Chen Nian's trial ended here.

The hunter passed the trial, the priest was killed on the spot as a vampire, and the princess became a hero.

"Thank you for your advice."

Chen Nian smiled at Oga.

"I see, haha. Abandon the car to save the king, what a conspiracy! In this way, even if I suspect the princess, no one will believe it."

Oga looked at Chen Nian and said, "Is this your plan or hers?"

"Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about." Chen Nian pretended to be confused.

"Well, you are better than me today, but if you dare to do anything that is not good for Sunlight City, I will definitely kill you."

"Your belief is firm, I admire you." Chen Nian turned and left.

Chen Nian probably also understood Oga. Everything he did was for the stability of Sunlight City, and he didn't care about anything else.

However, he naturally wouldn't do those things. What he had to do was to use the identity of the princess to get close to the next prince.

"Congratulations, Chen Nian!"

"You will be a top-class hunter in the future, please take good care of me!"

"Haha, you must come for a drink tonight, we will celebrate for you!"

Under the praise of the hunters, Chen Nian rode on his horse and followed the carriage of the princess.

Suddenly, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and the princess smiled and waved to Chen Nian:

"Hey, get in the car!"

"Is it inappropriate for me and His Highness to ride in the same carriage?" Chen Nian coughed twice, there were outsiders here.

"It's okay, the princess has given me permission, get in!"

Chen Nian hesitated for a moment, but still got into the carriage. He wondered if this girl couldn't help it and wanted to suck his blood in such a place?

In the carriage, the princess, dressed in luxurious clothes, smiled at Chen Nian, her fingers moved slightly, and a bloody breath rippled around.

"What is this?"

"Blood magic, from now on, no one outside can hear us talking, it's very convenient."

"Why did you ask me to come up?"

"Just to chat, thank you, I also feel that Oga is targeting me, if it weren't for you, he might really succeed!"

The eldest princess gritted her teeth angrily, looked at Chen Nian's neck inadvertently, and swallowed her saliva again.

"I help you, I want to use you."

"I know, you have discussed with that little witch, using me to get close to the blood prince, anyway, you are smart, I am stupid."

Chen Nian did not refute, thinking that you are really stupid, if you were not reckless, I would not have gone to so much trouble to design this scene.

But I was reluctant to blame the eldest princess, after all, she was concerned about my safety.

"Chen Nian... I have another... question."


Seeing the eldest princess hesitating, Chen Nian knew that she was hungry and wanted to suck blood.

Unexpectedly, she bit her lip and whispered, "If we become enemies later, will you kill me?"

The eldest princess is the person of the first prince Gudela, she cannot betray Gudela, and if Chen Nian and the others want to fight against the prince, they will inevitably fight him.

At that time, the eldest princess will be forced to be caught in the middle.

It is difficult for Chen Nian to answer this question.

Because he has no way to dissolve the contractual relationship between the vampires.

"How about I suck your blood?"

"No!" The eldest princess turned her head away and crossed her arms.

Oh, she is still angry.

Of course, Chen Nian will not comfort her. After all, she is not his girlfriend, but just a vampire who sucks blood when hungry and looks better.

After waiting for a long time, the eldest princess probably calmed down.

She looked down at her toes and whispered, "Actually, when I think back, Gudela turned me into a vampire when I was young and killed my sister. I should have hated him, but I just couldn't."

"It's normal. This is the blood relationship of the vampires."

Chen Nian changed the subject, "By the way, what's your name?"

"Why are you asking this!"

"I don't kill nameless people."

"Pfft, pfft!"

The eldest princess rolled her eyes at Chen Nian, and then she said her name with resentment on her face.

"Elena, this is my name, but basically no one calls me by my name. They all call me Your Highness or Princess. I'm unfamiliar with this name."

"Okay, remember it."


The next plan of Chen Nian is to find the second prince and obtain the holy weapon.

Target, the tenth prince.

This time, Chen Nian will go with the two princesses.

The tenth prince is more powerful and needs Ye Li's fighting power. Of course, he also needs Ailena's help, otherwise they won't be able to find him.

"What will happen to the palace if you leave?"

"It doesn't matter. I have arranged someone to take over. Besides, we are all going to die anyway, so why should we care so much?" Ailena said.

"We need to hurry up and find a way out.In a month, the princes will hold a blood feast. By then, they will definitely be alert, and it will be difficult to seize the holy weapon. "

Ye Li's face was gloomy and her voice was cold: "More importantly, the blood feast in a month is the anniversary of our death!"

Chen Nian saw a hint of madness in her eyes. I'm afraid she wants to kill all the princes on the anniversary of our death to avenge the second generation of blood clan.

The two princesses wore cloaks. Chen Nian led a few horses and told his fellow hunters that he was going out of the city to perform a mission, and then set off.

"Why are you leading so many horses?" Ye Li glanced at Chen Nian and was a little speechless.

"You don't ride horses?"


Ye Li's current body shape is pure loli. Even if she barely gets on a horse, she can't gallop on the horse. It's really a bit embarrassing...

"Okay, then you can ride a horse with me, what about you?" Chen Nian looked at the eldest princess.

"I... This princess always rides a carriage when she travels. When did I ride a horse by myself? "Elena said confidently.

"Okay, okay."

Chen Nian had no choice but to let the petite Ye Li sit in the front, and he put his hands around her waist to hold the reins. As for the eldest princess, she could only hug him from behind.

One horse, three people.

"Go! !"

Chen Nian galloped on his horse and rushed all the way to the castle of the tenth prince.

As for why he didn't fly?

Flying is almost an exclusive ability of the blood race in this world, and hunters basically can't fly.

Chen Nian took two people to fly a long distance, which was also very physically demanding. He would have to fight the prince at that time, so he couldn't be careless.

That night.

Chen Nian led the horse to the tree to eat grass and rest.

"What are you doing!"

Seeing that Chen Nian was about to light a bonfire, the eldest princess hurriedly stopped him.

Oh, I almost forgot that the blood race didn't like light and had some disgust for firelight.

So, the three of them found a stone to sit on.

"Eat something? "

Chen Nian took out a piece of dry food and tried to pass it to the two.

Ye Li shook her head: "Not hungry."

Elena looked expectant: "Can I suck you?"

Chen Nian thought for a while: "I'll give you a small sip."

"Here it comes!"

The eldest princess ran to Chen Nian excitedly, aimed at his neck and bit it, which was very familiar.

Ye Li frowned: "Can you two not do this in front of me?"

"What's wrong, you also have the urge to suck blood?" Chen Nian asked with a smile.

"Nonsense, I just suppress it all the time. All vampires have the urge naturally, not to mention you are V-type blood."

Chen Nian smiled: "How about you take a bite too?"

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