"Kaguya-sama wants to see you."

"To see me?"

Chen Nian thought for a moment.

Kaguya-sama is the patron saint of the Hakuroku camp. I guess Haruna must have told her something. Is she interested in me?

It just so happens that Sakura wants a godhood. If she can get Kaguya-sama's godhood, it would be a good thing.

"Sakura, come up with me." Chen Nian said.

"Can I...?" Uezawa Sakura cast an inquiring look at Haruna.

Haruna thought about it. Since men can go up, Kaguya-sama should not mind one more woman, so she nodded and agreed.

"You guys come with me."

So, Chen Nian and Uezawa Sakura followed Haruna up.

The guards next to them were stunned.

"I didn't expect that Lady Kaguya would take the initiative to meet a man! She is a goddess of unparalleled beauty. I don't know how many men dream of meeting her..."

"This is an unprecedented precedent. I envy her so much!"

Walking up the long stairs, Chen Nian and his companions stepped onto the White Moon Shrine.

In the middle of the shrine is the stone statue of Lady Kaguya. Even though it is a stone statue, one can still see her unparalleled beauty.

Haruna took the lead in kneeling down and saluted: "Meet Lady Kaguya."

Uezawa Sakura also followed suit, but Chen Nian still stood there, with no intention of bowing down.

"You... don't you salute Lady Kaguya." Haruna turned around, with a look of anger in her eyes.

"Just a token of my appreciation. No one is qualified to make me kneel down and salute." Chen Nian looked up and asked, "I heard that you want to see me?"

"What an arrogant human!" An angry female voice came out.

Immediately, Sakura Uezawa's body suddenly stiffened, her pupils glowed white, and her expression became much calmer, with a bit more of a superior sense of majesty.

She was temporarily possessed by Kaguya.

Sakura Uezawa is now Kaguya!

She walked in front of Chen Nian and just looked at him, her pupils glowing white staring at him motionlessly.

Haruna panicked, she had never seen Lady Kaguya like this before, could it be that Chen Nian had angered her?

"Lord Kaguya, don't be angry... He is from another world, he doesn't know the etiquette, please forgive me!"

"No need to say more."

Kaguya said coldly, "I heard from Haruna that you are very strong, so let me try!"

As soon as the voice fell, Sakura Uezawa's body burst into a strong and dazzling light.

The whole world turned pure white, and Haruna was almost unable to open her eyes. When the vision was restored, the scenery in front of her had changed.

It was no longer a shrine, but a dreamlike and beautiful scene.

Above the head was a bright full moon, and under the feet was a transparent ground like water, reflecting the light of the bright moon, and ripples would appear when stepped on.

"Where...is this?" Haruna was extremely surprised.


Chen Nian saw the true face at a glance.

"Yes, this is the Moonlight God Domain. Anyone under the moonlight will be constantly attacked by moon rays. If you can't hold on, I can stop at any time."

"Please." Chen Nian put his hands in his pockets, with a nonchalant look on his face.

"It seems that you are very confident in yourself, very good."

The moonlight bloomed.

Thousands of moon rays stabbed at Chen Nian like a sharp sword!

Chen Nian's hands were still in his pockets, but his pupils suddenly lit up with golden light, more dazzling than gold.

Word Spirit, Judgment!

Thousands of moon rays melted into the golden domain, not touching him at all.

Haruna stood beside the two of them, staring at their fight.

However, this was just the beginning!

Chen Nian found that his domain was being squeezed, as if it was being suppressed by a force and was gradually weakening.

Because the Judgment Domain was unfolding in the "Moonlight Divine Domain" and was wrapped.

A large domain will eat away at a small domain.

Unless you can use a stronger force to make your domain bigger, it will be eaten away.

"Human, it seems that you are not that strong." Kaguya sneered.


Chen Nian slowly raised his head and looked at the full moon in the sky.

Suddenly, two sharp rays of light shot out from his pupils, and they actually hit the moon in the sky directly.

Crash! The moon shattered.

The domain dissipated and restored the appearance of the shrine.

"Actually...actually..." Haruna covered her mouth in surprise.

Kaguya was silent for a few seconds, then said, "You actually saw through the weakness of this realm..."

In the Moonlight Divine Realm, if you resist forcefully, you will only be swallowed by the endless moonlight and will never win. The only way to break it is to destroy the moon in the sky!

"Luck." Chen Nian said with a smile.

"I recognize your strength, you.....with the power of God. "

Kaguya realized it later. No wonder this human was so rude. He was indeed qualified to be rude.

"Let's get back to the point. I want you to stop the demon king "Shuten Douji" from reviving."

"You tested me right away, and then asked me for help? Do you think that people can do whatever they want just because they are beautiful?" Chen Nian said.

Haruna was frightened. She didn't expect Chen Nian to dare to offend Kaguya like this.

Kaguya remained silent. As a goddess, she has always been respected. No one has ever dared to speak to her like this.

After a long silence, Kaguya said in a deep voice:

"If the demon king revives, everyone here will die, including the girl I possessed. Is this reason enough? "

Chen Nian was thinking about how to negotiate.

Suddenly, the possessed "Ueze Sakura" came over, stood on tiptoe and kissed her on the side of her face.

The soft and moist touch of the lips still remained on her face.

Chen Nian:?

Qinai covered her face: "This, this, this...Oh my God!"

"You brought her to see me, which shows that you think she is very important. In order to protect her, shouldn't you stop the demon king from reviving?" Kaguya said seriously.

Despicable woman, actually playing the emotional card with me.

Chen Nian shook his head: "Not enough, I don't have to fight the demon king to the death to protect her."

Qinai echoed: "Master Chen Nian... I also ask you to help, only a strong man like you can do it, please! "

Kaguya looked at Haruna, her eyes moved.

Instantly, Haruna's body stiffened, her eyes glowed white, and she was possessed.

At the same time, Uezawa Sakurazawa regained self-awareness and turned his head away with a red face.

Hmm... I didn't expect Kaguya to help me do what I wanted to do but didn't dare to do... I really thank her.

Chen Nian hasn't recovered yet.

I saw Haruna also tiptoeing and kissed him on the side of his face.

After the kiss, Kaguya broke away from the possession and turned into a vague shadow, floating in the air.

Haruna also regained self-awareness at this moment.

Her face turned ripe on the spot, and she covered her face tightly with her hands, and shouted to Kaguya.

"Lord Kaguya, you are annoying... I was just speaking for you!"

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