stand on the feet, dismantling the grille, and saw a small camera.

After taking a deep look at the ghost king, I realized that this guy might really have the abnormal ability of "saying what comes true".

Put this wireless WIFI surveillance camera.

Take out the memory card inside, go to the computer and look at it, and flip to the front.

A face in the screen is adjusting nervously, adjusting the position, installing the fence, and quickly leaving the room.

Chen Qing knows this person, the employee who died in his hand today.

"The clues here are also broken."

Chen Qing murmured.

Suddenly looked at the ghost king.

The wandering souls in the initial stage are in chaos, and they can only stabilize when they reach level D.

At this time, most of them can talk and communicate normally.

And awakening ability is a matter of evil ghost level.

But today, the ghost king of the D-level wandering soul has awakened his ability!

Shouting "cut into pieces", the person was torn into eight pieces out of thin air.

Shouting "burn him to death", the person was burned to death by the strange fire.

Now, after shouting "Where are you, the surveillance camera?", the surveillance camera really appeared.

Could it be that the awakened ability is something like "words come true"?

This degree of perversion is really terrible.

Chen Qing frowned.

Everything about the Ghost King cannot be guessed by common sense.

As a ghost, he is not afraid of the sun.

It's just a D-level wandering soul, but it has awakened its ability...

"Uh... you, are..."

Chen Qing sorted out his thoughts, "What's your name?"

The Ghost King looked at the bathroom with one eye and the ceiling with the other.

He was so indifferent.


Ignore me.

Most of the things are from the hotel, and there is nothing to pack.

But when I took out the Zhong Kui map, the Ghost King came over.

He took the Zhong Kui map and shook it open with a rustling sound.

Chen Qing was so scared that his heart tightened, but he wanted to see what he wanted to do, so he didn't stop him.

The ghost king looked at the picture of Zhong Kui catching ghosts, tilting his head, as if he didn't understand.

"You hold it upside down."

Chen Qing sighed and turned the picture of Zhong Kui over.

The ghost king's eyes rolled around and he suddenly got angry.

He threw the picture heavily on the ground.

He screamed and stepped on it madly, changing his feet and jumping on it.

Chen Qing was shocked and pushed the ghost king away: "Are you crazy!"

This is a means of self-protection after the blood moon. If it is damaged by this guy, Chen Qing will be heartbroken.

The ghost king was still not satisfied and pointed at the picture and cursed.

He said a lot of nonsense.

"What on earth did this picture offend you!" Chen Qing said angrily, "Get out of here!"

The ghost king's anger value was still full:

"Who is it!!!"

"Who drew me so ugly!!!"


Chen Qing's body froze, and his heart was already moving mountains and seas.

Pointing at Zhong Kui in the painting: "You said..."

"Is this you????"

The Ghost King did not answer Chen Qing, but continued to point at the Zhong Kui painting and yell.

Chen Qing was really shocked!

But after thinking about it, it made sense.

The Ghost King is not afraid of the sun

, which is extremely abnormal.

Chen Qing knows that there are only two kinds of ghosts that are not afraid of the sun. One is the one that possesses people, and the other is called Maojiang.

Apart from this, other ghosts are particularly afraid of the ghost king.

It is "fear", not "respect" or "submission".

I am afraid that only Zhong Kui has such influence.

Finally, there is this strange ability of saying what comes true, which is obviously not something that ordinary wandering souls can have.

But why was he imprisoned in the Demon Suppression Tower?

As he was thinking, Chen Qing's heart trembled!

In the previous life, the ghost king in Han Yuan's Demon Suppression Tower was definitely not Zhong Kui.

So what's going on?

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