Gudela is dead.

In Chen Nian's magic "cage", the remaining lives were wiped out in one fell swoop and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Ye Li stood there, stunned and dazed.

She didn't expect Chen Nian to be so strong! Is this all his strength?

Gudela was trapped inside and experienced resurrection and death again and again. It was scary to think about it.

Fortunately, Chen Nian was his ally, not his enemy.

"How is my after-sales service?" Chen Nian smiled at Ye Li.

"My blood was not wasted."

Ye Li said stubbornly, and then let out a sigh of relief: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, mutual benefit, he shouldn't be resurrected this time?"

"The castle has been destroyed, and the resurrection magic should have failed."

"What if... I mean what if, his resurrection magic is not set up here?"


Ye Li said in a deep voice: "The reason why it can be resurrected here is that this castle stores a lot of blood essence. Every time a prince is resurrected, it takes a lot of blood essence. And those essences are the resources accumulated by the princes over the years."

In other words, if you want to resurrect somewhere else, you don't have enough energy.

"What are your plans next?" Chen Nian asked.

"Go back and bury and seal those holy artifacts. They are made of the flesh and blood of my friends who are like brothers and sisters. Now they should return to dust and let them rest in peace."

"But there is one more thing. The person who taught Gudela the evil magic has not appeared so far."

Ye Li said thoughtfully.

"Let's go. I'll go back to Gudra Castle with you. Maybe we can find some clues."


Nanako breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that this mission can be completed successfully. I was really worried about Master Chen Nian."

She witnessed Chen Nian's final battle, and the stone hanging in her heart finally fell.


When people relax, they are prone to hunger.

These days, I eat compressed energy biscuits prepared by the academy. After returning triumphantly, I must go to the second floor of the cafeteria for a big meal!

[After Master Chen Nian arrived, he rescued the vampire queen and kissed the queen in front of the prince. The two hugged and kissed for a full minute and 20 seconds. Afterwards, Master Chen Nian recovered his strength and successfully defeated the prince. He is currently doing the aftermath and is expected to return to the academy soon.]

After recording, she continued to track Chen Nian's position on the recorder.

"Hey, Master Chen Nian is too fast!"

If it weren't for the high-tech equipment provided by the academy, we really couldn't catch up with him!


Chen Nian and Ye Li returned to Gudela Castle.

They also reunited with the eldest princess smoothly.

"Gudela is dead." Chen Nian told her.

"Is he really dead?"

"No one can restrain you anymore, and your sister's revenge has been avenged by the way."

"Thank you!"

The eldest princess took Ye Li's hand affectionately, but she glanced at it and immediately shrank back in anger.

"Well, it was me who helped you avenge." Chen Nian interrupted.

"You... killed Gudela? I thought it was her!" The eldest princess was extremely surprised.

"You may not believe it, she was saved by me..."

"Don't talk too much!"

Ye Li interrupted Chen Nian's words, collected all the holy artifacts, and prepared to seal them in the coffin to let the dead second-generation vampire rest in peace.


Sunlight City.

It was late at night, and it was time for people to rest.

Many people had already fallen asleep.

But there were still hunters patrolling the streets outside. Those on duty at night were usually low-level hunters, two people in a team.

"Wait, what's this on the ground?"

The patrol suddenly noticed some red marks on the ground.

"Whose child's naughty graffiti?"

"No... This is connected, there are also here, and here too... Whose child would draw such a big graffiti?"

The hunter followed the red marks all the way.

Suddenly, he was shocked!

He suddenly jumped onto a building, looked down from above, and finally could barely see the formation of these red graffiti.

"This is... a huge magic circle!"

"No, go report to the association!"

Both of them noticed the abnormality, but before they could leave, the magic circle suddenly emitted a violent red light.


The weapons of the two fell to the ground.

"What, what's going on, my body..."

The bodies of the two people quickly became shriveled, as if the blood had been drained out... and soon turned into mummies on the ground.

Similarly, the civilians who were sleeping were also drained of blood without knowing it, and died silently.Died.

Hundreds of people died in the silent night.

The blood essence of these people just met the energy needed for Gudela to resurrect!

Under the Sunlight City, in the gray-black underground palace, Gudela, who absorbed a lot of blood essence, woke up.

Twenty years ago, Gudela came to Sunlight City, turned the eldest princess into a vampire, and killed the real second princess, but in fact, his real purpose in coming to Sunlight City was...

Build a brand new resurrection array!

Because he never trusted anyone, he could betray others, and he was also afraid that one day he would be betrayed.

"I didn't expect it... I still have such a backhand." In the dark underground palace, Gudela smiled with his mouth raised.

But he also knew that after resurrection, he would not have the power of the other princes to bless him, and he would not be able to defeat Ye Li and that human being, but just be killed again.

He walked in step by step.

After opening the stone door, there was a coffin inside!

But... this coffin was a little special.

It was surrounded by a thick black aura, which gave people an extremely ominous feeling at first glance.

"My Lord..."

Dracula knelt on the ground and slowly moved forward to the side of the coffin, full of piety.

"My Lord, please wake up..."

He carefully pressed the coffin lid.


The coffin lid vibrated slightly.

With a bang, a black and gray palm suddenly penetrated the stone slab, frightening Gudela's whole body. He knelt on the side and trembled, bowing his head.

The coffin lid was immediately shattered, and the existence lying inside finally woke up from his deep sleep.

Gudela didn't dare to look up, and could only peek with the corner of his eyes.

There were strange black symbols in the other party's deep gray eyes.

Left eye, VI

Right eye, I

Gudela didn't know what this meant. He only knew that this existence did not belong to this world. It was he who gave him the power to successfully kill Ye Li and other second-generation vampires.

"My Lord, you are awake!"

As soon as Gudela opened his mouth, a thick gray-black hand grabbed his neck and lifted him up, suspending him in the air.

"Why did you wake me up in advance?"

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