Chen Nian controlled five Senluo beasts at the same time.

The power in his body was like running water, consuming rapidly.

But now that his divine power and demonic power had been exhausted, he could only fight to the death and burn his boats!

"Human, you have lost your last chance."

Cain walked forward slowly, and two black energy balls appeared in his hands: "Then I, the 61st Pillar of the Origin Demon God, will punish you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black energy ball broke through the air.


It was swallowed by the black lion that suddenly appeared.

The Shadow Demon Lion ignored any attack from supernatural power, but was weak against physical attacks.

"A mere summoned beast has this ability?"

Slightly shocked, Cain launched a high-speed assault.

The moment the ground under his feet exploded, he had already come a hundred meters away!

However, the Savage Divine Ape blocked his way head-on.

One man and one ape collided head-on.

The collision of the plain and simple bodies caused a violent shock wave!

"Beast, get out!"

Cain didn't expect that a mere monkey could stop him, so he suddenly exerted his strength and punched it away.

What followed was the red light cannon from the Howling Moon Wolf's mouth and the dragon breath of the Undead Bone Dragon. Although they were not fatal attacks, they still annoyed him.

He raised his foot and shook it hard.

Bang! ! !

The ground cracked, and dozens of rock balls weighing tens of thousands of pounds rose up. The surface of each rock ball was covered with a layer of conspicuous red energy.

They were suspended in the air, like falling meteors.

"You can hide, but if you hide, they will hit the city. Let me see how much strength you have to protect others!"

Cain no longer wanted to continue to entangle with Chen Nian. As powerful as he was, he also used threatening tricks.

The group of rock balls fell towards Chen Nian's position.

Chen Nian did not hide. He gave the Senluo beasts an order: "Catch it."


A red laser shot out from the Howling Moon Wolf's mouth, smashing a rock ball.

The Savage Divine Ape also jumped up and blasted the rock ball with one punch!

The Undead Bone Dragon spewed out dragon breath. The Shadow Demon Lion could not deal with the physical attack of rock, but still used its body to take it...

But the remaining meteorite balls still covered the entire sky densely, flying towards Sunlight City like a natural disaster.

"I will tear off your hypocritical veil myself!" Cain laughed wildly.

In front of the sky full of meteorite balls, Chen Nian soared into the air with an indifferent expression.

The golden pupils lit up at this moment.

Boom boom boom————

All the rock balls that entered the judgment field exploded and turned into rubble all over the sky.

Chen Nian hovered in the rain of gravel, calm and unperturbed, like the son of God without emotions.

"And then?"

This light question completely angered Cain!

"Good, very good."

He suddenly flew up, and the black light in his palm was like a huge vortex, sucking countless small pieces of gravel.

It looked like he was holding a meteorite in his hand and smashing it towards Chen Nian!

The power of this meteorite is more than ten times more terrifying than the previous ones!

Chen Nian's golden eyes have been extinguished, but he still did not hide, but clenched his five fingers into a fist.

With a tiny mortal body, he took the meteorite in Cain's palm.

A punch was thrown.

At this moment, the two seemed to be frozen in the air.

Bang! !

The huge meteorite suddenly exploded, and a golden dragon broke out of the cocoon from it, tearing half of Cain's body to pieces.

Chen Nian's punch was called - Dragon Fighting in the Wild!

At the same time, he fell from the sky with his strength completely exhausted.

"Chen Nian!"

Ye Li caught Chen Nian and hurriedly checked his physical condition.

At first glance, her eyelids twitched violently.

Chen Nian's condition was not optimistic.

First of all, his strength was empty, and secondly... there were countless pieces of broken stones embedded in his bones and flesh. His tattered body was like a hornet's nest, tragic!

It means that he had almost no defense just now, and all his strength was poured into attacking.

"I'm fine..." Chen Nian forced a smile.

"You can say you're fine? You are a human, not a vampire, and your body can't withstand such destruction!"

Ye Li was so anxious that she wanted to curse.

If it was her just now, she would definitely ignore the humans in Sunlight City and spend all her strength on the blade, trying to defeat Cain first.

Because if Chen Nian lost, it would be meaningless to save anyone now, and everyone would not be able to escape in the end.

Ye Li looked to the other side, and sure enough...

Cain had stood up again, and the half of his body that had almost disappeared was healing quickly!

