Chen Nian stood in front of Bai Lin, calm and composed, without any sense of crisis.

He took out a silver-white pistol.

Holy Silver Gun (replica).

This was given to him by An Qingluo. It is weaker than the original and can only be kept for three days. It will disappear automatically after three days.

Three bullets, of course, can't be wasted.

"Silver again?"

The Viscount Vampire saw Chen Nian's pistol and felt the familiar breath, and couldn't help laughing: "You humans really like to use silver to deal with vampires."

Bai Lin was also puzzled. If the source of this guy's confidence is this silver weapon, then it is too naive.

Just now, the monster even hugged the silver and licked it. How could it be afraid of silver?

Chen Nian pointed the muzzle of the gun at him, with his finger on the trigger.

"Then I can shoot?"

"Come on! If you can successfully hurt me, as a reward for your courage, I can give you the first embrace and let you become a member of my clan!"

The Viscount opened his arms and faced the silver-white muzzle calmly.

Chen Nian pulled the trigger.


The silver-white bullet flew out of the chamber.

This is a work of equipment from the World Tree Academy, a combination of alchemy and technology!

The bullet shot into the Viscount's chest and penetrated deep into his internal organs.

Under normal circumstances, with the power of the blood clan, they only need to dig the bullet out of the flesh, and the wound will soon recover as before without any impact.


The bullet contains thousands of nano-scale silver needles.

Exploded in an instant!

Countless silver needles pierced into the blood clan's internal organs, blood vessels, and flesh walls.

Moreover, the refined silver bullets made by the academy are at least thirty times more toxic than ordinary silver bullets...


The Viscount burst into a heart-wrenching roar, as if he was experiencing the most severe punishment in the world!

He knelt on the ground, holding his head with both hands, bleeding from all seven orifices.

Eyes, nostrils, ears...

Then the skin began to crack, the blood vessels under the skin exploded directly, and the whole person became a bloody man.

Finally, it turned into a pool of blood and disappeared.

Silence, silence!

All those who witnessed this scene just opened their mouths and couldn't say a word.

Especially those low-level vampires who knew the Viscount's strength, they were frightened and trembling all over.

"My Lord, Viscount!"

"My Lord... just died like this? Impossible!"

"My Lord, don't joke, you must be hiding in that pool of blood, right? Come out quickly, come out and kill all these humans!"

The baron's voice was hoarse and desperate. He had never seen such a scene before. It was too terrible. Even if he was tortured in the sun, it was just like this!

Chen Nian stepped on the pool of blood and crushed the last hope of the vampires.

Bai Lin stared at the back of the strangely dressed man...

Just now, she was ready to die in battle and have her name engraved on the monument of heroes in the center of the capital square.

And now, she only had one thought in her mind...

Who on earth is this guy? ! He can't be a vampire, but he can't be a hunter either, because hunters don't have such a terrifying weapon!

After a brief shock, the other hunters immediately began to clean up the remaining vampires, almost killing them all, leaving only the baron alive.

After the aftermath, Bai Lin went to comfort the survivors in the church, and Jia Ting, a mid-level hunter, came to Chen Nian.

"Thank you for your help! If it weren't for you, we would all be buried here tonight."

"I didn't expect that an encounter would save us. Who on earth is your Excellency? How could he... kill a vampire of this level instantly." Another person echoed.

Chen Nian smiled faintly: "Actually, my own strength is average, and I just used the power of the weapon."

"May I ask, what kind of weapon is that!"

The eyes of several hunters were burning. If they could have such a weapon, wouldn't it be easy to hunt the vampires?

"What if I say I want to keep it secret? Do you want to snatch it and see?"

"Of course not, you are the benefactor who saved us. Don't worry, we will never reveal the secret of the weapon in your hand."

"That's good."

After Chen Nian left, a hunter whispered to Jia Ting.

"Boss, if we can take his weapons for research and mass-produce them in the future, wouldn't it be a great contribution to mankind? Why not..."

"You want to take it by force?"

Jia Ting asked solemnly: "How do you know whether he is true or false when he said that he is not very strong?"

"Boss means..."

"Before he appeared, we didn't notice his existence at all, and even the vampire was unaware of it. Do you think he is as simple as he looks on the surface?"

"You are right, I was reckless."

"NoHowever, if he has not registered as a hunter, we can introduce him to the Vampire Hunter Association. It is also a good thing to have a powerful companion. "

Jia Ting thought for a while: "Let Bai Lin talk about this matter. Let her remember that she must persuade him to join us no matter what, and try to maximize the benefits!"


"Thank you, benefactor, thank you! ! "

The surviving women in the village knelt down with their children to thank Chen Nian.

Most of these people were wearing plain cloth clothes. Combined with the general situation of the village, Chen Nian deduced that the level of technology in this world was not high.

"Chen Nian!"

Bai Lin came towards him. Compared with her indifferent attitude towards Chen Nian at the beginning, her face was now filled with a warm smile, which was much warmer.

"I wonder what your plans are in the future?"

"Actually, I am a wandering traveler. I also hate those blood-sucking monsters, so I will help you. As for my plan, I want to join Sunlight City and become a vampire hunter. "

During the conversation with the villagers, Chen Nian learned that the core area of ​​this country is "Sunlight City", but only civilians with outstanding abilities are eligible to live in Sunlight City. If they are outstanding, they can bring their families to live there.

Sunlight City has the most stringent protection measures and the most powerful vampire hunters, so people can live there with confidence.

But those who live in villages and towns outside are not so lucky and are often attacked by vampires.

"Really? You want to be a vampire hunter!"

Bai Lin was overjoyed, "That's great, we are the hunters of Sunlight City, and we came here to support after receiving the distress signal. You have made a great contribution today, and you will definitely be able to join the association smoothly!"

"That's good."

Chen Nian estimated that after entering Sunlight City, he should be able to slowly figure out the pattern of this world.

However, the most important problem at the moment is how to assimilate with the locals so that he, an outsider, will not be rejected by the rules of the world and his power will not be suppressed.

"By the way, the vampire just mentioned the first embrace, what does the first embrace mean? "Chen Nian asked.

"For the vampires, if they want to develop new members, they will perform the First Embrace on the target. This means first sucking the blood of that person, and then letting the other person suck their own blood."

"In this way, even if it is a human, it will be converted into a new vampire."

"Each generation of the vampires is passed down through the First Embrace. In theory, the first and second generations of vampires are the strongest."

Chen Nian pondered in his heart.

Could it be that...

I must experience a First Embrace before I can completely adapt to this world and release all my power?


In the dark.

Nanako has recorded all of Chen Nian's actions.

[Killing a viscount-level vampire, helping the vampire hunter save the survivors in the village, being appreciated by the vampire hunter and grateful by the villagers, and having a good chat with a female hunter]

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