Haruna was speechless.

The two people she respected most in her life.

Kaguya-sama, Jiuer-sister.

They actually both wanted to find Chen Nian!

So I was just a tool. . .

"Yes, his name is Chen Nian, and he single-handedly wiped out the forces of Nura in Rokujo Castle not long ago."

Tamamonomae knew, of course, because she was watching from a distance at the time, but she still pretended not to know.

"So powerful? Your Onmyoji really has an extraordinary person."

"Sister Jiuer asked him why?"

"I'm interested in him and want to negotiate a deal with him." Tamamonomae raised her lips, "But before the deal, I need to test his strength first."

"Sister Jiuer, you also..."

Haruna was speechless: "Lord Kaguya has already tested his strength before, and has been recognized."

"Haha, what does that little girl Kaguya-sama know? Testing is testing after all, I want him to fight in real combat."

Haruna was shocked.

Sister Jiuer actually called Lady Kaguya "little girl"?

She once asked who Sister Jiuer was, but she never got a definite answer. She only knew that she had saved her when she was a child.

And after so many years, she is still as young and beautiful as ever, as if the years have never passed on her face.

"Sister Jiuer, who are you..."

Tamamonomae asked with a smile: "Haruna, do you want revenge?"

"Revenge..." Haruna was stunned.

She wanted revenge, all the time! She wanted revenge in her dreams!

When she was a child, she saw Crow Tengu killing her parents, and her heart was dug out and eaten. For so many years, that scene would linger in her mind almost every night.

If it weren't for Sister Jiuer, she would have died.

But that Crow Tengu is powerful, and lives in the Seventh City, which is full of ghosts. With her own strength, I am afraid that she will never be able to take revenge in her lifetime...

Tamamonomae stretched out a slender jade finger and gently stroked Haruna's lips.

"You kissed him, so you have to ask him to give you something in return. A woman's first kiss is very precious, right?"

"Jiu, Jiuer sister, what do you want to do?" Haruna blushed.

"Kidnap you."

"Eh? Eh!!!"

Before Haruna could react, she was dragged into the air by a force and flew quickly into the city.

She almost doubted her life.

In the past years, she almost stayed in the Yin Yang Bureau and never went out.

But today, she was first carried by Chen Nian to the Sixth City.

This time, Jiuer sister took her to a deeper place!

I am so weak, what sin did I commit... She wanted to cry but had no tears.

Along the way, no demons dared to stop her.

Tamamonomae brought Haruna to the Seventh City!

The dense ghost aura covered the sky like a haze. Although Haruna had the Yin-Yang Talisman, she was almost suffocated, not to mention using Yin-Yang magic.

In such a place, if the Yin-Yang Talisman is not high enough, the power will be greatly suppressed!

"Jiu-Jiuer sister, what are you going to do... This place is very dangerous."

"Did you see the mansion in the distance? That's where Crow Tengu lives."

"What, what!" Haruna's eyes suddenly widened.

"Don't you want revenge? Today is a good opportunity. I have sent a letter to Chen Nian, saying that you were kidnapped by a monster and brought here. He should come to save you."

Haruna covered her mouth in surprise. She didn't expect that she was used as bait to seduce Chen Nian!

"How, how can you do this? This is deceiving Master Chen Nian and using him!"

"He's just a man, isn't he meant to be used? Or did you develop feelings for him after you kissed him?"

"No, no!"

"Then shut up. I'll throw you in when he comes."

"Ah! Sister Jiu'er, you're too cruel!"

"Don't worry. If he can't protect you, I'll do it when necessary. Of course, if you don't act like it, don't blame me if you die here, let alone revenge."

"Too cunning!" Haruna bit her lips tightly.

"Foxes are naturally cunning, and this is fun, isn't it?" Tamamonomae narrowed her narrow fox eyes, and her smile became more intense.



Originally, due to the large number of people, outsiders did not have separate rooms to stay in.

But Chen Nian was an exception. He first killed Nura, and then was summoned by Kaguya, and his status suddenly rose.

So I got a separate and comfortable room and was sleeping comfortably.

But before I had been lying there for long, a pink butterfly suddenly flew in from the window.

"It's not a real butterfly, but a supernatural power in the shape of a butterfly."Chen Nian was suspicious.

The butterfly turned into a string of words in the air.

[Haruna was taken away]

"? ”

It’s strange.

Haruna was just at the shrine. She shouldn’t be running around at night. How could she be caught?

Or did she walk out of the Onmyoji’s barrier by herself?

It’s impossible. She’s not stupid.

But just in case, Chen Nian decided to go out and look for her.

After searching for a while, he really didn’t find Haruna! Until an Onmyoji said he saw her go out and reminded her.

This made Chen Nian even more confused.

Haruna must have gone out on her own initiative for a reason, or she was called out by someone she trusted, so why was she caught?

In the sky, the pink butterfly was still hovering.

Chen Nian knew that it meant to lead the way for him.

It seems... this matter is not that simple. Haruna must not have been simply caught.

The biggest possibility is that this is a trap.

But since Haruna is really gone, Chen Nian naturally can’t just sit back and watch. No matter what, even if it was a trap, he had to go.

Then again, when had he ever been afraid of a trap?

So, Chen Nian said something to Tang Rou and Shang Zeying, and followed the butterfly out.

Under the guidance of the butterfly, he actually bypassed the monsters and ghosts in the city along the way, and finally came to the deeper Seventh City!

"Seventh City..."

Without using the Suzaku Divine Fire to dispel the ghost spirit, even Chen Nian felt a little pressure.

Now he can only exert 30% of his strength.

Fortunately, he got the power of Suzaku with Ye Hongling before coming here, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with.

Chen Nian continued to follow the butterfly, wanting to see where it would lead him.


In Chen Nian's room, Tang Rou lay comfortably.

"Wow, I thought I had to sleep outside, but I didn't expect to sleep on a soft bed. It's so happy!" Tang Rou was extremely happy.

Shang Zeying said: "Aren't you worried about Chen Nian? ”

“If the boss gets into trouble, then we’re doomed too. There’s nothing to worry about. Go to sleep!”


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