Facing the siege of the Flame Demon, Chen Nian no longer held back.

His goal was not to pass the trial in three days, but to kill the Flame Demon directly and completely destroy the gods!

"In that case, Xiao Zhu, go ahead and eat them!"

Xiao Zhu turned back into a bird, pounced on the Flame Demon with his fangs and claws, and was slapped to the ground.


Although it was not afraid of fire, it had consumed a lot of energy just now and could not make a fuss.

"Oh, it's useless, then I have to take action, remember to praise me in front of your mother when you go back."

"Chiji (you are noble)..."

"Deity summoning technique!"

With divine light in his body, Chen Nian's power increased dramatically, and he fought head-on with the three Flame Demons.

While he was restraining the Flame Demon, Xiao Zhu transformed into Lao Liu, and from time to time he would take a bite beside him, and each time he could eat a small piece of the Flame Demon's body.

Father and son are of one mind, and their sharpness can cut through metal.

As time passed, the flame power on the Flame Demon became weaker, while Xiao Zhu became stronger and stronger!


Xiao Zhu spread his wings, and feathers fell all over the sky, and each feather turned into a Suzaku Divine Fire.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Suzaku Divine Fire, the three Flame Demons were almost suppressed and could not raise their heads, and they kept roaring in low voices.

Chen Nian suppressed the Flame Demon with Yang Jian's divine power and shouted;

"Zhu, now!"

Xiao Zhu swooped down at a very fast speed, crashed into the Flame Demon, and pierced its chest on the spot!

First blood!

The Flame Demon's power finally couldn't support its body, and it collapsed in the air.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

Xiao Zhu was extremely excited and swooped down and crashed into another one.

Double kill!

Triple kill!

All three Flame Demons were killed by Xiao Zhu.

The whole process took less than ten minutes.

What does this mean?

This means that the guardian of the Red Flame Domain is gone!

Chen Nian directly began to absorb the energy fragments left by the explosion of the Flame Demon. These energies may not improve his strength, but they can meet the demanding skill upgrade conditions.


Xiao Zhu widened his eyes and rushed over to compete with Chen Nian.

That unbelievable look seemed to say: Why are you not picky about food? You are also competing with me? Save some!

"You only know how to eat. You ate so much before and it's not enough? What a bird version of Tang Rou."

Chen Nian was angry and directly activated the Word Spirit "King"!

Xiao Zhu's body suddenly became a hundred times heavier and fell to the ground. No matter how he flapped his wings, he couldn't fly.

Watching Chen Nian absorb the flame power, his eager eyes seemed to be about to cry.

[Condition "Absorbing the Power of Gods" Completed]

[Sequence 52, Word Spirit "Tree Prison" Evolves——

[Sequence 132, Divine Art "Cage"]

[Only effective on a single target, each use will consume the original divine power, and it takes at least 30 days to replenish]

After the evolution is successful, there are still some leftovers, and Chen Nian left them all for Xiao Zhu to eat up.

Both of them have gained something.

Next, it's time to go out!


At this time, everyone in the Red Flame Domain outside has already opened champagne in advance.

In their cognition, it is impossible for outsiders to come out of the Flame Demon Abyss, which contains the power of gods.

But at this moment.


The Yanhuang stone statue collapsed.

It turned into a pile of rubble and scattered on the ground.

This scene was like a bolt from the blue!

Everyone in the Red Flame Domain was stunned on the spot, at a loss.

"What's going on! What happened to the Yanhuang statue?!"

"The collapse of the stone statue means that the power of the gods has completely disappeared. Impossible, this is impossible!"

The lord knelt on the ground, holding the fragments of the stone statue and muttering.

A terrifying guess came to his mind.

"Could it be him!"


The Flame Demon Abyss suddenly exploded, and the entire holy land was violently shaken!

I saw that a man and a bird appeared again.

This time, not only the lord and the elders, but even Chi Ming widened his eyes and clenched his fists subconsciously.

It took him three days and three nights to come out of the Flame Demon Abyss!

And he only took ten minutes.

This is impossible! The time of the trial is fixed, and it is impossible to come out early...

Combined with the collapse of the stone statue, the elders had a terrible idea in their hearts.

"Could he... destroy all the Flame Demons?!"

Although no one believed that this was possible, the facts were in front of them, and they had to believe it.

"I was just worried about not being able to kill you myself. Now that you've come out, that's great."

Chi Ming laughed arrogantly and rushed towards Chen Nian again: "If I can win once, I can win countless times until I kill you!"

But Chen Nian is not going to play with him.

The state of the necromancy has not disappeared yet, so let's try the power of the new necromancy.

This is a sequence exceedingThe super high-level word spirit of "Wrath of the Gods".

When Chi Ming rushed to Chen Nian and smashed his iron fist, he suddenly found that his body could not move, as if he was fixed in the air by something.

"Damn it, what's going on! Why can't I move?!"

"Divine art, cage."

Chen Nian put two fingers on his chest, and golden light filled his pupils.

Countless golden silk threads were intertwined around Chi Ming, and tens of millions of silk threads were woven into a circular cage.

"This kind of thing wants to trap me? Dream on!"

Chi Ming punched the thin golden silk thread.

The violent power was like a stone sinking into the sea, without a ripple.

At the same time, as the silk threads continued to intertwine, the cage was shrinking, and Chi Ming's movable space was getting narrower and narrower.

"What the hell is going on! What is this thing, why can't it be broken!"

He was like a violent lion, almost trying his best to break the cage, but there was absolutely no way.

Finally, the cage shrunk to his body.

Chi Ming's muscular muscles with the blood of the God of Fire were cut into by the golden thread, like a piece of tofu.

The whole process seemed sacred and solemn, without any blood or internal organs exposed.

The cut body parts just turned into light spots and dissipated in the air.


The cage shrunk to the extreme, exploded, and turned into golden particles all over the sky.

Chi Ming, a living person, also disappeared.

There was no trace of him in the world anymore, not even pieces of clothes and bones...

After being in the cage for a long time, he was able to return to nature.

Chi Ming's body returned to nature directly, which was equivalent to death.


This scene was too weird and terrifying.

The elders and lords all stood there with their mouths open, as if something was stuck in their throats.

Everyone felt a chill down their spines!

"Where is Chi Ming? Why did he disappear?"

"I don't know... How could he lose? He is the Emperor Yan, the strongest man in the seven airspaces!"

"Chi Ming!"

No matter how people shouted, there was no response.


Chen Nian stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

This magic alone almost exhausted all his power!

But he was killed instantly, and there was no way to counter it. It seems a bit abnormal...

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