Because that was the true ancestor of the blood race, Cain.

His body, possessed the worldThe world's top recovery ability, how can ordinary humans compare?

In contrast, Chen Nian's injuries showed no signs of recovery, and the power of "Immortal Blood" had been exhausted long before.

"Thank you for your concern, I'll treat you to blood later." Chen Nian smiled palely.

"You still have the mood to joke at this time? You're going to die!"

Ye Li was so angry that she wanted to curse, but her power had been used up long before to delay Cain, and now she was completely powerless.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nian broke free from her support, stood up by himself, and walked forward.

"You still want to fight after all this?" Ye Li couldn't help asking from behind.

"Of course... I have to fight. He is my goal in this world. If I don't solve it, I won't be able to report back."


After Cain recovered, he looked at Chen Nian, who was almost dying, and he couldn't laugh anymore.

He won this battle, but it was hard and undignified.

He was beaten badly by the opponent again and again. If it weren't for the strong body of the vampire ancestor, it would be hard to say.

He didn't want to delay any longer. It would be dawn soon. Although the sun couldn't kill him, it would still cause great damage to this body.

"Human, I recognize your strength and will give you the most dignified death now."

Cain rushed towards Chen Nian again, with his five fingers forming claws, aiming at Chen Nian's chest, wanting to dig out his heart and take it back as a trophy.

But at this moment, a star-like light burst out from Chen Nian's body!

Cain was suddenly bounced away.

"What the hell!"

He quickly condensed several dark energy balls in his hand, but these energy balls were blocked by the dazzling light column and didn't hurt the human at all.

"Impossible... He is clearly on the verge of death?!"

Chen Nian now seemed to be surrounded by a sea of ​​stars in the universe, and the holy light gathered above his head, eventually forming a bright sun.

The "sun" of destiny healed all injuries and greatly improved his physical strength and physique.

Chen Nian was lucky.

When the light went out, he appeared in front of Cain again in perfect condition, without even a scratch on his body.

"You... How is this possible?!" Ye Li covered her mouth, and was horrified as if she had seen a monster.

Even the top vampires could not completely recover from their injuries in a few blinks of an eye, and he just clearly... What's the difference between this and a new life?

Cain's reaction was even more intense.

From confusion, to shock, to anger!

He was angry. As a noble original demon god, killing a human should be as easy as stepping on an ant. How could he have thought that it would become such a situation?

"It seems that we can still play for a while longer."

"I want to see if you are an immortal monster!"

The two of them fought again.

Chen Nian had no extraordinary power to use, so he could only fight hand-to-hand. If Cain chose to bomb Sunlight City with large-scale power again, he would have no choice.

After using super powers many times, Cain's strength was also depleted, so he also chose close combat.

But Chen Nian knew that if he just kept using "Destiny" like this, he might be able to hold him back if he was lucky, but if he was unlucky, if he couldn't draw the one that recovered his injuries next time, he would still be at risk of death.

And just like this, Cain couldn't be defeated.


Nanako almost cried when she saw Chen Nian so tenacious and fighting to the death.

This was her first time to go out on a mission,

This was her first time to see a battle of this scale,

This was her first time to see a person trying his best to protect something and not give up!

"Wow, so touching, Master Chen Nian!"

She was determined to record Chen Nian's earth-shaking battle with the most magnificent words she could think of. After returning to the academy, she would publish the execution record of the entire mission so that everyone could learn from Chen Nian's spirit.


Sunlight City.

"Can't we help Chen Nian?"

This was not a question raised by someone, but a question asked by many people.

After witnessing this battle, they felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Obviously Chen Nian was defending their homeland, but they could only watch from a safe distance and could not help at all.

"Maybe, yes!" The president of the Hunter Association suddenly said.

Everyone looked over and wanted to hear what was going on.

"The Corona Divine Stone."

The president said in a deep voice: "That thing has extremely strong power. According to legend, the first king swallowed this divine stone and gained an immortal body and divine power. That's how he expanded his territory and established his home in Sunlight City."

"If I"We should take down the Corona Stone and send it to Chen Nian, maybe it can help him."

"Wait, if we take down the Corona Stone, won't we lose the last layer of protection?"

"Yes, then Sunlight City will no longer have protection, and we will all be exposed to danger!"

