"Ella, why are you..."

Seeing Ella and Qin Yu getting along harmoniously, the other six sons of God were puzzled.

In their hearts, Ella's status surpassed everything. She was the absolute core of the seven people, and everyone wanted to hold her in their hands and protect her.

"In fact, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Ella said to Qin Yu: "You are connected to my dream, and I can also sense your existence."

"Why...wait for me?"

"In the adversity of every era, there will be heroes. We have tried our best in the era three hundred years ago, but now we can't save the world again, so we can only wait for you."

Ella continued: "I don't know how strong that person is, but if you can't even defeat us, you can't defeat him."

"But it seems that you...and your friend have the ability to turn the situation around." She looked at Chen Nian.

Several sons of God also understood: "Ella, you want to help them..."

"Well, I want to help them! This is the world we spent three hundred years to protect, and I don't want to watch it perish."

"But if we intervene, we will be in danger!"

"Compared with three hundred years of loneliness, it's actually nothing." Alan showed a distressing smile.

Boom boom! ! !

Suddenly, a violent roar broke out in the abyss of the extreme cold.

The huge ice barrier finally collapsed completely!

"The seal of the eighth domain, the ice domain... has been unlocked." The son of God murmured.

"They are coming out!"

This time it is no longer a small crack, but a complete opening.

A large number of mutants and mutant beasts are rushing to the outside world like a pale blue torrent.

The scene is so exaggerated that it makes people's backs cold.....

"We must stop them here." Qin Yu said in a deep voice.

"It's useless to stop them. Sooner or later, we will be outnumbered. We must solve the source of the disaster, that is, the guy hiding in the depths of the abyss!"

"But the pollution concentration in the abyss is at least ten times that outside. Even the divine power cannot completely resist it. We will immediately go insane after entering, not to mention fighting against that powerful enemy."

"Yes, going in is tantamount to seeking death! Ella, think about it carefully, do we really want to intervene in this war?"

"I'll go in, you just need to stop these monsters."

When everyone was helpless, Chen Nian's calm voice sounded, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"You? Ignorant... You don't have the divine power of the Queen of the Sky, you can't even protect yourself if you go in!"

However, Chen Nian turned a deaf ear to their advice.

He walked forward calmly, facing the pale blue monster torrent, and went upstream.

"A desperate guy..."

"Even if he can temporarily resist the pollution, he is not afraid of being piled up alive by himself?"

Several people looked at Chen Nian's back, full of confusion.

Soon, Chen Nian came into contact with the monster torrent.

The overwhelming people and beasts were like a huge mouth, swallowing him in an instant!

"Ella, let's go! Don't make unnecessary sacrifices here."


Ella looked at the direction where Chen Nian was.

I saw that there was a gap in the monster torrent!

It was like there was a stone in the river.

The stone was Chen Nian.

There was a brighter light than gold in his pupils, and any monster that approached his body was strangely cut into several pieces and died on the spot.

Where he passed, there was a sea of ​​blood and corpses.

Word Spirit, Judgment!

"Who is this guy...?"

The sons of God were stunned. What they couldn't do, the young man did easily.

"Believe him, okay?" Qin Yu said to Ella, "He has defeated countless enemies like this. This is not the first time, and it won't be the last time."


Ella responded with a smile.

The two held hands and flew into the sky together.

The Sky Bow was summoned by Qin Yu. The power of the two gathered on the bowstring at the same time, and then shot into the sky.

Light arrows, thousands of light arrows, like a torrential rain.

The monsters died one after another under the light arrows.

This scene was full of heroism and epicness, which made the other six sons of God lose their minds for a while.

"After three hundred years, the descendants of the two generations of the Sky Queen are fighting together..."

"This is a scene that I can't even dream of!"

"Damn it, since Ella chose to believe them, then I also believe in Ella, let's fight!"

"We are the Seven Sons of God, after three hundred years, show your full strength!"

The major sons of God fully activated their divine power and charged into the monster group.


Chen Nian was just pretending to let them know his ability.

Now that he has done it, he did not continue to bathe in the sea of ​​monsters, and rushed into the abyss of extreme cold.

The goal is to find the final boss!

It is indeed a complete airspace inside.

There are frozen buildings everywhere, and the severe cold air fills the air. The ice on the bodies of those people and animals who should be frozen has cracked.

The pollution concentration inside has reached an unimaginable level.

Fortunately, Chen Nian has the mythical equipment "Evil Omen Magic Chain", which can be completely immune to pollution.

However, such a large domain is vast.

Even if the sky eye is opened, it is impossible to see the entire domain in a short time.

Where is he hiding?


Judging from the speed of those frozen people being unsealed, the closer to the energy center, the faster the unsealing speed!

Following this rule, Chen Nian flew all the way and finally found the target in an ice palace.

The blue-skinned man sat on the frozen throne, seemingly waiting for Chen Nian to arrive.

Level 5, Tianlong level, Ice Demon.

Chen Nian landed in front of him. Strangely, the monsters stopped attacking him, as if they hadn't seen him.

"Humans are really tenacious creatures."

The Ice Demon spoke slowly, sitting on the throne like the master of this ice area: "As a reward for coming to me, you can ask a question."

"What is your purpose in destroying these worlds? Just destroying for the sake of destruction?" Chen Nian asked very cooperatively.

"No one is born to want to destroy everything. Destruction is just the most extreme way of expressing hatred. Perhaps, I was once a human?"

The Ice Demon stood up: "The questions are over, you can prepare to die."

"I want to ask another question." Chen Nian said.

"Interesting, it seems you are not afraid of death, so ask, this is a reward for your courage."

"Black Sun, Beast God, Corruption Evil God, how many of you Tianlong are there?"

"How... do you know their names?" The Ice Demon was shocked and looked at the human in front of him again.

"Because I killed them all."

Chen Nian said.

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