The ghost master was so weak that he almost died if he was attacked.

The Duobao Daoism was to refine all the spiritual treasures into the body to strengthen the body.

Chen Qing pondered...

After a while, he had made a decision.


A strong body is too important.

Although he had the painted skin to protect his body, the strange ghosts like the Embroidered Girl could attack through the air and were hard to defend against.

After only two needles, he almost lost his fighting power. If it was Chen Man, he could probably withstand more than ten or twenty needles.

At that moment, Chen Qing began to check how to practice.

But... it requires the spirit realm.

Don't worry about that.

Chen Qing was already striving for the last Zhoutian, which is the big Zhoutian.

After leaving the Demon-Suppressing Tower, Chen Qing's soul power slowly flowed into his head. From Jiaosun, to Luxi, to Wangu...

The soul power struggled to move forward in the dry meridians...

Time passed slowly, and in the morning, Chen Qing had expanded to the fourteenth Tianzhu acupoint.

There are twenty-seven acupoints in the big Zhoutian, and finally more than half.

Chen Qing opened his eyes.

Monkey and He Runsheng were getting up and washing.

Washed his face and rested for a while.

Called Mr. Zhu of the feed factory.

"What... what?! Four hundred million?!"

"Yes, 4,000 yuan per ton, within ten days. You can subcontract it to other manufacturers."

"Oh oh oh oh..." Mr. Zhu was obviously still a little confused.

After a while, he asked again: "What about the advance payment...?"

"Is 50% enough?"

"Enough, enough, enough, enough!" Boss Zhu nodded repeatedly.

Nowadays, people with a keen sense of smell are using money to exchange for supplies, but most of them are rice, flour, grain and oil.

Perhaps no one dares to imagine that the situation will be so bad that they have to eat pig feed.

Regardless of whether there is supervision or not, Chen Qing will not trade online.

Soon, Boss Zhu appeared at the gate of the base with the accountant and assistant.

Chen Qing took out twenty anonymous cards and said, "One for 10 million. A total of 200 million."

"Oh, oh, oh..."

The three of them were a little confused.

Then Chen Qing turned around and went back.

There was no contract signed, and no receipts or anything like that.

The three of them were a little shocked.

"Do you trust us so much..."

"What else? Do you dare to swallow the money of the Yugui Army?"

"It's better to transfer the money to the factory card first. I always feel it's unreliable."


Called Manager Tian, ​​as expected.

All the food is gone. All warehouses were sold out.

He made another call:

"Manager Yang, is it almost finished? All the configurations of the safe house are top-notch. Weapons must be sufficient, budget? There is no upper limit on the budget... Uh, is 50 million enough?"


Water spurted out from the other end of the phone.

After a while, Manager Yang asked: "Mr. Chen, have you... heard any rumors? Recently, the orders for safe houses have begun to surge again."

"I heard it, so I installed more." Chen Qing nodded: "I have a bit of paranoia, I would rather believe it."

"I understand. But even if you add a layer on top, it won't cost so much."

"Well, anyway, install it as much as you can. By the way, can you still order canned food?"


As expected.

After hanging up the phone, running morning exercises, I returned to the dormitory and started to attack the brain cavity.

Time passed slowly, and at night, the soul power finally came to the last big acupoint: Tongtian acupoint.

The soul power sometimes rushed forward and backward, sometimes used water grinding skills, and finally...


Chen Qing only felt his brain swell!

Almost at the same time, a sense of clarity swept over from top to bottom.

Chen Qing felt an unprecedented sense of clarity.

The five senses were sharp and refreshed.

The soul power quickly flowed throughout the body, ten times faster than the soul movement state!

The sound of water flowing in the water pipe, the sound of leaves rolling and falling, the touch of a grain of dust falling on the body...

The world became so close and so noisy.

Opened his eyes, the dandruff on the monkey's ears, the mosquito feces on the window corner glass...

Everything was so vivid.

The speed of thinking was also much faster, and he could count to one hundred in his mind in a few seconds.

Is this the spirit...

Chen Qing murmured.

"Fuck! What's wrong with your eyes!"

The monkey almost jumped up.

At this moment, Chen Qing's eyes were full of spiritual energy, with a blue-white light.

"Great, great, great... Great God, you, you... you are at the Spiritual Realm!" He Runsheng's mouth was knotted.

The monkey also retorted

Responded: "Spirit!?!"

"No, Chen Qing, you have eaten a lot! How come you have spirit? You are a bit abnormal!"

The two of them were talking, but Chen Qing seemed quite calm and smiled: "Keep this to yourself and don't tell others."

Whether it is a place in the competition or a realm improvement, it can add points.

But Chen Qing does not intend to be a defense officer or a garrison officer.

Before the blood moon comes, move into a safe house in advance and live forever.

He admires heroes who can stand up and stand in front of everyone at special times,

But everything he has experienced is destined to make him impossible to become a hero again.

"Ji Luo's soul power is improving very fast, and it seems that his family has a complete sequence of house ghosts. As long as the soul power is enough, he can have a ghost pet of the evil ghost level at any time. Master, you have to be careful of him, he seems to want to deal with you."

"Okay." Chen Qing nodded.

No matter who the malice comes from, Chen Qing will treat it with twelve points of caution.

It's just an evil ghost...

Shouldn't worry too much?

Gu Xing's injury hasn't healed yet, and he's still in the medical room.

Monkey and He Runsheng usually sleep, but after Chen Qing's stimulation today, they couldn't sleep at all.

They meditated until midnight, and then they couldn't help but fall asleep.

At this time, Chen Qing was ready, adjusted his body to the best condition, and began to practice.

The first level of Duobao Daoism is called "Spirit Pool".

A spiritual power vortex must be formed in the spiritual sea.

A heavy spiritual treasure is placed in the center of the spiritual power vortex.

But what to use this spiritual treasure, this makes Chen Qing feel troubled.

Demon Suppression Tower?

Zhong Kui Map?

There are also good things in the spiritual treasures in that warehouse, such as the bronze sword, such as Pegasus.

But it hasn't awakened yet, and I don't know what it will look like after awakening.

"It's too early to think about these things. Let's practice now."

Chen Qing thought silently, and just as he was about to practice, he heard the voice of Painted Skin:

"Master, Master... The third floor is open. Did you break through?"

Chen Qing was stunned.

Seeing that both the monkey and He Runsheng were asleep, he entered the second floor of the Demon Suppression Tower with a thought.

Except for Zhong Kui, all ghost pets could not cross the floor.

Chen Qing felt it and indeed felt that another floor had been opened.

However, except for the first floor, which seemed to be a Demon Suppression Tower magnified many times, the second floor was like a small world.

There was no "staircase" or the like connecting it to the first floor.

The Demon Suppression Tower was weird. Chen Qing was not sure about the time flow rate of the third floor, so he did not dare to enter rashly.

Otherwise, he might stay in there for two minutes, and the blood moon would have come.

He came outside, turned on the stopwatch on his mobile phone, and threw it into the third floor.

He then started counting and took out his mobile phone on time one minute later.

The next moment, Chen Qing was stunned.

The time on the phone showed ten minutes.

A time flow rate of one to ten!

This means that if I practiced for ten days inside, only one day would pass outside!

And this rule also applies to ghost pets.

If someone else's ghost pet practices for one day, my ghost pet has practiced for ten days!

Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!

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