Next, I will collect the background of the next world copy. Please comment below.

1. Zombie world: a serious doomsday zombie plane

2. Vampire world: I don’t know about other things, let’s write a vampire heroine first

3. Magic world: sword and magic?

3. Original world, readers will add. (Readers can post their ideas here, and the author will record the good ideas)


PS: Since the main text cannot be posted if it is less than 1,000 words, I need to write something else to make up 1,000 words.

The incident is what the author personally experienced in the past few days. It is a completely true thing. Please just watch it for fun and let me make up the word count.

Remember the fat cat incident?

The place where the story took place is my hometown CQ.

I have a female netizen who I have known online for ten years. We have a very good relationship. I invited her to come here to play.

During the ten years, we have never met once.

This is the first time.

I invited her to come because I liked her a long time ago. If I feel it is appropriate to meet her this time, I will express my feelings.

A full three-day trip.

During these three days, I also tried my best to entertain her and her friends (her parents did not allow her to come alone, so she brought her friends).

We ate hot pot together, watched movies together, played in the escape room together, and took photos together.

Of course, since she was willing to come here, I also covered all the expenses during the trip.

As for the round-trip fare, I said I would send you two big red envelopes on May 20th, 520+1314, okay? She also agreed.

When playing in the escape room, she naturally took my hand.

When we were eating grilled fish last night, she also gave me the ice cream she had taken a bite of, which made the author's heart beat fast.

We also agreed to post the photos together on WeChat Moments after sorting them out, and the copywriting was: Ten years of seeing each other, at first sight, it feels like old times...

Do you feel stable?

When I returned to the hotel last night, I found her on the bench below the hotel to express my feelings.

We have known each other for ten years. Although this is the first time we met, we have gone through youth together, from immaturity to maturity. We know each other well, have the same hobbies, and like to play the same games.

I said that being in a different place would definitely bring many problems, but as long as we work together, there will always be a way to solve them.

However, her reaction was very shocking. She said that she never thought I would suddenly bring this up because she had never felt it before!

In her eyes, I am just a brother, and I have always been like that for so many years.

It is difficult for her to adapt to this role.

Haha... clown.

But I said that it is okay to say it out, at least I will not leave regrets in my life, at least I have tried.

She is worried that our relationship will become distant after tonight?

I said it will definitely happen, because I have always treated you like a girl before. Will I send a 520 red envelope to an ordinary friend?

Oh, by the way, the night before, I met a rose seller on the street, the kind that forced buying and selling, first stuffing the rose into the girl's hand, and then asking the boy to pay. I paid, although I obviously knew it was a scam, but I was willing to be scammed.

Would I send roses to ordinary friends?

In her eyes, she didn't notice my feelings at all. I was really sad after hearing that.

Although she later said that she could try not to regard me as her brother in the future, it might be more because she was worried that we would become distant, rather than because of "love".

I sent her away this morning.

It was like a three-day dream, and now I woke up, my heart was empty.

I stood on the subway with my suitcase, like a walking corpse.


But the author has already sorted out his mood and came back to write.

Exactly one thousand words, done!

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