"The entrance is blocked, how can we get through?!"

"It's over!"

"It's already extremely difficult to get through the volcano, and now there's no road, how can he get through?"

"The rules don't say that you can't destroy the terrain, hey."

Originally, everyone expected Chen Nian to overtake someone, at least get third place, and make this year's competition more interesting.

However, from the moment the crater was blocked, they no longer had any hope.

"Wait! Why doesn't that guy slow down?"

"He will hit the volcano directly at this speed, do you want to die!"

People noticed that Chen Nian's airship was still running at the highest speed, with no intention of stopping at all.

Word Spirit - Divine Crystal Shield.

Chen Nian activated the third Word Spirit.

Divine Crystal Shield appeared above, below, left and right of the airship, almost wrapping it up like an armored ship!

Boom! !

He crashed into the volcano headfirst.

"Mad man..."

People held their heads and screamed, and their hands couldn't help pulling their scalps.

This scene is too crazy!

Normally, the road inside the volcano is opened, and the airship can pass through.

"But he can't find the road at all if he crashes into it blindly!"

"Maybe... he didn't even want to find the road."

"His goal is to crash through the mountain directly..."

One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds, five seconds!

A full five seconds.

The audience stared at the screen, holding their breath, not even daring to blink.


On the other side of the mountain wall, the rubble exploded.

The airship rushed out.


At this moment, millions of viewers burst into deafening cheers.

"Crazy, absolutely crazy, this is OK, hahahaha!"

"Too strong, his speed has not even slowed down, and he is still approaching the third place!"

"This is definitely the most fantastic competition in all these years."

People opened their mouths, their faces full of disbelief, and they were reluctant to take their eyes off Chen Nian's ship.

The third-ranked Chiyanyu team member found that Chen Nian had caught up with them.

"Damn it!"

He gritted his teeth secretly.

As everyone knows, Chen Nian is collecting divine stones everywhere, and the people of Chiyanyu certainly know it, so their goal is to make Chen Nian fail!

Even if they die together, they have to pin him to death here!

"The guy from Chiyanyu turned the bow? What is he going to do?"

"He wants to hit him head-on, I'm too shameless..."

The audience sighed.

"Flame method, big fire explosion!"

He turned his airship into a super fireball that was about to explode!

Head-on, hit Chen Nian's airship.

"Fall with me, kid!"


Another loud noise, a huge firework bloomed in the sky, and countless streams of fire fell.

People's hearts seemed to skip a beat at this moment.

However, the next second.

Chen Nian's airship rushed out of the fireball, unscathed!


Another boiling exclamation.

The audience's emotions have been completely driven by Chen Nian, and everyone's face is full of excitement. They seem to be witnessing one miracle after another!

"This guy is simply not a human!"

"Wait, what's on his bow? That's a person!"

That's right, that person is the contestant from the Red Flame Domain.

He wanted to die with Chen Nian's airship, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even break his defense and was directly hit and flew out.

He spurted blood on the spot and was carried hundreds of meters away by the terrifying force and inertia.

When the medical team rescued him.

"No... He's dead."

"All his internal organs were shattered, not a single bone was intact, he died so tragically..."

The fleet of the Chiyan Domain was immediately furious.

"Foul! He fouled!"

"That's right, he hit someone with his airship, he should be disqualified immediately!"

However, this obvious unreasonable behavior was quickly suppressed by the audience with sharp eyes.

"Foul bullshit, he clearly sent it up!"

"You go up and get hit by Chuangsi and you want to blame others? That's too shameless."

"Bah! I wonder if the referee dares to call him a foul, will this competition still be held in the future!"

Of course the referee dared not. Although they were biased towards the Chiyan Domain in their hearts, they couldn't just take advantage of it.

"What are you afraid of? The two ships ahead are the fastest in Fengyin Territory. He can't catch up."

"That's right. And there's a tornado field ahead. That's a level designed specifically for Fengyin Territory. Ha!"


Chen Nian is still closing the gap.

With his crazy acceleration, he is not far from the top two.

However, what is coming is a tornado!

A huge gray tornado stands in the sky, and the airflow rotates strongly, even the clouds are stirred into a ball.

All airships must pass through the tornado to reach the final destination.

This is undoubtedly very beneficial to Feng Yin Domain, because they can control the wind!

It is precisely because they are sure that their fleet will win the championship that Feng Yin Domain dares to use the divine stone as the final prize.

"If you don't have the power of wind, you may be torn apart with the ship and the people after entering the tornado."

"Yes, even if he can maintain defense, he will lose balance due to the strong airflow and can't keep up with the speed."

"It seems that it is still impossible to compete for the final championship..."

Three airships rushed into the tornado!

Word Spirit - Judgment!

Chen Nian lit up his golden eyes,

Inside the domain, everything is repelled!

In this way, not only can the ship be protected, but also the ship can be prevented from being unbalanced by the airflow.

The audience could not see the situation inside the tornado, and could only stare at the outside, their hearts almost in their throats.

"It's out!"

The first and second ships were both from Fengyin Domain.

When the third ship also rushed out, people's pupils trembled violently again!

"The tornado couldn't stop him, oh!!!!"

"Is this guy a monster? He passed all the levels perfectly!"

"Come on, come on!!!"

People have even started to cheer for Chen Nian.

Although he is currently in third place, this ranking is already quite strong in the face of being targeted by many people, at least everyone can enjoy a wonderful game.

"The last fifty kilometers to the finish line!" The referee was sweating coldly behind his back.

The last fifty kilometers are all straight lines, and the speed of the burst sprint is the key, and Chen Nian... is actually catching up.

"No, stop him, don't let him pass!"

The two people in front were sweating profusely, and hurriedly operated the airship to block Chen Nian's path.

Their ship was surrounded by a strong wind field, and they would be repelled if they got close.

However, Chen Nian was not ready to play with them.

Word Spirit - King.

Instantly, the mass of all objects around Chen Nian increased a hundred times!

"What's going on..."


The two airships in front fell immediately.

Chen Nian broke through the finish line.


"Sky Dragon Boat Team, won the championship!!!"

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