Just when the battle between the two was about to break out, the sound of galloping horses came from behind.


A clear shout, resounding.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a woman riding a horse. The woman was wearing a cloak, and under the shadow of the cloak was a delicate and noble face.

"Grand Princess!"

When people found out the identity of the person, they were extremely shocked and knelt down to salute.

"Meet Your Highness!"

The hunters half-knelt on the ground, and the civilians crawled on the ground. The only two people standing here were Chen Nian and Oga, who were facing each other with swords.

The Grand Princess had a high reputation in Sunlight City. Almost all major events were handled by her personally. Her presence was higher than that of the king, and almost no one dared to disrespect her.

As for why she rushed here...

She knew that Chen Nian went to the Prince's Castle alone, and she was afraid that he would die!

You know, if Chen Nian died, she would die because of the blood contract link. The two of them shared a common destiny.

"You two are so bold that you don't even salute me when you see me?" the eldest princess shouted.

Of course, she was used to Chen Nian not saluting, mainly because he scolded Oga.

Oga looked sideways.

Finally, he put away his long sword, put it back on his waist, and bowed.

"Your Highness, please forgive me."

Chen Nian also followed suit and bowed to the eldest princess. This was his most polite time.

But... he knew very well that the situation had become worse.

He knew that the eldest princess was not smart. It was obvious that she was worried about him and came here specially, but how could he tell others the "reason" for coming here?

"Hey, everyone, get up!"

People got up one after another, and Oga immediately looked up and asked: "I don't know why Your Highness came to this place alone? Your Highness is a daughter, it is quite dangerous to go out!"

On the surface, it was concerned, but in fact it was questioning.

A sharp light flashed in Oga's pupils. Obviously, he had noticed something unusual.

"I... I..."

The princess was speechless for a moment.

Chen Nian thought to himself, this is really bad.

If he had a conflict with this hunter, it could be resolved, but if the real identity of the princess was discovered, I'm afraid all the hunters present would want to kill her.

She is a vampire!

"I sent Chen Nian here to perform a secret mission... Wait, are you questioning me?" The princess raised her head and chest and asked coldly.

"I dare not."

As expected, being suppressed by the identity of the princess, Oga did not dare to continue to ask in person.

However, he noticed another detail, "I wonder why the princess is wearing a cloak?"

Wearing a cloak is naturally to prevent being exposed to the sun.

Chen Nian's heart was already in his throat.

Fortunately, another hunter spoke up in time: "Your Highness is beautiful, so you naturally can't show your face outside easily, so as not to attract the covetousness of bad people."

"Yes, that's it."

The eldest princess agreed, "If there is nothing else, Chen Nian, follow me."


Chen Nian glanced at the civilians, motioned them to follow, and followed the eldest princess's horse and left.

"So Chen Nian is the eldest princess's hidden man... I was wondering why he is so strong. This is at least the strength of a top-level hunter, right?"

"Yes... Since it was arranged by the princess, it's not surprising."

"I didn't expect a prince's castle to be destroyed like this. Let's go back and report the situation. What are you thinking about, Lord Oga?"

Oga raised his mouth slightly and said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, maybe it's not that simple."


Chen Nian and his party returned to Nikko City smoothly.


The eldest princess called Chen Nian: "Look, I helped you out this time and helped you settle those people. Shouldn't you reward me with a puff?"

She looked at Chen Nian expectantly, like a hungry cat.

Chen Nian said seriously: "You may be in trouble. The hunter has set his sights on you, but it's hard to question him openly. You should be more restrained recently."

"Him? How dare he investigate me! And I'm very well disguised. I live in the palace all year round, so he has no chance to contact me."

"Anyway, be careful. I have something else to do."

"What are you doing?"

"Looking for the second princess."


The eldest princess put her hands on her hips, stamped her feet in annoyance, and said to herself: "If you don't want to suck, then don't suck. Why go to her? Can she let you touch her legs!"

It's strange... Why do I always feel like someone is staring at me?


Nanako recorded.

[Chen Nian sneaked into the blood prince's castle alone, defeated a blood prince, rescued innocent civilians, and restored more strength. He deserves praise! However, after he followed the princess back to the city, the two of them said some ambiguous words in private, such as "suck me" and "touch my legs"... To be verified]


That night, Chen Nian found Ye Li.

Under the moonlight, she sat in the yard, her long golden hair hanging in the air, with a stunning sense of beauty.

Although she was much smaller than the princess, she had a good temperament.

Ye Li picked up the teacup and took a sip: "I thought she was the only one who would be stupid, but I didn't expect you to be stupid too. If you act rashly against Oga, you will lose a powerful ally that can be used in the future."

"He is so strong, you are also afraid of him?" Chen Nian shrugged indifferently and sat next to Ye Li.

"At least I don't want to be his enemy now."

"I killed the twelfth prince Gran." Chen Nian said casually, as if he had said something insignificant.

"He is not dead. Every prince has a chance to be resurrected in the blood coffin. After he is resurrected, he may join forces with other stronger princes to seek revenge."

"Can it be like this?"

Chen Nian was stunned, but then he said nonchalantly: "It's okay. I have recovered some of my strength. I came to you today to ask you a question."


"Is there a higher-level blood clan than the prince in this world? For example... the second-generation blood clan." Chen Nian looked at Ye Li's eyes without any emotion.

"No." Ye Li replied calmly.

"What about you? Where did the power you released that day come from? According to my estimation, you have at least the strength of a prince after releasing your power."

Ye Li looked at Chen Nian: "It will not be good for you to trace my roots."

"I want to recover all my strength. I need the blood of a higher-level blood clan than the prince. If I can't recover completely, I'm afraid I can't even beat that vampire hunter."

The two looked at each other for a moment.

The air was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

After a while.

Ye Li said, "For the sake of our stable cooperation, I can tell you my true identity."

"You guessed right, I am the last surviving second-generation vampire in the world."

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