The person who sang the hymn of the sky was Qin Yu!

This scene made the leading woman furious.

"A mere outsider dared to sing the hymn of the sky without authorization. It is an insult to us!"

But at this moment, a magical scene happened.

The patient who had gone completely crazy just now actually slowly collapsed and fell asleep on the floor.

At this moment.

Everyone cast incredible eyes at Qin Yu.

"How is it possible..."

"He is clearly in the terminal stage. He can't even control our singing. How can an outsider do that?"

Even if she was inexplicably imprisoned in a prison cell, even if she was scared and secretly wiped away tears, she was still willing to sing for these sick people.

Bishuang once again truly felt the good qualities of Qin Yu.

Perhaps only such a kind girl can become a bridge for communication between the two worlds...

The anger on the woman's face gradually disappeared, replaced by disbelief. Everyone stared blankly with their mouths open, without disturbing Qin Yu.

Her singing seemed to be more pleasant than anyone else's, like the gentlest wind in the world, soothing all the pain deep in her heart.

Suddenly, the communication from the headset brought the woman back to her senses.

"My Lord, the statue of the Queen of the Sky suddenly glowed!"

"What did you say?!"

The Queen of the Sky is the god worshipped by the Royal Domain and the greatest existence.

But the stone statue has not glowed for a hundred years, and even the Queen's sincere daily prayers have never made it react at all.

Could it be that this outsider has resonated with the Queen of the Sky!

"Let her out, quickly."

Qin Yu was released just like that, and she herself was also confused.

Surrounded by a group of girls, she was taken to the solemn and solemn Royal Domain Forbidden Land, and the stone statue of the Queen of the Sky stood on the altar.

It was a beautiful and powerful goddess wearing armor, holding a bow and arrow, with wings spread out, as if she was going to run towards the stars in the sky!

At the same time, a group of white-haired old men hurried over.

"You said her singing resonated with the Queen of the Sky?"

"I don't know if it's a coincidence, sing the Sky Hymn again, quickly!"

Qin Yu was confused.

But she is good at singing, and she just had an occupational disease.

When the singing sounded again, the stone statue of the Queen of the Sky lit up with a faint fluorescence again.

"Yes, it's true!"

"She resonated with the Queen of the Sky, it's amazing!"

"This... She is the daughter of the sky, she is the daughter of the sky who came to save the world!"

Everyone present was extremely excited, and those white-haired old men burst into tears, and even prostrated themselves on the ground and knelt down to Qin Yu.

"What are you doing? Stop it, get up!"

"She must be a kind-hearted girl. We are guilty of a heinous crime by locking her up in a cell!"

"How could someone who is recognized by the Queen of the Sky do something sinister and cunning? Please accept our apology."

From a prisoner, her status instantly rose to that of the Daughter of the Sky.

Qin Yu was at a loss, but she still thought: "Then you should release Bi Shuang as well!"

"Go and release her!"

At the same time, the Queen in the Sky Temple also knew about this.

"The Daughter of the Sky..."

"I offer sacrifices to the Queen of the Sky every day, but I have never received a response. She, an outsider, can actually be favored by the Queen of the Sky!"

A hint of displeasure flashed across the Queen's brows.

She had a vague feeling that this outsider girl would threaten her status.

"My Queen, someone has trespassed into the Royal Domain!"


"An outsider without divine patterns!"

"Another outsider... Let Nanxing deal with these annoying outsiders."


Yes, the intruder was Chen Nian.

"Wait, didn't you say you can convince people with reason? Why are you suddenly fighting with them? This is the Royal Domain!"

"Oh, the reason I'm talking about is physics." As he said that, Chen Nian kicked the soldier away again.


Chen Nian came to save Bi Shuang, of course.

With her, the Fourth Disaster Plan can continue to move forward.

But he didn't kill anyone, just stretched his muscles and bones casually, which was already very "friendly".

Suddenly, he found a familiar figure flying from a distance.

It was Bi Shuang!

Chen Nian was stunned and asked, "What happened? Were you arrested?"

"I was released. I'll tell you in detail later. Go quickly. You've caused trouble in the King's Domain. You won't be able to leave later."

Bi Shuang didn't plan to say more and told Chen Nian to evacuate quickly.

"Want to leave? Can you leave?"

A voice came from above. ChenNian looked up.

Then he saw a man in silver-white armor hanging in the air.

"It's him! The S-level wall breaker of the king's domain, Nanxing!" Jingfeng murmured, his pupils trembling.

Even Bishuang's face showed a solemn look.

Nanxing landed lightly on the ground, like an elegant knight.

"Running wild in the king's domain, ha, how long have I not seen such a fool, should I say you are stupid or ignorant?"

"Your armor seems good."

"What..." Nanxing frowned.

"It's okay, I just thought about whether to take it back, the quality of the equipment should be quite high."

"I can understand that this is a provocation to my king's domain?!"

Nanxing's tone suddenly became heavier, and at the same time he pulled out the silver-white long sword worn on his waist.

Suddenly, cold air gushed out, freezing the surrounding ground into ice!

Chen Nian's eyes lit up.

Zhao Yixue might like this sword, so she could bring her a small gift.

Just as the situation was tense, a voice similar to a broadcast suddenly sounded in the entire airspace.

"Amnesty for the entire region, all sinners can be pardoned, let us send our most sincere blessings to the arrival of the Daughter of the Sky!"

Nan Xing put the sword back.

"You are lucky, you saved your life, get out!"

"Oh, what a pity." Chen Nian shrugged.

Bi Shuang whispered: "Let's go, we have more important things to do."

Chen Nian did not continue to argue and followed him away.

"By the way, what's going on, and what is the Daughter of the Sky?"

"It's a friend of mine, her name is Qin Yu, a very kind girl. I asked for her autograph at that time." Bi Shuang did not know that Chen Nian knew Qin Yu.

"Qin Yu... is she the Daughter of the Sky?"

"She seems to have been recognized by the Queen of the Sky and has special powers. Why do you look so worried?"

"It's okay."

Chen Nian smiled.

But he came to do business, so he would not go out of his way to meet Qin Yu.

"Where to go next?" Chen Nian asked.

"In the Crystal Domain, only the crystals and technology they have mined can support the breaking of stable space channels. We don't have much time, and I hope we won't be blocked again."

Chen Nian asked again: "What should I pay attention to when negotiating with them?"

"The leader of the Crystal Domain is called the Crystal Saint. We must get her approval, but it is said that she never gets close to men, so it is better for me to negotiate."


ps: Yes, this plot will have Qin Yu's highlights!

The second update, and it is expected that there will be an extra update today

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