The previous wave of failures failed to break through, but this time it broke through to 212.


Seeing the words "extremely dangerous", Chen Qing was full of joy.

Calculating the ghost energy value carefully:

Drowned ghost 100,

Child ghost 92,

Warrior 82 (originally 88, 6 lost by Zhong Kui's slap),

Hanged ghost 72,

Soldier ghost 61.

Add the seven garbage, and the total is almost twice that of Zhong Kui.

If all 12 reach 100, can Zhong Kui reach SS? SSS?

I can't even imagine it!

"Ghost bead! Give me the ghost bead!"

Zhong Kui was shouting again.

His strength had improved so much, but his appearance and facial features were still as usual and carefree.

Chen Qing looked at his golden slipper and thought deeply.

This golden slipper was in the presidential suite, and it was worth a lot.

It actually awakened!

"Take it off, let me see..."

Zhong Kui immediately took two steps back: "Mine!"

"I know yours, take it off first..."

"Mine!" Zhong Kui emphasized again.

Chen Qing was so angry that his teeth itched.

Suddenly thought of Li Ba's golden body...

With a thought, Li Ba's golden corpse appeared in front of him.

The same posture as when he put it in.

But the two arms were broken at the root.

As the ghost energy permeated, the golden corpse actually moved!

The golden corpse might want to stand up, but it had no hands. It rolled and struggled on the ground for a while before slowly standing up.

His eyes were dull. Standing still.


Chen Qing was a little confused!

Could it be that Jin Buhuan could awaken even if he turned into gold?

Then wouldn't the golden duck he sold be a huge loss?

"Golden body! Wow! What a big golden body!" Zhong Kui's eyes glowed, and he took a few steps forward, touching left and right.

"Golden body? What's the use?"

"Wow! Golden body..."

Zhong Kui was completely unable to communicate.

"Master, you... you actually have a golden body?"

Painted Skin's words revealed a sense of shock.

"What's the use?"

"Golden body, to some extent, means cultivation. Regardless of immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas, those who have golden bodies are extremely terrifying. For example, Buddha, Jade Emperor, Great Sage..."

Every time a name was mentioned, Chen Qing felt his eyelids jump.

"Master, put it away first, this... is too dangerous!"

Chen Qing put it away immediately.

Painted Skin said again: "Golden body is one of the strongest Dharma images, such as the ten-zhang golden body, the eight-treasure golden body, the relic golden body, etc., but I can't tell the difference between this golden body and the other. After all, I have only heard of it but never seen it. Maybe... Master Zhong Kui knows."

Zhong Kui was full of impatience: "Yuan Embryo Golden Body! Yuan Embryo Golden Body! Give it back to me!"

As he said that, he chased the golden body into the Demon Suppression Tower.

"Yuan Embryo Golden Body! That... That means the master can refine it into the body! The so-called 'invincible golden body' refers to this, with very strong attack and defense power."

"I just don't know who made the move, and he was able to cut off the two arms of this golden body. I'm afraid his cultivation is already heaven-shattering."

Chen Qing: "..."

Chen Qing was so angry!

If I had known this, I would never have cut off Li Ba's two arms even if I died!

Without arms, what use is this golden body no matter how strong it is?

Iron Head Skill?

Diamond Leg?

Just as he was getting irritated, there was a rustling sound nearby.

A starving ghost opened his bright eyes and slowly crawled towards this side.

Then, there was the sound of bone marrow colliding,

A skeleton staggered towards this side.

Then, there was a constant sound of splashing in the pond, and one drowned ghost after another crawled out of the pond.

"It's bad! Master, go! The golden body has an unparalleled attraction to the ghost clan!"

Chen Qing immediately understood!

Turned around and ran away!

But after running a few steps, a ghost who had given birth appeared in front of him.

A large piece of something that was not sure whether it was meat or intestines fell from his crotch, and his stomach had a big hole, and a fetus was gesturing inside his stomach.

Chen Qing did not dare to delay.

He ran around the ghost who had given birth.

Ding La~

Ding La~~


Chen Qing's body froze.

The Kunwu sword fell to the ground, and his hands were raised up involuntarily, and he jumped very stiffly!

Ding La~

The warrior and the soldier ghost also became stiff, raised their hands and jumped like zombies.

"Oh no! It's the corpse driver!"

The painted skin sounded anxious.

If it were normal, he could slowly entangle with it, but now more and more ghosts are rushing over!

The painted skin has no bones, so it is naturally useless to her.

