"Empty? How is that possible!"

Chen Nian was about to enter the Eighth Prince's castle to seize the last holy artifact, but found that he had come to nothing.

The only people left in the castle were the rest of the low-level vampires, not even a duke!

"Tell me, where did your prince go?" Chen Nian randomly grabbed a vampire and asked.

"He, he... has rushed to the First Prince's castle to attend the blood feast..."

"Run away?"

To be precise, he set off a day in advance!

The eldest princess said: "The Eighth Prince has always been cautious. He probably heard the news and was afraid that he would be in danger, so he set off in advance..."

This is bad.

After the blood feast began, all the princes gathered together. Once they sealed up all the holy artifacts, Ye Li would lose the opportunity to recover, and Chen Nian would not be able to suck her blood back to her prime.

The Eighth Prince must not be allowed to arrive safely!




Chen Nian's mind moved.

The space was torn apart, and a white dragon suddenly appeared. As its huge bone wings flapped, the ground was blown up.

"What kind of monster is this!" The eldest princess was frightened. It was the first time she had seen such a creature.

Even the calm and indifferent second princess raised her eyebrows in surprise at this strange creature.

"Come up, point the direction."

"Are you crazy... The eighth prince is going to the castle of the first prince. If he is intercepted on the road, the first prince may notice it!"

The eldest princess changed color when talking about the first prince. All the blood races knew how terrible he was.

"Hey, did you listen to me?"

The undead bone dragon is the leader of the group of dragons. Its flying speed is extremely fast. The only disadvantage is that it is too easy to attract attention.

Almost all blood races can see a bone-white dragon flying in the sky.

The big noise means that sneak attacks are impossible, and they can only come openly.


Chen Nian's guess was correct.

At this time, the Seventh and Sixth Princes had gathered in the Eleventh Prince's castle.

A total of three princes!

If he attacked rashly, it would be exactly what he wanted, and he would never come back.

"Now that they haven't come, humans must not dare to come."

"Haha, it turns out that he is just like this. I thought he was so brave!"

"In that case, let's set off and attend the Prince's Blood Feast."


On the plain, a long convoy was galloping.

It was the Eighth Prince's team.

The black carriage in the center was pulled by four horses running side by side, and the Eighth Prince was sitting in it with his eyes closed to rest.

The rest of the convoy were all the elite blood clan under his command.

The Twelve Princes' Blood Feast was not just a simple gathering of princes to discuss matters. The princes would also show off their outstanding subordinates in order to consolidate their ranking position.

"I didn't expect the prince to leave early. It seems that he is also afraid of being attacked by that human!"

"Isn't it? I heard that three princes have been killed and are now hiding from the first prince and dare not leave."

"Is that human really so terrifying?"

"Wait... Look at the sky! What is that?"

Under the moonlight, in the night sky, a huge shadow blocked the moonlight like a dark cloud, like a monster flying in the clouds.

The vampires looked up.


A figure fell from the sky.

At first it was just a small black dot, but as it got closer, the black dot kept getting bigger and finally turned into a clear figure.

Boom! ! ! !

The figure fell in the middle of the convoy, and a violent roar exploded.

The impact shook people and horses.

The terrifying destructive power directly smashed out a crater with a diameter of about ten meters.

"There is an attack!"

"Someone is attacking! Everyone, pay attention!"

For a moment, the surrounding vampire warriors all surrounded the meteorite crater, not even looking at who it was, and all kinds of blood magic energy balls bombarded it.

The deafening series of explosions lasted for two minutes.

Gradually quieted down.....

"Who dared to attack the Eighth Prince's team? What a courage!"

"I think he is the human warrior!"

"Since he is here, don't let him go! But under our siege, he is probably dead, right?"

Suddenly, countless golden rays bloomed in the thick smoke.

A mysterious voice that they couldn't understand sounded, like chanting a spell, and the sacred breath that made their souls tremble was becoming more and more dense in the air.

Chen Nian put his two fingers on his forehead, and his divine power surged.

"Goddess of Descendants!"

The golden armored god broke through the smoke and fog, looking down at all living beings with great power.

Chen Nian's plan was very simple.

Kill all the vampires here, and you are still alive.It must be the Eighth Prince.

He dared not drag his feet. This area was already the territory of the First Prince, and even princes from all walks of life were gathering here. If someone else supported him, it would be over.

"Word Spirit, the Wrath of the Gods!"

This was a super move that could only be used in the state of the descent of spirits. It consumed a lot of divine power, and Chen Nian prepared it without reservation.

"How come it's getting light..."

"No, that's not the sun's light, what on earth is that!"

The blood clansmen trembled.

The four-character roar was like the order of the God King, inviting out the gods hiding in the night sky.


The night sky was broken by countless golden divine lights, and thousands of golden rays shone down to the world, forming a wonder between heaven and earth!

The sky was full of golden divine swords, indestructible, like a rainstorm!

Next, the blood clansmen wailed all over the land.

The bodies of the vampires were pierced by the golden sword, and bursts of green smoke came out. They could not recover or break free.

Whether it was a low-level viscount or a high-level duke, the only difference was the speed of death.

A duke wanted to turn into a bat and escape, but even a tiny bat could not escape the punishment of the golden sword, and his body and wings were torn apart...

"Prince, help me!"

"Save us...ah!"

Only the noble carriage in the middle, the eighth prince held up the blood-colored protective shield, and was barely resisting the golden rainstorm.

But he had no power to protect his subordinates, and even he himself felt quite exhausted...

He was the human who killed three princes in a row.

His strength was indeed terrifying!

In the air, the two princesses were still on the undead bone dragon, staring at this scene blankly.

Their eyes were almost lit up by the golden light, shining like stars.

"This guy... still has such a strong power..." The eldest princess murmured in a lost voice.

She knew that if she was involved, she would not be able to come out alive.

"If this is not magic, what kind of power is it?"

Ye Li couldn't help but want to explore the source of Chen Nian's power. She was already quite obsessed with magic, otherwise she would not have studied "Resurrection Blood Magic".

But now is not the time, let's talk about it later when there is a chance.

Now, all the blood clans below have been slaughtered by Chen Nian, leaving only the eighth prince.

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