Crystal Domain.

In order to resist the monsters outside, the Crystal Domain has opened a full-domain defense barrier, and the entire airspace is like being wrapped in a transparent bubble.

The soldiers guarding the border looked at the mutants who were constantly attacking outside and couldn't help but tremble with fear.

"Everything was obviously getting better, why did it suddenly become like this..."

"Yes, with the help of the neighboring world, we all see hope. What happened?!"

People were angry, terrified, and full of confusion and despair about the future.

Two months, this is the last time for humans in the Sky Realm. In two months, the world will fall into a completely uninhabitable pollution.

However, they don't know.

The real frost on the snow has only come now.....

The Ice Demon led the seven assimilated strongmen to the Crystal Domain.

He summoned the disaster weapon again in his hand and slashed it in the air.


The barrier tore a hole.

He walked in calmly and stepped onto the ground of the Crystal Domain.

"What, what!"

"He actually broke through the barrier, shoot, shoot!!"

All the warriors around the Crystal Domain picked up the crystal energy guns and fired a volley.

But these attacks did not cause any damage to the pale-skinned man.

His skin was like indestructible ice, and not even a scratch could be seen.


Several S-level strongmen rushed in and killed all the soldiers in the blink of an eye.

"Where is the energy core? Lead the way."


The assimilated Crystal Domain S-level led the way.

Anyone who blocked the way died miserably.

"Saint, Saint! They are coming in, they are coming to kill!"

"Report to the Saint, the elite team sent by the seven airspaces before is suspected to have been assimilated by monsters, and now they are our enemies!"

"They... are heading towards the Hall of Valor!"

Several spies rushed in to report, their voices trembling with fear.

Hall of Valor.

It was the location of one of the sons of God who sacrificed himself to make the "airspace" operate.

There are Halls of Valor in the seven airspaces. That is a place that no one, including the lord, can set foot in, because it protects the core of the airspace operation!

If the core is destroyed, the energy of the airspace will be quickly exhausted and finally fall.

At that time, it will be a catastrophic destruction.

"Hall of Valor cannot be lost, I will stop them!" Tian Ye hurriedly wanted to take action, but was stopped by Lan Jing'er.

The saint said in a deep voice: "Don't go to die..."

"Lady Saint!"

"All the S-level masters in the seven airspaces have become his captives, what can you do? Now we can only pray that the heroes can help us repel the enemy..."

Lan Jing'er couldn't help thinking, how good it would be if Chen Nian was here at this moment.

No one can stop the Ice Demon.

"Is this Hall of Valor?"

In front of him was a bronze building made of steel, without even a door, and all four directions were closed!

Because, from the beginning of the design, no one was prepared to enter.

Another sword fell.


The Hall of Heroes was blown open.

In the center of the wide bronze hall, there was a huge diamond-shaped crystal, and a person was sealed inside!

Liquid energy flowed inside, and was infused into the entire airspace through the ground device, becoming the source of airspace floating.

"Go, break it." The Ice Demon ordered.

The alienated S-class immediately obeyed the order and stepped forward, but as soon as he approached, a strong energy fluctuation suddenly erupted on the surface of the crystal.

Bang! !

The S-class was shocked and vomited blood and flew backwards, hitting the wall heavily.

"Oh, I didn't expect that there is still the ability to defend yourself?"

The Ice Demon punched out from the air.

An ice cone shot out from the fist, colliding violently with the surface of the crystal, and energy surged wildly.

Wow! !

The crystal shattered.

The person sealed inside also fell out, a man.

He was one of the seven sons of God who voluntarily sacrificed themselves three hundred years ago.

Unexpectedly, he slowly opened his eyes... and was still alive!

"I... came out?"

He looked at his hands in disbelief. Three hundred years of loneliness had completely made him lose the feeling of being alive.

"Yes, I saved you, and now you are mine."

The Ice Demon pointed a finger at his forehead, and in an instant, a cold force surged into his mind, turning his pupils into ice blue.

He did not choose to kill this son of God, but used mental interference to make him submit to himself, because... the power possessed by this son of God was extraordinary, much stronger than the rest of the garbage.


The goal was achieved,The Ice Demon led his subordinates to leave the Crystal Domain.

He disdained to massacre those civilians, because the airspace would fall soon, and then no one would be able to escape.

After leaving the Crystal Domain, his next target was the Dragon Wing Domain.


"Saint, the Hall of Heroes was destroyed... the Son of God inside was taken away!"

Lan Jing'er came with many elders.

Looking at the empty Hall of Heroes, everyone looked ashen.

"It's over... It's completely over."

"That's the energy core of the entire airspace..."

"The loss of the Son of God means that the energy of the airspace will be insufficient and will soon be exhausted!"

"By then... the entire airspace will fall from a thousand meters to the ground!"

This time, even the gods can't save the Crystal Domain.

"Saint, Saint, what are you going to do!"

Just as the elders were wailing, Lan Jing'er walked towards the center, and her beautiful face looked particularly calm.

"Since the Son of God can be the power source of the airspace, then this Saint with the gift of God should be able to do it too."


"If the Son of God can never come back, Saint... you can't get out!"

This means that Lan Jing'er will be sealed inside forever and become the power source of the Crystal Domain.

"Compared with the life and death of millions of people in the airspace, what am I personally?"

Lan Jing'er smiled and said softly: "And... don't forget that there is still Siming in the Crystal Domain who has not returned. I believe in him."

After that.

She resolutely walked to the high platform, letting the huge energy flow through her body, and let out a painful groan.

So... becoming the energy core is so painful.

It is hard to imagine that the seven Sons of God persisted in it for a full three hundred years. How unspeakable the pain must have been.

Soon, the broken crystal stone recovered again and wrapped Lan Jing'er inside.

The energy core of the Crystal Domain began to work again.


The same thing happened to the other airspaces.

Dragon Wing Domain, Forest Spirit Domain...etc.

In Dragon Wing Domain, Bi Shuang made the decision to sacrifice. She was born with dragon pupils and was also a person who inherited the gift of God. Like Lan Jing'er, she took the initiative to become the new energy core.

The Halls of Valor in the six airspaces were all captured.

Among them, six sons of God have become followers of the Ice Demon.

The last one.

King Domain!

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