The body seems to be flowing with liquid, and her ears are filled with

The sound was almost inaudible. Chen Qing could no longer control himself. He looked around. The fog was too thick to see where the "corpse driver" was. "Ha!" "Ha!" Suddenly, there were flashes of fire and blood in the fog, as if something was fighting. The next moment, a small figure broke through the fog and punched! It hit the ghost on the back. The ghost's body was like snow burned by fire, and a large piece of it melted instantly. Chen Qing was stunned. Chen Man! ? Chen Man was full of fighting spirit. He kept punching the ghost. The small fists burst out with amazing killing power. Every punch was like a cannonball exploding! Many sunken scorch marks appeared on the ghost's body. Each move was very methodical, and the ghost retreated again and again. The ghost was furious, and its belly suddenly swelled. The fetus inside shot out like an arrow and rushed straight to Chen Man's face!

Chen Qing was shocked and rushed a few steps.

But Chen Man kicked the ghost and made it retreat continuously. His other hand had already grabbed the fetus' neck.

The fetus struggled madly and scratched everywhere.

Chen Man threw it heavily on the ground and stepped on it!


The fetus's entire face was sunken, and it cried vaguely, looking for the ghost everywhere.

The ghost seemed crazy and rushed towards Chen Man desperately.

Chen Qing finally arrived and cut it with a knife!

The ghost's head soared into the sky, and it turned into a black mist and drilled into the Demon Suppression Tower.

"Why did you run away again! Don't be impulsive!"

Han Yuan chased after him with a curse.


The bell rang again.

This time, Chen Qing finally saw the corpse driver!

In the mist, he wore a tall Taoist hat, holding a talisman in one hand and a bell in the other, shaking it with every step.

Behind him followed many ghosts and people, jumping stiffly with his steps.

Han Yuan didn't seem to block his ears, but with the support of his huge blood and qi, he managed to get through it and rushed towards the corpse-driving official with his sword!

Chen Qing also arrived at the same time!

Two swords, one up and one down, slashed at the corpse-driving official at the same time.

The corpse-driving official quickly retreated, shaking the bell in his hand, and the ghosts behind him jumped and attacked the two.

And Chen Man was already surrounded by ghosts.

Fortunately, the warrior and the soldier ghost had recovered their ability to move. The two rushed into the battle group, hitting the ghosts one by one with a stick.

Chen Qing bit the corpse-driving official tightly, so that it had no time to shake the bell.

And Han Yuan's Kunwu sword burst into flames, and he was quickly clearing the ghosts with one sword.

At this time, Chen Qing's ears were buzzing, and waves of strange Sanskrit sounds filled the world.

Even if he blocked his ears, a sentence still clearly entered Chen Qing's ears:

"Luanyu Fengjia, living beings avoid..."

All the ghosts stopped and knelt on the ground in panic.

In the mist, two rows of palace maids came slowly, sprinkling flowers.

The palace maids had no facial features, and their faces were smooth without any ups and downs.

The scattered petals were suspended one foot high, building a suspended bridge.

"Luanyu Fengjia, living beings avoid..."

Following the sound, teams of etiquette officers held avoidance signs. These etiquette officers also had no facial features and their faces were smooth.

Then, four golden horses came slowly on the petal bridge.

The golden horses pulled a magnificent carriage, and the carriage was piled with gold, silver, jewelry, agate and jade, which were countless.

"Let's go! Chen Qing! Take Chen Man with you!!!"


There was an explosion.

A phantom of a furious Vajra appeared on Han Yuan's body, which was six or seven feet tall.

At the same time, the flames on the Kunwu sword changed, mixed with a hint of gold.

Han Yuan casually slashed, and the Kunwu sword cut deep gullies on the ground, with blazing flames burning in them, illuminating the dark sky.

"Behind is my Tang Dynasty! Yin objects are forbidden!"


The palace maids did not stop,

The etiquette officer did not stop,

The motorcade did not stop,

The momentum of the two collided with each other.

The motorcade did not hinder at all, and the phantom of the Vajra exploded in the air.

Han Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out backwards.

"The phoenix carriage, all living beings, get out of the way..."

Suddenly, a huge hole was torn in the sky, and a rusty sword that stood tall and straight was inserted straight down! Blocking in front of the army.

The faceless palace maid hit it first.

Then the body melted away, and after more than ten palace maids melted in succession.

The convoy slowly stopped.

"Who gave you the courage to run out of the tomb again?"

A figure came from the air.

Looking up, a middle-aged man in a blood-red robe sat on the hilt of a sword, looking lazily at the convoy below.

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