A certain world.

A towering black tower collapsed.

This strange phenomenon attracted many surprised voices from the same world.

"The tower of the 61st demon god collapsed?"

"He fell. Do you think he met a strong man from that organization?"

"The arrogant and ignorant fool suppressed his power and teleported to the upper world in order to gain military merit. He deserved to die."

"It seems that if you want to go to the upper world, you need to take every step carefully and slowly build a base there. Even the strong men of the original demon god level will encounter unexpected events."

"From now on, the demon god inheritance has lost another pillar."

So far, all the other ordinary demon gods who inherited the power of the 61 demon gods have lost their power and become waste.

Because of the death of the original demon god, the inheritance has been permanently cut off!


Chen Nian was exhausted and half-knelt on the ground.

Looking at the rising sun, he felt infinite emotion and relief in his heart.

Fortunately, he borrowed the body of the vampire, and finally was able to use his weakness to defeat him...

The original demon god is too terrifying.

Of course, in the end, Chen Nian did not forget to absorb the soul energy of this powerful original demon god, paving the way for unlocking the Ten Beasts of Senluo later.

"Are you okay?"

"No, it's okay! Sorry... I'm sorry!"

Nanako realized that she was still leaning on Chen Nian's arms, and got up in a panic.

She could feel that the Corona God Stone continued to emit warm power in her body, repairing her damaged body.

"Don't apologize all the time, why do you like to apologize so much."

"Oh... Oh..."

On the other side, the hunters of Sunlight City also rushed out and surrounded Oga.

"Old Ao, Old Ao!"

"Wake up! Don't you still have a five-year-old daughter?"

Of course, these were all in vain. Oga had already stopped breathing. The vampire hunter used his life to pass on the fire of hope, and he also practiced his will to "protect Sun City" until the last moment.

"Damn... Why did he... Hey..."

"He is a vampire hunter and a knight of Sun City. Salute his dedication and merits!"

The hunters bowed and saluted in silence.

The president bowed his head and whispered silently: "Don't worry, Old Ao, I will raise your daughter well."

Chen Nian also came over with Nanako. Seeing this scene, he also bowed his head silently.

Although there were some frictions and festivals with this hunter before, he was indeed consistent in his words and deeds, and always carried out his beliefs, which was worthy of admiration.

As for Ye Li, she left silently.

She was a vampire, so it was naturally not suitable for her to celebrate and cheer with these humans. She just wanted to help Chen Nian.

After Cain's death, the rest of the low-level vampires were also wiped out, and the war finally came to an end.

This was a tragic war.

It was also the largest war between humans and vampires in the past hundred years!

The significance of this war was not only to defeat the vampires, but also to make humans with internal contradictions realize the importance of unity.


The task assigned to Chen Nian by the academy was completed.

But after completing the task, he still had one thing to do.

That is, to set up an anchor point in this world!

The anchor point is the platform of the World Tree Academy train. After successfully setting up the anchor point, trains traveling through various world planes can stop here, and no longer need to be transported with great effort.

It means that it will be very convenient to come here next time.

Chen Nian used the anchor point tool given by the academy to find an uninhabited wilderness and successfully completed the installation.

[The anchor point has been set up, and the world number F-12 has been developed]

[There are 7 days, 13 hours and 22 minutes left before the next train arrives]


Seven days later.

Chen Nian was waiting outside the underground treasury of the royal city.

As the stone door opened, the dignified and beautiful princess came out and said with a smile: "The Corona God Stone has been successfully taken out, and she is fine."

"That's good."

She, of course, refers to Nanako.

In the past few days, the Corona God Stone has restored Nanako's body to its original state, and the God Stone can naturally be taken out of her body. It's just that a lot of power has been consumed, and it takes time to slowly recover.

Chen Nian estimated that the train was about to arrive in this world, and he had to catch this train, otherwise he would have to wait another month for the next one.

"Then we're ready to go."

"I'll see you off."

Now, the princess has become the new king of Sunlight City, and she has made an indelible contribution.

And because she has restored her human identity, there are no more flaws, and she is the natural heir to the throne.

At the city gate.

