Halftime break.

When Chen Nian was waiting in the lounge, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

"It's me!"

Su Jinyu pushed the door open.

"Why, come to cheer me up?" Chen Nian asked with a smile.

"Yes, the team battle is about to start, and the situation is not optimistic. Do you have confidence?"

When Chen Nian was alone with Su Jinyu, his mentality was quite relaxed, and he was not as restrained as when facing multiple girls.

He smiled and said, "Do you believe me if I say there is no one?"



"Unless what?"

"A girl kissed me to cheer me up."

"Of course! Brother Buyu can tease me now. It seems that there are too many girls around him and he has learned bad things."

Su Jinyu snorted and walked in front of Chen Nian, "Then tell me first, what did you come to me for that night? "

Chen Nian recalled that he first accompanied Zhao Yixue to watch the moon that night, then went to Ye Hongling but was turned away, and finally came to find Su Jinyu, and then was kicked out by her father...

He absolutely dared not tell the first two parts of the plot.

"I'll go find..."

"Oh, isn't this the pigeon man?"

Just then, Ye Hongling suddenly came in and interrupted their conversation.

Although the atmosphere of the two people being alone was broken, Su Jinyu still tilted her head and asked curiously: "What does pigeon man mean?"

"The man with the pigeon spirit, he clearly picked me that day, but he didn't come until after four in the morning. What did he do before that, Mr. Pigeon Man?"

Ye Hongling asked with her arms folded across her chest and smiled.

This kind of occasion is the one that Chen Nian is least good at dealing with. He dare not be careless at all, otherwise it will be bad to offend anyone.

He hasn't answered yet.

A voice with a chill floated in from outside the door.

"He is accompanying me to watch the moon, is there a problem? "Zhao Yixue walked in expressionlessly.

"What? !"

Su Jinyu's beautiful eyes widened.

Ye Hongling smiled: "Let's sort out the timeline. You watched the moon with her first, and then left her behind and wanted to come to meet me, but I refused you. Finally, you thought of looking for Su Jinyu, right?"

Chen Nian: NMD, do you have to be so clear?

Social death.

Su Jinyu glared at Chen Nian with her hands on her hips, as if asking: "Is this true?"

"It doesn't matter. They all doubt you and suspect you, but I won't. I will accompany you no matter what."

Zhao Yixue stood on tiptoe and kissed Chen Nian's cheek.

The warm and soft touch flashed by, leaving a water stain on Chen Nian's cheek.

Zhao Yixue licked her tongue with a rosy face, leaving the two women where they were.

"Come on in the game. ”

[The team battle is about to begin. Please arrive at the venue within five minutes!]

The broadcast sounded.

Chen Nian was relieved, "Then I'll go first... cough."

Compared to dealing with the Shura field of three women, I am still better at fighting three top powerhouses.


When Chen Nian appears, there will be thunderous applause and cheers.

Not only the tens of thousands of spectators at the scene, but also the more than one billion viewers watching the TV and the live broadcast will not be able to help but cheer.

However, they saw only Buyu.

And the other side, three people fought.

People who didn't know the situation quickly had questions in their hearts.

"What's going on? Why is there only one person on our Dragon Country side, and where are the other two?"

"Yes, no matter how strong Buyu is, the other side is not weak either. We can't let him fight three alone!"

"What's going on... The injuries on the other side have been healed, so can't our people participate in the battle? ”

At this time, the referee said loudly: "Due to the poor condition of the other two players from Longguo, they will miss this team battle."

"Ah? How could this happen!"

"It really takes one person to fight three..."

"How the hell can we fight this? The three opponents are all strong. It's dangerous..."

The audience of Longguo, who was full of confidence just now, was like a deflated ball at this moment.

"Damn it! If only I could go up to help." Lihua muttered while biting her little tiger teeth.

Youcai glanced at her, "What's wrong? Aren't you at odds with that guy? You actually want to go up to help him?"

"Who, who wants to help him? I can't stand those people. They attacked us!"

"Okay, okay...but you are angry, why are you pulling my legs?"

"Sister, your legs are thick and rough, it doesn't hurt to pull them."

"You dare to hold a grudge, you are asking for a fight! ”


Everyone was cheering for Chen Nian, except Qin Yu.

In front of the TV, she closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and whispered softly.murmured, like a devout believer praying to the gods.

"Must be safe..."

Due to the TV broadcast, Chen Nian in the broadcast screen was still the virtual appearance of the Thousand Fox Mask, not Chen Nian's appearance.

So Qin Yu was simply praying for "Bu Yu".

She didn't pray that this idol could win one against three, but just hoped that he would be safe.

She hoped that he could go further, but not too far, so far that even her eyes could not catch up with his back.


"The game begins!"

The referee gave an order, and the final team battle finally began.

"Team battle? Very good, it saves us the effort to find him later."

Chi Xiang smiled with cold murderous intent, "Don't forget our purpose."

"Kill him and eliminate the potential threat to us from this world." Shi Mu responded in a low voice. Although his strength was not much left, he still had the strength to fight.

"And you, don't stand there like a waste." Chi Xiang looked at Carlos, "Why don't you take action? What are you waiting for?"


Carlos didn't reply. He also wanted to use the power of these two people to suppress the Dragon Kingdom.


Tyr, the god of contract and the guardian of the oath, appeared behind him again.

"Swear by the broken arm that neither of us can use the power of God. Those who violate the oath will be punished by God. The contract is here!"

Instantly, the phantom of Carlos's godhead disappeared.

The contract.....both parties are not allowed to use the power of God, which means that he has suppressed Chen Nian's most powerful fighting method at the cost of himself.

Chen Nian tried to activate the power of God, and it was indeed limited.

"Take action!"

Chi Xiang and Shi Mu took action at the same time.

They knew that Chen Nian's summoned beast could reach the divine punishment, so of course they would not give him this breathing time.

Shi Mu merged into a stone giant again.

Chi Xiang once again launched his ability to deal with Yang Wei, and countless red energy cannons suddenly fired.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Word Spirit, Judgment."

Chen Nian stood at the center of the explosion, using his domain to block all attacks.

His face was expressionless and his eyes were cold.

Don't forget, he was also angry...

The two of them first attacked the plane that attacked Longguo, and then almost killed Yang Wei!

New and old grudges, settle them together.

After the energy bombardment, Chen Nian was safe and sound, but what followed was the iron fist of the stone giant.

However, Shi Mu's punch hit the air.

Chen Nian disappeared.

"Not good!"

Chi Xiang suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Carlos.

He guessed correctly.

Chen Nian had to deal with Carlos first to make the "Contract Oath" invalid.

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