The seven-day assessment is over.

The four members who will go on the mission are finally determined.

Level 6: An Qingluo, Mu Yun

Level 5: Yu Jing, Chen Nian

Mission difficulty: S-level

Mission goal: Go to the G-23 world and find the missing student Gao Yue. If the other party has rebelled, kill him on the spot and eliminate the disaster forces in the world.

And today is the day for the four to go to battle.

As usual, before leaving, the four went to the dean's office for a talk.

The four people talked separately.

First is Mu Yun, who has long hair and looks like the male protagonist of a fantasy novel.

The dean said: "Mu Yun, you are the strongest among the few people. I will give you a special task. If the situation is unfavorable, let everyone come back alive first."

"Yes, dean, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I will definitely protect them!"

"Go, next."

Mu Yun left the office and An Qingluo came in.

"Hello, Dean~"

"An Qingluo, you have the ability to "create things" and you have an extremely excellent magical talent. But there is a problem. Your power will change due to changes in emotions. When necessary, don't suppress your emotions. Being too calm is not a good thing."

"Okay, Dean."

"By the way, how is your relationship with Chen Nian?"

"It's okay. Why does the Dean ask this? Do you want me to take special care of him?" An Qingluo asked back.


"Dean, you are quite gossipy!" An Qingluo rolled her eyes and left the office.

Yu Jing, a girl with short hair and neat and tidy.

She entered the office and habitually scanned the entire office.

"Yu Jing, you are also one of the best students in the new class. Wait, what are you doing!"

She took out an erotic magazine from somewhere and asked expressionlessly: "Does the Dean like to read this?"

"This is what I confiscated from the students. You don't think it's mine, do you?" The Dean coughed twice, pretending to be profound.

Yu Jing sniffed and said, "But, the smell of you, the dean, is the strongest, and there is almost no smell of others."

"Put your things down! Everyone has privacy, and you are being extremely impolite."

"Are you angry?" Yu Jing asked with a little doubt.


"Okay, you have nothing to do, go out, let Chen Nian in."


Finally, Chen Nian entered the office and closed the door.

"Dean, why do you look so hopeless?"

"Stop talking. I'll tell you a few things before I leave. Remember them."


"I can see your true strength. The academy is optimistic about your future. But flowers in a greenhouse cannot stand tall after all. It's not a bad thing to go out and gain experience. The first goal is to come back alive and don't do things beyond your ability."

"Secondary goal is to protect An Qingluo."

Chen Nian was stunned: "Does the senior sister still need my protection?"

"She just has special abilities. She is not as good as you in terms of combat ability and awareness, but she is an indispensable talent in the academy."

"I understand."

"Go ahead. Next, go to the equipment department to choose a suitable equipment, and then you can get ready to go."


The four of them came downstairs, and Director Liu was waiting.

"I'll take you to the equipment department."

Chen Nian showed a meaningful smile: "Director Liu, yesterday you..."

"Ahem! Now it's working hours, no private matters are allowed."

"Got it."

Seeing Director Liu's old face blush, Chen Nian didn't ask any more questions.

"Chen Nian? What did the dean tell you?" An Qingluo walked to his side and asked.

"Can you tell me?" Chen Nian asked back.

"Why can't I tell you? Aren't we friends? Tell me."

"The dean told me to protect you."

"Pfft, is this true... Protect me, okay, I'll leave my senior sister's safety to you." An Qingluo was immediately happy.

As for Mu Yun, he walked in front like the leader, and Yu Jing followed behind without saying a word.

The equipment department is underground in the college. Several people took the elevator shaft down all the way. After identity authentication, the white technological door opened automatically.

"Zheng Yu, a researcher from the Equipment Department, the dean has greeted you. Welcome."

A woman in a white coat greeted them at the door and led the four people inside.

This was Chen Nian's second visit to this place. This time he had to carefully select a good product. After all, the mission was so difficult that he couldn't treat himself badly.

"By the way, Researcher Zheng, I want to ask, are the weapons made here better, or are they better exchanged from the World Tree Avatar?" Chen Nian asked.

Zheng Yu looked at Chen Nian with a strange look in his eyes: "Are you kidding? How can the imitations of the Equipment Department be comparable to those of the World Tree Avatar?"The reward from the World Tree?"

