
The Demon God Tower collapsed.

The 59th seat of the Origin Demon God disappeared forever.

"Report to the Lord... The plan to collect energy crystals has failed..."

"Shuangyi died in battle, and the troops... were almost wiped out!"

After hearing this news, Moyi frowned and pondered slightly.

In fact, he had only told Shuangyi half of it before.

The complete deduction result is:

She will meet the most important person in her life and fight to the death. In the end, you will die because of violating the triple imprint.

That's why he made a plan in advance and arranged to accept her demon power in advance.

Didn't expect to lose?

He should have an absolute advantage in deducing the future, but there are variables that broke the already laid out situation...

Who is it?

Before that, the arrest of the girl with the ability to cross space also failed. Who is messing with the situation?

Mo Yi came to the "Heavenly Star Compass", which was his magic weapon with the ability to deduce.

His eyes were slightly closed.

His consciousness entered the compass, transcending the chaos, trying to deduce the "troublemaker".


His consciousness suffered a violent impact like a comet!


A mouthful of black blood sprayed on the compass.

The deduction failed.

Mo Yi opened his tired eyes, and the whole person seemed to have aged a little.

"The power of the world tree is consciously protecting that person? How is it possible!"

In theory, the consciousness of the world tree only works on the macroscopic world. It is a conceptual existence and will not interfere with a single person in a certain world. This kind of trivial matter is meaningless to the world tree.

If the world is a leaf, and all the worlds are connected to form a big tree, then the consciousness of the world tree is the person who planted the seedling.

It is a god who overlooks all living beings and the world, so how can it hold an umbrella for the human beings in the world?


Chen Nian and An Qingluo walked side by side on the road, the early morning sunshine was warm and gentle.

An Qingluo had used magic to clean the blood and dust on her clothes. As she walked, she suddenly spun lightly.

A green dress swayed with it, becoming the most beautiful scenery in this wasteland.

"Sister, look, the sunshine is so beautiful."

"Can she hear you talking, senior sister?" Chen Nian asked.

"I think she can! Have you heard of the sword spirit? Sister seems to have become the spirit in the sword, and her soul lives in it. One day I can really talk to her."

An Qingluo regained her cheerful and innocent look.

"Sister, one day, I will turn this imperfect world into what I expect!"

Chen Nian smiled and said, "Senior sister, your ambition is too great."

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Who told me to be so strong now!"

Not far ahead, Mu Yun and Yu Jing also came to meet.

Neither of them expected that this battle would end in this way.

The Origin Demon God is An Qingluo's sister, and the biggest enemy is Gao Yue from the academy. The one who contributed the most in this battle is Chen Nian...

Every link is unexpected.

An Qingluo glanced at Mu Yun with a sad face: "What's wrong with this guy?"

"I don't know." Yu Jing shook her head expressionlessly: "He has been looking like someone is missing from the family just now."

Chen Nian smiled and said: "Senior Mu, don't be disappointed. You have already defeated Gao Yue. He finally absorbed the power of the Origin Demon God to turn defeat into victory. You didn't lose."

Unexpectedly, Mu Yun shook his head.

"I'm not because of Gao Yue, but you."

"Me?" Chen Nian pointed at himself in surprise.

"Not only did you block countless disaster beasts, you even had a back-and-forth with Gao Yue who obtained the power of the Origin Demon God. In the end, you trapped and killed him. Why do you always show your power in front of others?"

In other words,

Why is it that you are always the one showing off? !

Chen Nian whispered, "After we go back, go to your world, senior, and I will teach you a thing or two."

"Is it a deal?" Mu Yun was overjoyed.

"Of course."

An Qingluo said contemptuously, "What are you mumbling about? It's not a good thing at first glance."

"Nothing... ahem, what are we going to do next?"

"Let go of the anchor and wait for the train to take us back to the academy. During this time, everyone should relax and have fun for a few days."

Chen Nian asked curiously, "This world belongs to the lower world. It is easy for the disaster forces to send people here. What will they do if we leave?"

"Don't worry about that. What do you think those strong men in the academy's advanced department do? They are always on the front line to carry out the most dangerous tasks. It's not our turn to worry about it now."


