ps: The picture is below


Although Chen Nian's eyes fell on Tamamonomae's legs, he was thinking about this series of processes in his heart.

On the surface, Tamamonomae helped Haruna to get revenge and also helped.

But Haruna's trust in her does not mean that Chen Nian also completely trusts her.

A thousand-year-old fox demon, is it as simple as it seems?

However, Chen Nian is not afraid of the other party's attack. His ultimate move of summoning spirits has not been used yet, so there is no problem in saving his life.

"Tell me, what is your purpose in luring me here."

"I didn't lure you here, I just told you that Haruna was captured, but you rushed to save the beauty." Tamamonomae said with a smile.

Haruna pursed her lips and said a little embarrassedly: "... Thank you, Lord Chen Nian, for your concern."

"Thank you, but you are not allowed to give yourself to me." Tamamonomae reminded that her tail was still on Haruna and she could feel the other party's various feelings.

In short, if Haruna was having an affair with someone else, she could empathize with him...

So, she would never allow Haruna to touch any man.

"What are you talking about? How can I, how can I give myself to you?!" Haruna immediately retorted with a red face.

"So what is your purpose in bringing me here?" Chen Nian returned to the point.

"Try your strength."

"Did you test it?"

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have invited you to my house." Tamamonomae chuckled, "You are the first man to enter my house in a thousand years."

"It's an honor. What do you want to do now?"

"I want to make a deal with you."

Chen Nian couldn't help laughing: "Interesting, you and Kaguya both want to test my strength, and then talk about the deal. Do you women like to play like this?"

"Don't confuse me with Kaguya, that little girl."

Tamamonomae put her elbow on her leg, supporting her snow-white chin, "People often say that she is a beauty that can light up the night, haha, she is just a skinny girl."

She suddenly curled her lips, as if she thought of something interesting.

"Chen Nian, now you have seen both of them, why not come and evaluate, who is better looking between me and her?"


Speechless, actually discussing this kind of question, is this appropriate!

Chen Nian said without hesitation: "You are prettier."


"She doesn't even have a physical body, she is just possessed in a stone statue, how can she compare with you? At least you can show your legs."

The female fox demon immediately scolded: "How dare you! How dare you talk to Lady Tamamonomae like this."

Haruna was also quite surprised. She didn't expect that Chen Nian could joke easily in front of one of the three legendary monsters, without any fear at all...

"No problem, men are slick, but they get along well with us foxes."

"Tell me, what deal do you want to discuss, I'll think about it."

"Haruna, your face is so red, go to the side to cool down, no objection, right? No use if you have any objection, take her down."

So, Haruna was taken into the house by a fox demon, without any room for resistance.

This means that only Chen Nian can listen to the next words.

"You sent Haruna away because she can't know?"


Tamamonomae narrowed her eyes and said in a sweet voice like the sound of nature:

"I want you to kill Shuten-douji."


When these words came out, even Chen Nian was shocked.

All the extraordinary people and Yin-Yang masters in the Bailong camp have only one goal...

To stop the demon king Shuten-douji from reviving!

This is the main task.

And what Tamamonomae said... is to kill Shuten-douji.

In ancient times, the most powerful Yin-Yang masters could not do it. Shuten-douji has immortal blood and cannot be killed at all. He can only be sealed in the coffin of heaven.

If you want to kill Shuten-douji, it means that you must revive him first, which runs counter to the purpose of the Bailong camp!

No wonder Haruna couldn't hear it. This is too bold!

"As a demon, you kill the demon king?" Chen Nian wondered.

"A long time ago, my sister liked him. She was my sister who grew up with me. She had a man she liked, so naturally, I had to bless her. Guess what?"

Tamamonomae's eyes suddenly became cold: "He coveted my sister's powerful demon power. In order to compete for the position of demon king, he actually ate her flesh alive, the flesh of a girl who loved him deeply!"

"This is why I want to kill him. Is that enough?"

Chen Nian thought for a while and asked again: "Then why don't you kill him yourself?"

"Most of my power is sealed, and my frontal combat power is not strong, so I need your help."

"Then you should also know that preventing the demon king from resurrecting is not as difficult as killing him., the latter is playing with his life, and is also equivalent to betraying all humans including Haruna, putting their lives on the fire. "

In other words, if Chen Nian agrees, he will now even become a member of the Black Moon camp, and he must revive the Demon King first.

Tamamo nodded slightly: "Yes."

"However, if you want to stop Shuten Douji from resurrecting, then in addition to the Great Tengu, I will also stop you, the Black Moon Clan, and many newly joined humans. "

"Do you think you have a chance of winning?"

"If you agree to me, then when the Demon King is born, I will help you stop the Great Tengu, so that you will have two fewer enemies, isn't it a good deal? "

To stop the demon king from resurrecting, Tamamonomae and Daitengu are both enemies.

If he doesn't stop it, Tamamonomae will deal with Daitengu, and Chen Nian will only have to face Shuten-douji.

This account is hard to calculate!

Chen Nian hasn't seen Daitengu's strength with his own eyes, but this woman is really troublesome. If she becomes an enemy, it will be very difficult.

What's more, she holds Haruna's life in her hands.

Chen Nian is too lazy to calculate this account slowly. He just wants to know one thing.

"What's the benefit of me helping you?"

"Immortal blood."

As if he had expected Chen Nian to ask this question, Tamamonomae answered without hesitation.

"Shuten-douji is the demon king because he has immortal blood."

"I have immortal blood to restore my strength. Haruna has immortal blood to restore her heart. You have immortal blood to gain powerful strength!"

"Besides that, I can give you anything you want, except me. "

After Tamamonomae finished speaking, she immediately added, "Except for Haruna, she can't touch men."

Chen Nian:......

After frowning and thinking for a while, he said.

"Here comes the question. I heard that the immortal blood can make the body immortal and have infinite power. How can I kill him?"

"Of course there is a way."

Tamamonomae took off the golden bell tied around her ankle.

Chen Nian was shocked: "This... is not good, right?"

"This is a magic weapon that I have been refining for three hundred years!"

Perhaps knowing that Chen Nian had misunderstood, Tamamonomae smiled and rolled her eyes at him.

"When you beat Shuten Douji to a serious injury, use this golden bell to peel off the immortal blood from his body, and then he will no longer be immortal."

Chen Nian took the golden bell and played with it in his hand for a few times.

"Since you have taken the golden bell, then you agree... Wait, what are you sniffing with your nose? ”

“Smell your feet to see if they stink.”

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