After knowing that Chen Nian was leaving, countless people came to see him off, people were rubbing shoulders with each other, almost forming a sea of ​​people.

"Why is Chen Nian leaving?"

"I heard that he is not from here..."

"That makes sense. The gap between us and him is too big. It is more acceptable for people not to be in the same world."

"Have a safe trip, Chen Nian!"

"Sunlight City will always remember your kindness!"

People waved goodbye to Chen Nian, and some even wiped tears for this hero.

The last one to say goodbye was the princess.

She came to the front alone and said to Chen Nian: "Before you leave, I have a gift for you."

"Are there any local specialties?" Chen Nian smiled and prepared to take the exquisite small wooden box handed over by the princess.


Unexpectedly, the eldest princess deliberately moved her hand away: "I'll ask you a question first. I can only give it to you if you answer it correctly. What is my real name?"

"Elena, I haven't forgotten it."

Hearing this, the eldest princess smiled happily: "Then will you come back to see me?"

"Yes, it will be very convenient next time."

Elena leaned close to Chen Nian's ear and whispered in a cunning tone: "Next time I come, I will let you touch your legs, or you can't ask for anything else... No."

After saying that, her face was flushed.

"If you want to say this, then I'll schedule it in advance."

At this time, Elena was willing to hand the wooden box to Chen Nian.

Chen Nian opened a gap slightly, and saw a dazzling golden light bursting out. He hurriedly closed the box with a surprised face.

"Corona? You gave me this thing, aren't you afraid of causing public outrage? This is the treasure of your first king's ancestor!"

"It's okay, this is a reward for heroes. We have discussed it and everyone agrees."

"Then how can you fight against the blood clan in the future without this?"

The blood clan is not completely extinct.

Although the twelve princes and Cain are dead, there are still many dukes and earls below, and the struggle between the blood clan and the human race will continue in the future.

However, this is not the content of Chen Nian's mission, and he has no reason to stay and meddle.

"Haven't you given us the sharpest weapon to fight against the blood clan?" Elena smiled slightly, "Human unity, isn't it."

Chen Nian was slightly stunned, and then laughed.

Elena said happily: "You have planted a seed called "equality for all" here. The lives of nobles and commoners are equally important. Life is born equal. In times of crisis, everyone should unite."

"Although people may not be able to fully accept it now, I believe that one day, this seed will take root and sprout, and flourish."

Chen Nian nodded: "You seem to have matured."

"It's you who made me like this, hum..."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense!" Chen Nian hurriedly turned back and reminded: "Nanako, don't write down what happened just now."


"Okay, let's go, we'll see each other again."

Chen Nian rode on the horse and glanced at Nanako: "Why, you are going to follow me downstairs this time? Don't you feel tired?"

"Then I..."

"Get on!" Chen Nian smiled and stretched out his hand, pulling Nanako onto the horse.

"Wow....This is my first time riding this, I don't know how!"

"Just hold on to me, don't be nervous, go!"

Chen Nian galloped in the bright sunshine, and the eldest princess watched him from behind, watching his figure disappear into the horizon.



After the battle of Sunlight City, Ye Li returned to the Blood Clan Castle alone.

After she paid tribute to the other two companions of the second generation of Blood Clan, she melted all the holy artifacts and let them return to the soil, never to see the light of day again.

After doing all this, she suddenly felt very empty.

She felt empty in her heart, not knowing what to do or where to go.

Since her resurrection, revenge has always been the driving force that has supported her. Now that her revenge has been avenged, it seems as if she has lost her life goal... confused.

And there is no one she knows in the Blood Clan anymore. The eldest princess, who she is most familiar with, has taken charge of Sunlight City.

In the cold palace, she sat alone on the throne of the vampires, her long golden hair hanging on the seat, with a sense of loneliness and beauty.

"Forget it, let's have a good sleep first..."

The vampires are good at "long sleep".

During the long sleep, the vampires do not need any food, and after the end, their strength will increase.

It's just that this process is relatively long, perhaps decades or even hundreds of years.

But for Ye Li, time is just a number that keeps moving, and it doesn't matter.