A few days laterThe four of them returned home smoothly.

After returning to the academy, they caused a great sensation for a while, and hundreds of people came to join in the fun.

After all, the four of them were elites among elites, and the mission difficulty was S-level, so the attention was quite high.

Tang Rou, who was doing an experiment, heard the news that Chen Nian was back, and directly abandoned the white mouse that was being rescued and rushed over.

"Have you heard that Chen Nian and his team are back!"

"What's the result?"

"I don't know! I didn't see Gao Yue who lost contact."

"It's so urgent, why hasn't the mission report been made public yet? I want to see whose leg the leg-touching fairy touched this time!"

Tang Rou was chattering and looking for local specialties from Chen Nian.

Sun Qian was gossiping about whether An Qingluo had made any progress this time?

Mu Yun was surrounded by a bunch of fans, but he was indifferent.

After the four people finished their reports, the long-awaited mission record was finally officially made public on the forum.

Although not all the details were recorded, the overall report was still quite complete, and almost no major events were missed.

In the forum, countless replies came instantly.

1L: The original recorder died tragically, Gao Yue has already betrayed... Damn, I didn't expect that he actually betrayed!

2L: That guy is very powerful, so the difficulty of this mission will increase greatly?

xx: It's so exciting, Mu Yun and Gao Yue are fighting, and Sister An's sister is actually the origin demon god...

xx: Damn, Chen Nian is so damn handsome!

xxx: One man guards the pass and ten thousand men cannot open it, just to buy time for the two sisters to talk, so damn handsome.

53L: Mu Yun defeated Gao Yue, Gao Yue devoured the demon god core and became a new origin demon god?

96L: Damn, Chen Nian can still fight with Gao Yue who has become a demon god? This guy is really not a human, he doesn't even cross the level like this.

125L: He also tried his best to touch Sister An's leg!

xx: Sister An made me cry QAQ, it would be great if she could live!

xx: But at least she didn't leave completely, how can everything in the world be perfect?

xx: Chen Nian really made a great effort to defeat Gao Yue in the end, he wouldn't really seduce Sister An, right? She is our goddess of unity!

xx: Sister An and my sister can have a not so bad ending, all because of Chen Nian. If there is a boy who is so gentle and considerate to me, I am willing to let him seduce me!

Even An Qingluo herself only knew a lot of things after reading the mission report.

For example, in order to buy time for her and her sister, Chen Nian killed 100,000 disaster troops alone and left them dead all over the ground...

"Qingluo, how can I say, were you really seduced by Chen Nian this time? Haha!" Sun Qian said with a smile.

"What nonsense are you talking about? No, no!"

"You're not moved? Woman, I hate you for being like a blockhead. Junior Brother Chen Nian is so good to you."

An Qingluo pursed her lips and chuckled: "I didn't say he was bad, but he has a girlfriend, I can't interfere. At most... reward him."

"How to reward? You have to give him a kiss anyway!"

"You just know how to make a fuss and watch the fun? Bah." An Qingluo blushed and whispered: "But it's not impossible to give him a kiss, after all, I haven't thanked him properly yet."

"When to kiss? Where to kiss? I'll make a video to break the hearts of all the boys in the hospital."

"Beware of fire, theft and best friends, I can't tell you~"


Tang Rou came back with a lot of specialties brought by Chen Nian, and her happy appearance made many people in the hospital envious at the same time.

"Xiao Rou, what are these?"

"The local specialties that Chen Nian brought back for me, hehe."

"Wow, he even brought local specialties specifically for you, your relationship is more than just friends!"

Tang Rou snorted, "It's written in the mission report, he's thinking about flirting with the senior, fighting the enemy is just a side job, I don't care so much, as long as it's delicious."

"Chen Nian said this fruit is very delicious, and suggested that I give one to all my colleagues, come on, everyone has a share!"

"Haha, the local specialties that Chen Nian brought back? That must be something special."

"Come on, come and try it!"

Everyone came to Tang Rou with great interest to get some food.

The fruit in Tang Rou's hand was the exploding fruit.

She bit into it.


The fruit suddenly exploded.

The bright red juice splashed everywhere, painting the colleagues' white coats with bright colors.

