"His goal is the holy weapon?!"

The princes showed an expression of disbelief.

"The holy weapon is made of the flesh and blood of the second generation of blood clans, and humans cannot use it. What's the use of the holy weapon for him?"

"Yes, it is useless to humans!"

"Risking his life to kill us, just to take this?"

Just as everyone was discussing, Gudela suddenly smiled strangely and whispered: "Is it possible... that it is not humans who want the holy weapon, but our... fellow blood clan."

"Blood clan!"

If you think so, then it makes sense.

Only blood clans can use holy weapons, and only blood clans can want holy weapons. Then humans are just helping a blood clan!

"But... that human is powerful, which blood clan has the ability to use him?"

"Yes! I'm afraid that even we can't easily defeat that blood clan..."


A prince woke up from a dream, his pupils trembling constantly, and said an unbelievable guess.

"Could it be... the second generation of blood clan?"


As soon as this guess came out, it was immediately rejected by the other princes.

Because everyone present was an accomplice in killing the second generation of blood clan, and they saw three second generation blood clan members die with their own eyes!

"Absolutely impossible, the second generation has all died, and we are the masters of the blood clan now."

"That's right!"

Goodla smiled and shook his head, looking at the 12th prince and others who were killed, and asked with a smile: "You have died once, why can you sit here?"

The 12th prince choked and replied: "It is... resurrection blood magic."

"Then, resurrection blood magic, where does it come from?"

"Yes... we stole the research results of that adult, Adult Ye Li... the unique genius among the blood clan, the queen of the blood clan!"

After hearing this name, the faces of the princes were a little gloomy.

"Then suppose that she had already set up her own blood magic for resurrection before we killed her, what should we do?"

"Lord Gudela, do you mean... Yeli is still alive?!"

"No, that's impossible! It's been so many years, if she was alive, she should have come to us long ago!"

"That's right, she hasn't come to seek revenge for so long, she should be dead."

"Wait... What if it's really her, she bewitched humans to collect the holy artifacts in order to restore their past power and seek revenge?"

After some speculation, the princes finally approached the final truth.

This time, all the princes in the hall were silent.

Because they knew that this possibility was very high!

If the last blood queen really returned, then for them, it would undoubtedly be a catastrophe!

Everyone present is a traitor and a sinner.

"Don't panic, I have driven that human away, and his strength is nothing to be afraid of. But for the sake of safety, please hand over all the holy artifacts, and I will keep them for safekeeping."

Goodla stood up, looked at the princes, and proposed.

The other princes looked at each other.

The holy artifact represents a powerful force!

If you lose this, you will lose a support...

If Goodla is in charge, he will control the most powerful force in the blood clan, and no one will dare to compete with him for the throne of the blood clan.

Everyone has selfishness, and the blood clan is the same.

So the princes did not immediately agree to this proposal. Several princes held the holy artifacts in their hands and hesitated.

At this time.

A woman broke into the banquet hall of the twelve princes.

It was the eldest princess.

The princes cast their eyes, wondering who is so bold that he dares to trespass in such a place, is he looking for death?

In fact, the princess herself was also terribly scared, and even trembled all over. She finally mustered up the courage to come in.

"You are..."

Goodla narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he remembered something.

"Greetings, Lord Goodla, I am the princess of Sunlight City. Twenty years ago, I was given blood by you. I am honored to be your descendant and have been lurking in Sunlight City."

"That's the case." Goodla nodded slightly, "But if you break in here without a suitable reason... Hehe, maybe you will be removed from the blood clan tonight."

Light words, strong threats!

"No, I dare not!"

The princess trembled all over and said hurriedly: "I know that all the princes are gathering here, and I specially brought gifts from Sunlight City for you to enjoy."


"Yes, he is a human with V-type blood."

"V-type blood?!"

That is the supreme delicacy recognized by the blood clan.

"HeheOh, I didn't expect that you would be useful in Sunlight City. Bring you here!"

"Yes, sir."

The princess walked out of the banquet hall and took a deep look at Chen Nian.

Next, everything was handed over to Chen Nian.

If he got into trouble, we would all die here...

As a "tribute", Chen Nian walked slowly into the banquet hall. At this moment, he was wearing a thousand fox mask, so the princes present did not recognize him.

The princes sniffed.

"He is type V blood? Why don't I smell type V blood?"

"My lord, the princess cast a spell to hide my smell in order to prevent me from being exposed."

"Very thoughtful!"

"Lord Gudela, this type V blood is for everyone who sees it, you have to let us all taste it!"

Everyone below was delighted, only Gudela looked at Chen Nian quietly, with a cautious meaning in his blood-red pupils.

"You...are going to die, aren't you afraid? "

Compared to the terrified human woman just now, the person in front of him was too calm...

It can even be said that he was so calm that it was scary!

"Don't be afraid."

Chen Nian smiled slightly: "Because in my opinion, it is an honor to come here to meet you all today."

"Haha, what a conscious human being, I can't bear to kill him!" A female princess laughed and joked.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm already hungry and thirsty, hurry up, cut his neck!"

"No need for you to do it, I'll do it myself."

Chen Nian stood in front of him with two fingers, his lips slightly opened, and the cold ancient spell was recited by him.

"Divine Art - Death. "

Without any warning, the tide of darkness engulfed everything in an instant!

The hall illuminated by the fire suddenly became pitch dark, without a single ray of light, and even the outline of a person could not be seen.

All the princes were in a panic.

They loved darkness the most, but now the darkness was too dark!

"What's going on! !"

"What did that man do... I can't see or hear anything!"

"Hello? ? ? Damn it, what happened..."

Among all the princes present, only the twelfth prince Gran was trembling all over and looking terrified.

He had seen this ability!

"It's him... It's him!!!"

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