"Oh oh."

"Wait, you are Chen Nian? Did you exchange for something good after completing the mission last time?" Zheng Yu's eyes were full of enthusiasm, "Can you lend it to the Equipment Department for research!"

"Uh..." Chen Nian looked stunned.

An Qingluo smiled and said, "Researcher Zheng, we are in a hurry to go on the mission, let's find him next time we come back."

"Okay. This is the Chenfang Corridor, everyone can ask for any equipment you like. "

The four of them started to choose.

It must be said that the equipment department is worthy of the top talents and scientists from various worlds. They can make things that you can't think of.

In addition to various artifact-like weapons and new energy weapons, there are even strange things.

For example, the "Ultraman Transformer".

[Use the Transformer, the nano-level Ultraman combat suit will immediately wrap your whole body, which is fireproof, waterproof and bulletproof. The actual combat ability is not strong, but it is cool! ps-made by the minister who has dreamed of becoming Ultraman since childhood]

"Hot Wheels"

[You can step on the flying wheels, and they will burn with raging flames. Don't worry about the flames burning your feet, because it is a specially processed flame projection effect]

"Football Belt"

[After pressing the button, a football that will explode will be shot out, the meaning is unknown]


Just when everyone was choosing.

"Boom!!!" "

Suddenly, a violent vibration sounded, and the whole laboratory was shaking.

It was as if something exploded.

Chen Nian and the others were all startled, but Zheng Yu remained calm, as if nothing had happened.


"Oh, it's okay, you'll get used to it, it will explode every two or three days." Zheng Yu said calmly.

A man with a charred body suddenly flashed in the corridor: "It's on fire! Lab 09 is on fire, the fire can't be put out, come quickly!"

"It seems that there is really something wrong? I'll go and take a look. "

Zheng Yu walked quickly inside.

Chen Nian and the others looked at each other and quickly followed.

From a distance, they saw a raging fire in a laboratory with thick smoke billowing. Several fire-fighting robots were trying to put out the fire at the door.

But the fire showed no sign of being put out.

After a while, the fire was out.

But it was not put out by itself, but by itself, as if the energy was used up.

"It's finally out!"

"What's in there?" Chen Nian asked a researcher with a charred face.

"It seems to be a broken artifact dug up by the archaeological team from the outside world. Just now, its power was accidentally activated during the experiment, which caused this fire!"

"Oh? Why don't we go and take a look? "

Chen Nian and An Qingluo were both interested, so they walked in together.

The laboratory was filled with smoke, but fortunately, the building materials were all fireproof and explosion-proof, and nothing was actually burned except for the charred parts.

A group of researchers gathered inside.

In the middle, there was a broken glass cabinet.

In the glass cabinet, a short sword lay in the center with a damaged blade.

"This thing is terrible..."

"It's like a sleeping dragon, and it burned the laboratory as soon as it was awakened!"

"Fortunately, its power dissipated on its own, otherwise the fire would be difficult to put out."

The researchers also noticed Chen Nian and An Qingluo: "What are you doing? No outsiders are allowed to enter, get out quickly!"

"It's okay, they were called by the dean." Zheng Yu hurriedly stepped forward to help: "Chen Nian, what are you doing in here?"

"I'm curious about what that thing is. ”

“The magic sword “Levatin”, of course this is just the name given by the researchers. It was found in the ruins of a volcano and is suspected to be an ancient artifact of the world. We have been trying to stimulate its power, but we didn’t expect it to be out of control. I’m sorry to make you laugh.”

Chen Nian asked: “Can I choose it then?”

“Of course not, it is a defective product now. If it weren’t for our means, it would not be able to stimulate its power at all. And even if it is successfully stimulated, it is quite unstable and will not help you.”

An Qingluo smiled and said: “Coincidentally, I am also interested in it. Why don’t you give it to us!”

Chen Nian agreed: “Neither of us has chosen anything. We want this magic sword Levatin. With the creation ability of the senior sister, maybe we can repair it. How about it?”

“This.... I’ll ask the deputy minister.”

Zheng Yu walked to the front and asked a few questions, and came back: “If you really want it, you will bear the consequences at your own risk. We are not responsible.”

