After some persuasion, Chen Nian successfully kidnapped Lihua.

Then he took her to meet Su Jinyu and went to the border of the Lost Continent, the Ancient Forbidden Zone.

"We're here."

Chen Nian and Su Jinyu returned to this familiar place again.

There used to be a small wooden house on this plain, where a free and easy old gentleman lived. His name was Li Bai.

Su Jinyu and Chen Nian returned to the ruins of the small wooden house, reminisced for a moment, and then came to the border of the Forbidden Zone of the Wild Valley.

There is a transparent wall here.

And inside, there are powerful monsters, demon beasts, and fallen gods sealed!

Most of the gods in this plane come from the mythology of the Dragon Kingdom. The fragments of the personality of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Goddess that Su Jinyu needs are inside.

"Lihua, thank you for your help."

"I know, I know!"

Lihua raised two fingers in front of the barrier, opened the Yin-Yang Eyes to cast a spell, and saw that the barrier was immediately distorted, and a small gap appeared immediately.

"Now, go in!"


Chen Nian and Su Jinyu flashed in, and the space gap closed in an instant.

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside. Call me when you need to come out."


On the other side.

The flaxen-haired woman appeared again.

She looked at the transparent barrier in front of her and said to herself: "Isn't this the high-risk point? This kid went in to seek death?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she actually teleported into the restricted area of ​​​​the desert valley.

[Evaluation Day 2: The target brought a woman into the high-risk restricted area, suspected of seeking death]

After making a record, she continued to follow Chen Nian and the others, her figure flickering, and every move was a space teleportation, perfectly avoiding the vicious monsters on the ground.


Chen Nian took Su Jinyu to move quickly between the treetops.

"How is it, do you have any perception?"

In theory, Su Jinyu can sense where the fragments of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Woman's divinity are.

"Hmm... there seems to be a mysterious force in my body guiding me, it should be this way."

Chen Nian noticed that the monsters in the outer area of ​​the Desolate Valley were already at level five or six!

Most of them were huge, with fierce eyes and extremely aggressive.

Although the two flew between the treetops, they were still noticed by many beasts. The indestructible claws and smelly mouths became the background of the two along the way.

"The Ten Beasts of Senluo, Howling Moon Wolf."

Chen Nian summoned the silver giant wolf and let it run in another direction to attract the attention of the beasts along the way.

As they went deeper, the monsters had become level six, and even powerful beasts from the Classic of Mountains and Seas appeared!

Don't fight...

If they fought in such a place, even Chen Nian would not be able to bear it.

Su Jinyu's emotions became stronger and stronger, and the eyes in his pupils gradually became indifferent. His movements became faster and faster, and even his feet no longer stepped on the branches, but floated in the air on the flying sword.

"It will be a bit troublesome if we go deeper..."

As a flower protector, Chen Nian was under a lot of pressure.

He was only level 5, and it was not a problem to deal with ordinary monsters of level 6 or 7, but if it was a level 6 or 7 Shanhaijing beast, or even a god, then it would be over!

Fortunately, Su Jinyu soon stopped in a pile of rubble.

There was a broken stone statue in the center of the ruins.

Su Jinyu squatted beside the stone statue, closed his eyes slightly, and raised his hands slightly.


The gravel on the ground around him began to vibrate immediately.

"Is this... the ruins of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady believers?"

Chen Nian guessed that Su Jinyu had begun to absorb the fragments of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Lady's divine nature. As long as she finished absorbing it and left safely, the mission would be completed.

However, the violent fluctuations of divine power here immediately attracted the surrounding monsters!

The first to arrive was a level 6 ghost lion, with a black body and extremely domineering.

At the same time, all kinds of demonized monsters came from all directions, constantly approaching the center, and all of them were above level six!

It seemed that a tough battle was inevitable.

Chen Nian took out the Dragon Slashing Sword and blocked in front of Su Jinyu, and his golden eyes suddenly lit up.

"Those who get close will die."

These monsters didn't understand the warning at all, and rushed straight over!

The moment they entered the Judgment Field, their bodies were immediately cut into several pieces, and blood gushed out like a fountain, almost dyeing the ground red.


More and more monsters gathered here, and Chen Nian pushed the Judgment to the extreme, struggling to support it.

Soon, the monster corpses in the field had piled up into a small mountain, and the air was full of blood.


[Evaluation Day 2: The target is strong in dealing with multiple monsters in a high-risk restricted area]

[Potential Assessment: B]

[Initial Level Assessment: E]The woman was observing the battle in the dark, and the instrument in her hand was constantly updating the data.

"B-level potential, it seems to be a good material. I don't know if there will be any surprises later. If it can be upgraded to A-level, it is worth focusing on training. After all, the strongest potential recruits in recent years are only S-level."

"Although it is only E at the beginning, it is also fully qualified. The highest level of freshmen does not exceed C, and there has never been a C-level or above during the observation period."

The woman nodded seriously.

At this moment, Chen Nian's "Judgment" field finally broke under high load!

And the one who broke through the field was a seventh-level Shanhaijing beast, Tiangou.

It is five meters tall, with huge black wings, human-like body, but dog-like head.

Seventh level, represents its terrifying basic attributes!

Even the Judgment Field cannot easily cut through its body and wings, so it is naturally broken.

At the same time, Tiangou and a group of sixth-level monsters rushed towards Chen Nian.

"It seems that the evaluation will end early." The woman said to herself.

Whenever the assessor intervenes, the assessment will automatically end from the moment of intervention.

But just as she was about to take action, the world was suddenly shrouded in endless darkness.

This made her panic for a moment!

"What's going on?"

Nothing can be seen, nothing can be heard, even the smell of blood in the air has disappeared.


The unknown fear, like an invisible big hand, tightly grasped her heart!

Sweat came out unconsciously.

Divine art, death.

After a while.

The darkness faded and vision was restored.

The woman looked up and saw that the tengu was lying in a pool of blood, without breath.


At the same time, the test data also changed.

[Potential Assessment: A]

[Initial Level Assessment: D]

Another level up!

In fact, the initial rating is not important, what is important is the potential, which will affect the subsequent development.

A-level potential is a treasure!

If you can recruit a potential A-level student, you will be rewarded!

Under the frame, the woman's eyes became obviously excited.

However, he should have reached his limit now, right?

In the blink of an eye, another seventh-level beast attacked. If you continue to stay here to protect the girl, you will die.


PS: Update new book manuscripts every day, current manuscripts: 3 chapters

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