
However, Shangze Zhishu ignored his sister's greeting.

His eyes were completely focused on Chen Nian, and even his breathing rhythm began to quicken, and he was visibly excited!

"Brother, so the sister-in-law you mentioned is her? Hello, I didn't expect to meet you again."


Shangze Zhishu looked a little shy, and a cough was considered as a tacit agreement.

"Thank you for saving me last time. Let me introduce myself formally. My name is Cai Zhi." The girl bowed her head and thanked Ying and Chen Nian.

"You're welcome."

Chen Nian replied politely.

Cai Zhi is also a pretty girl, but she is still inferior to Ying in temperament and appearance.

After Ying obtained the divinity of the beautiful god Kaguya, there was no impurity on her body, and her skin was as smooth and flawless as the bright white moonlight, otherwise Chen Nian would not have eaten snacks as soon as he got home.

With such a lovely maid in his own home, would a normal man not be tempted?

However, Shangze Zhishu is obviously not the kind of person who loves beauty. Like Yang Wei, he met a girl who helped him at the bottom of his life. The tenderness he felt at that moment was enough to overcome everything.

"Brother, sister Caizhi, have you been waiting here for a long time?"

"Just arrived." Shangze Zhishu replied indifferently.

"No way..." Caizhi added in a low voice: "In fact, he came last night and has been standing here waiting."

"Hey, don't talk too much!"

Ying was amused. She didn't expect that her always serious brother would have such a side. It was like a child who couldn't sleep at night because he was going on a spring outing tomorrow. It really made people laugh.

Shangze Zhishu said to Chen Nian: "I'm very lucky to be able to fight with you."

"Talk while walking."

Chen Nian would still maintain a certain style in front of outsiders. After all, he was "silent" outside, and "Chen Nian" in front of his own people.

Silence has a kind of indifference to everything and leisurely style.

Several people came to the Lost Continent. Fighting here is not easy to hurt others by mistake, and it is easier to display.

After finding a wide open space, Shangze Ying and Cai Zhi were spectators on the side, while Chen Nian and Shangze Zhishu were facing each other, dozens of meters apart.

The wind blew the fallen leaves, and the sun shone on the earth.

Good spring, suitable for a big fight!

Shangze Zhishu took the lead in drawing his sword, and as the blade left the sheath, the power of thunder and lightning was ready to go.

Finally, a "bang" sound!

Thousands of terrifying lightning rays burst out from him, the earth was shattered on the spot, and all the weeds and flowers became black and charred.

The phantom of Jianyu Thunder God wearing lightning armor has appeared behind Shangze Zhishu.

As soon as he came up, he was in a state of divine power explosion.

Shangze Zhishu knew Chen Nian's strength and didn't want to make any fancy attempts. Going all out was his respect for this battle!

"Brother is so strong now..."

Ying murmured, "His strength has improved compared to when he was in Shenyaojing."

"Well, he practices every day and will not stop until he swings his sword thousands of times."

"Sister-in-law, I can see that you have a lot of resentment." Ying chuckled.

"Who do you think will win?"

"Well...now, brother should have the upper hand, after all, he hasn't used it yet..."

Sakura Shangze hadn't finished speaking when she saw a dazzling golden light flashing. Chen Nian had already used the magic of summoning gods, and the golden summoning god was majestic.

"I take back what I said just now."


"I just hope that brother doesn't lose too badly, so as not to hurt his self-esteem."


Shangze Zhishu held the handle of the knife tightly with one hand, and there was a faint thundering sound between his breathing.

"I have three swords, please take them!"

"First sword."

As soon as the word "sword" fell, Shangze Zhishu was already in front of Chen Nian.

Behind him was a trail of lightning that slowly dissipated in the air.

Clang! !

The Thunder Blade and the Dragon Slashing Sword collided head-on.

With just one encounter, the wind howled, and the terrifying shock wave stirred up the sea of ​​trees within a radius of one kilometer.

[Divine Power Value +800]

[Current Divine Power Value: 1500]

[Divine Power Value Required for Upgrade: 3000]

Chen Nian did feel that Shangze Zhishu's power had become much stronger. It seemed that there was hope for awakening the fourth level of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art today!

Shangze Zhishu left after one strike and retreated a hundred meters away.

He knew very well that he could not be Si Yu's opponent in a head-on confrontation. His only advantage was speed, so he had these three swords.

Each time he strikes, he must make it faster than the last one. Only by breaking through the limits of humans and his own limits can he have a chance of winning.


Uezawa Shiki takes a deep breath again, loosens his five fingers and holds the knife again

"Second knife."

He moved, and at that moment the wind in the air was filled with blue-purple lightning.

A blue arc of lightning was left behind him, and the distance of 100 meters was closed in just one breath!

The normal reaction speed of ordinary people is within 300 milliseconds, which means that when the eyes see it, they react within 0.3s. Young people with fast reactions may be able to react and take action in less than 0.2s.

The real human limit is defined by science as 0.1s.

But normal people cannot react so quickly. If they start within 0.1s after the starting gun of a running competition sounds, they will even be regarded as false start.

Shang Ze Zhishu's knife, from a distance of 100 meters, took only a little over 0.1s, which is infinitely close to the human limit.

In other words, if you fight with him and accidentally blink your eyes, your head may have been chopped off as soon as you open your eyes.

"This knife can win..."

After practicing swinging the knife day and night, he finally used the most perfect knife today!

Shang Ze Zhi Shu was very confident.

Although he could see my attack clearly, he might not be able to react. Seeing is one thing, and reacting after seeing is another.

The Sky Eye... is not without any flaws. If you are fast enough, you can break through his Sky Eye!


The roar of the sword was deafening.


Shang Ze Zhi Shu was extremely shocked.

I saw the man in front of him calmly and steadily caught the knife, as if it was a matter of course for him.

After a brief shock, Shang Ze Zhi Shu smiled bitterly and put away the knife.

"I lost."

"This is only the second knife."

Considering that I was so pitiful to your sister yesterday, can you not give up halfway as agreed on the third knife?

Chen Nian complained in his heart, but he was still calm on the surface.

"This is already the most perfect knife I can do. It is almost to my limit. The third knife is no longer necessary."

Shang Ze Zhi Shu shook his head.

"I have a suggestion." Chen Nian said: "If I remember correctly, Cai Zhi can transmit divine power, why not use her power to make your knife go further?"

"It's meaningless if it's not your own power."

Chen Nian smiled: "Only after seeing a mountain will people climb higher mountains."

Shang Ze Zhishu heard it and suddenly looked up as if he had an epiphany.

That makes sense.....

If I can experience a faster knife myself, then maybe I can reach that level in the future?

"Okay. The third knife is not about winning or losing, but about surpassing myself."


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