“Of course.” "

So, Chen Nian and An Qingluo used their chance to get the equipment and got the unstable magic sword Levadin.

An Qingluo was interested because her ability of "creation" might be able to repair it and bring out its true power.

Chen NianHe was simply interested in the artifact because he also possessed divine power.

As soon as he left the equipment department, An Qingluo couldn't wait to try: "Chen Nian, do you mind if I try? We exchanged it together, and you also have the ownership."

"Of course. If something unexpected happens here, the dean can help us clean up."

"Puff! Makes sense."

An Qingluo picked up the magic sword and started trying immediately.

Her eyes showed a serious look, huge magic power flowed in her body, and a glowing green pattern appeared on her arms as white as lotus roots.

"First circuit, unfold!"

Instantly, as if the gate of electricity was opened, magic power was continuously injected into it.

Chen Nian was slightly surprised. It turned out that the power of the senior sister was activated in this way?

But his surprise had just begun.

"Second circuit, unfold."

An Qingluo's magic power doubled immediately, becoming even more turbulent!

However, these powers seemed far from enough to activate the magic sword.

She did not give up, but activated the third, fourth, and fifth circuits. Each time she activated the next circuit, her magic power would double again.

Finally, she stopped at the sixth circuit.

Her arms, snow-white neck, and even her eyebrows were covered with green lines.

Unfortunately, even so, she still failed to activate the magic sword Levatin.

"Oh, it seems that it won't work!"

An Qingluo chose to give up, stopped the magic output, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Senior sister, your power is amazing."

"This is the power mode of our world. The magic power is divided into the first to ninth circuits. I can only open the sixth circuit at most, so it is considered to be the sixth level of strength." An Qingluo explained.

"If you want to activate this thing, you probably have to wait until your strength is improved. Do you want to try it?"

Chen Nian smiled and waved his hand: "Senior sister, if you can't do it, I'm sure I can't do it either. I'll leave it with you first."

"Let's go, get ready to go~"


Chen Nian and his four companions officially prepared to set off.

Many people came to see them off.

Whether it was Mu Yun, An Qingluo or Chen Nian, they were all very popular, only Yu Jing was not good at socializing and was taciturn.

Tang Rou stepped forward and said, "Boss, if you see anything delicious, remember to bring back local specialties!"

"You're just thinking about eating? You don't care about my safety, you presumptuous guy."

"Then... Boss, if you are in danger, remember to protect yourself and bring back some delicious food."

Of course, Lihua also came here specially after hearing the news.

"Stand still."

"What for?"

Lihua raised two fingers, gathered the spell power, and suddenly pointed at Chen Nian.

"I've sealed a barrier on you, which will automatically unfold when you encounter danger."

"Thank you, I didn't expect Lihua to care about others when she grows up, haha!"

At this time, Tang Rou came up to the side dissatisfied: "What do you mean, this beautiful woman doesn't care about others, is she not considerate?"

"No more, I'm leaving first."

The four of them, along with the newly joined recorder, entered the "Super Space-Time Matrix Transmission Array".

[Transmitting, target world G-23]

With a dizzy moment, the few people seemed to step into a chaotic space-time tunnel.

After a long time——

When the vision of the few people became clear, they were already in the destination world.

Among the four people, the other three were dressed in modern style, only Mu Yun was dressed in white clothes, the style of the fantasy world was different.

He took out a radar-like item.

"This is a detector. It can detect the location of the black box of the last recorder. Our primary goal is to find her and understand the current situation."

The last member of the mission lost contact, and there was no news from the recorder who came with him.

The recorder has valuable information, and must be found first.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

A small red dot appeared on the detector.

That's where the black box is.

"The distance doesn't seem far? Can you fly?" Mu Yun asked a few people.

An Qingluo: Yes.

Chen Nian: Yes.

Yu Jing: No.

"In that case, I'll take you." Mu Yun smiled heartily.

"No, you fly, I can catch up."


So, there was a scene where Chen Nian and the other two were flying in the sky, and she was running on the ground.

That speed was incredible!

Like a nimble cheetah.

After two hours of traveling, the red dot on the detector was already within reach!

"Almost there."

As long as we find the black box, we can know what happened to the missing student?


PS: There are no chapters. If I only post one chapter, it will be two chapters combined.

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