The blood-red energy gradually spreads from her body, and is about to turn into a petal coffin, and she will sleep on the throne forever,Waiting for the next wake-up.

Just then.

There was a loud bang outside!

The tightly closed stone door was opened, and countless dust particles floated in the sunlight.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

It was Chen Nian who pushed the door open.

His appearance interrupted Ye Li's sleeping plan, and the scarlet energy on his body quickly dissipated.

"What are you doing here?"

Although Ye Li was surprised, his expression remained calm and indifferent.

"Are you interested in coming with me to travel in my world? You have nothing to do anyway." Chen Nian smiled and invited.

"Go to your world?"

"My world is called Blue Star. The environment there is very different from here. People can ride on iron cars on the streets and fly in the sky. There are many fun things and many delicious foods. In short, it is a very good place."

After the introduction, Chen Nian said: "The world is big. If you are interested, I will take you to see it."

"Not interested."

Ye Li stood up: "But since you have invited me so kindly, it's okay to go and see it. Let's go."

"Tsk, people of such age will feel uncomfortable if they don't show off. Are you old and beautiful people like you all very face-saving?" Chen Nian complained in his heart. He was just like Tamamonomae, but one had silver hair and the other had blonde hair.

But now there was sunshine outside, so Ye Li turned into a small lolita form. In this form, she was almost completely equivalent to humans, without power, and would not be harmed by the sun.

He took Ye Li and Nanako to the anchor point to wait.

Time is up.

There was a slight fluctuation in the space above my head.

The train that traveled through the world just hovered in the air.

With a mechanical sound, the train door opened.

Standing in front of the door was an old acquaintance, Yaxin. This mature woman smiled at Chen Nian and said, "Congratulations on completing the mission. Welcome back."

"Hey, don't say it. I almost died."

"I can listen to your stories in this world slowly on the train. Please get on. Who is this?" Yaxin looked at Ye Li.

"My friend, I plan to take her to my world to play. It shouldn't violate the rules of the academy to take a ride?"

"Of course not. You are now a hero who has completed the mission. The academy will give you a certain reward based on your performance in the mission report. Please come in."

"That's good."

Chen Nian glanced at Nanako and thought that since he was so good to her, the mission report she wrote should not be too bad.

The train set sail soon.

Chen Nian explained the function of the train to Ye Li.

Although she couldn't understand the rules quickly, she quickly accepted the setting of traveling through the world with her wide knowledge.

"Chen Nian, are you going to go back to the academy to receive the award first, or are you going to go back to your own world to rest for a while?"

"I'll go back first. I haven't seen many people for a while. I miss them. I'll take her to get familiar with them."

After half a day, the train stopped at the anchor point of Blue Star.

"Okay, then I'll take Miss Nanako back to report. The academy welcomes you back at any time."

"Goodbye, Master Chen Nian~~"


After saying goodbye, Chen Nian breathed a sigh of relief.

I'm finally back!

The taste of my hometown is still the most familiar.

The next time needs to be arranged well, and it's best not to bump into each other.

"Is this your world? It seems to be no different from ours." Ye Li glanced at Chen Nian.

"Don't worry, we haven't reached the city yet."

He snapped his fingers, summoned the Undead Bone Dragon, and began to fly home at full speed.

Ye Li sat beside the dragon head, her slender legs dangling in the air, her brilliant blonde hair like a golden waterfall blown by the wind, even in the form of a lolita, it was quite beautiful.

Finally, Chen Nian flew over the familiar city.

"Are you ready? I'm going to jump down." Chen Nian stood up. It was several thousand meters high, almost reaching the clouds.

Ye Li rolled her eyes unhappily, "I don't have the strength now, do you want to kill me?"

"Why don't you just untie your hairband?"

"The skin will be sunburned." Ye Li stroked the blonde hair between her eyebrows, as if to say that beautiful girls all cherish their skin.

"What else to say, I'll hold you."

Chen Nian picked up the petite Ye Li in a princess hug.

The undead bone dragon disappeared, and the two began to fall. Of course, this was not difficult for Chen Nian, who could fly.

He held Ye Li and flew back to his yard steadily.

"I'm back."


ps: This chapter is the end of the story, let's go home!

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