"No, absolutely not!"

Many people immediately expressed their opposition.

At this time, the low-level hunter Bai Lin spoke up, and she said in a loud voice: "But Chen Nian was also seriously injured in order to protect Sunlight City. If he didn't care about us, maybe he wouldn't fight so badly. Why can't we take a risk for him!"

This sentence is equivalent to a direct blow to the soul.

Those who opposed it were like a thorn in their throats, not knowing what to say.

"It's not that we don't want to take risks, it's for the people and civilians in the city!" Someone said stubbornly.

"Don't use such high-sounding reasons to paralyze yourself, you are just considering yourself, I support helping Chen Nian! "Bai Lin raised her hand high.

"I support it too!"

"Count me in!"

The hunters who first knew Chen Nian raised their hands one after another.

Then, a stone caused a thousand waves.

People kept raising their hands.

"I agree too! If Chen Nian can't win, we will die anyway!"

"What's wrong with taking risks? We are the last wall of Sunlight City. As long as we are here, Sunlight City will be here!"

"Well said!"

"Then the question is, who will take the Corona God Stone and give it to Chen Nian?"

Another heart-wrenching question.

It is well known how terrible this battle is. If ordinary people are involved in it, they will be crushed to pieces.

If you bring the Corona God Stone with you, you will easily become a target of attack, which is equivalent to a life-and-death situation.

Who dares to take this life-threatening risk?

"I'll go. "

At this time, a calm voice came.

The speaker was the strongest vampire hunter, Oga!

He almost had friction with Chen Nian, but that was because everything he did was for Sunlight City, and he would not allow anyone to destroy the stability here.

Now, Chen Nian, who protects Sunlight City, has already been fully recognized by him.

And this is also for Sunlight City, he has no choice but to do it.

"Boss Oga, you..."

"Why, do you think that anyone is more qualified than me to perform this task?" He asked everyone with a smile.

People were silent. In terms of strength, he was indeed the most suitable one.

"Leave it to you, Lao Ao, don't die!" The president said earnestly.

"Haha, I won't die so easily. This is a mission, and I have to pay a bounty."

"Yes, I will give you the highest bounty."

Oga came to the president's ear and whispered: "President, my daughter is only five years old."

"Understood. "

The president patted the middle-aged hunter on the shoulder, as if to say goodbye.

"I'm going."

Oga looked up and looked at the sacred stone floating in the sky of Sunlight City.

He approached quickly, jumped up, took off the Corona Sacred Stone, held it in his arms and rushed out of the city!


Cain and Chen Nian fought for hundreds of rounds.

Chen Nian was injured again.

This once again met the conditions for the use of "Destiny".

"Word Spirit, Destiny! ”

The divine light formed a protective beam, which repelled Cain again. In the process of using the destiny, Chen Nian would be protected.


Cain used his arm to block the dazzling light. At this moment, he noticed the rapidly approaching human from the corner of his eye.

He is not stupid.

The Corona God Stone restrains the vampires. When this thing approaches, he certainly feels it.

The human came with the Corona God Stone.

Cain immediately understood the other party’s intention. Although he could not kill Chen Nian now, he has always had the upper hand. But if the human gets the Corona God Stone, it may be reversed...

Never It can let that human get the Corona Stone!

Cain took advantage of Chen Nian's "Destiny" and immediately set off, rushing towards Oga who was holding the stone at a very fast speed, wanting to destroy the stone directly!

This is the only unstable factor, which must be destroyed.

However, when he approached, the human was actually divided into seven, turning into seven identical people!

Oga's signature ability, phantom control.

The seven phantoms are exactly the same as the original body, holding the stone, and running in different directions.

If Cain chooses to chase one of them and chases the wrong one, then Oga will have a chance to send the stone to Chen Nian.

"Heh, you want to confuse me with your tricks?"

He slapped the ground with one palm: "Earth Dragon Demon Snake!"

Seven energy body black snakes broke out from the ground, just piercing all seven phantoms, without missing a single one.

The real Oga was alsoThe black snake pierced his chest and he was hanging in the air. The Corona Stone in his arms also fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry... Lily."

At the last moment of his life, the man called out his daughter's name.


PS: Don't ask why there is only one chapter. This chapter has 4,200 words, and the previous one has 2,000 words. Why do people always think that the author is lazy?

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