Bang! Bang!

The two colleagues behind him who didn't react also bit it.

"Oh my god, what is this..."

"Ahhh my clothes!"

"What is this office like... What is this?"

"Damn Chen Nian, don't come to the medical department to treat your injuries next time!"Tang Rou licked the liquid with interest: "I didn't expect it to taste good, don't you think?"


At this moment, the instructor's office was also discussing.

"Director Liu, you are proud of this. This time, your student Chen Nian is a great contributor!"

Director Miao: "I have long seen that the boy has a promising future. It has only been a short time since he came, and two Origin Demon Gods have died directly or indirectly at his hands! Most senior students don't have such a record."

Director Liu said modestly: "It's still that boy's talent is good, it actually has nothing to do with me."

Director Miao: "Of course it has nothing to do with you. People feed you food and you don't dare to eat it. What else can you expect!"

She was talking about the last time Director Liu didn't dare to kiss her.

Immediately, the other colleagues in the office looked at each other, and the atmosphere immediately became subtle.

"Well, I suddenly remembered that I have something to do today, so I'll leave first!"

"Hey, I have something to do too. I have to go tutor a student. I'll leave first!"

"Wait, my stomach is uncomfortable..."

"Oh, my period is coming!"


In just a moment, all the instructors in the office slipped away, leaving only Liu and Miao looking at each other from a distance, and the air seemed to freeze.

Director Liu looked embarrassed: "Xiao Miao, how can you mention this in front of everyone..."

"What's wrong? You can't mention it! You have the desire but not the courage. Don't you dare to admit that you kissed?"

Director Liu frowned, stood up from the chair immediately, and walked quickly towards Director Miao.

"What's going on? Are you angry? Look at your face, it's all red... um..."

Director Miao's eyes suddenly widened.

She didn't expect that this guy would kiss her directly this time!

Well, well, it's Chen Nian again, who gave another assist.


"The performance of the four people exceeded expectations. They are indeed the elites of the past two years. It's just a pity for Gao Yue, ah!"

The director sighed.

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if Chen Nian didn't go this time, but was replaced by the previous person?"

The dean said two words in a deep voice: "All destroyed."

"We should all be thankful that he surpassed the points on the last day, so that the other good seedlings were saved."

"As for Gao Yue, I can understand him. The world where his hometown is located was destroyed, but the college didn't have enough transmission energy to send reinforcements at that time, so he probably has been holding a grudge."

"Don't be sad, at least there is a future star in the college now, and... he seems very special."

"Are you talking about Chen Nian?" the director asked.

"That's right. When he wanted to save the forgotten girl, I asked him to ask for help from the World Tree Consciousness. In fact, I wanted him to give up. The World Tree Consciousness is at the macro level. In its eyes, we are no different from ants in our eyes. It has no reason to interfere with us."

"What happened? It really helped Chen Nian. It's interesting."

"Speaking of which, they seem to be going to the World Tree to get rewards now?"


Chen Nian and his friends came to the World Tree Courtyard and entered the consciousness space one after another.

An Qingluo, performance points: 20

Mu Yun, performance points: 15

Yu Jing, performance points: 10

Chen Nian, performance points: 25

Of course, the four of them don't know how many performance points each other has, and their consciousness spaces are independent.

Chen Nian didn't think too much about exchanging this time.

First upgrade.

Spend 10 performance points, just enough to directly upgrade to the sixth level.

Basic abilities are improved in all aspects, and the upper limit of extraordinary power is greatly increased, and you won't use up your power casually in the future.

15 points left.

Chen Nian chooses to strengthen his ability.

Nine-turn Mysterious Art, fifth level: Body sanctification.

Body sanctification: Wrap the whole body with golden divine light, greatly improve the body's strength and resistance to blows, and completely resist abnormal environments such as poison, miasma, fog, etc.

Cost performance points: 5

Word Spirit "Destiny" (Advanced): No conditions are required, you can directly choose any destiny ability to activate, and you cannot use "Destiny" again within a certain period of time after activation

Destiny "Sun": Continuously obtain the sun's divine light, and you can continuously recover injuries and physical strength within a certain period of time

Destiny "Star": Continuously obtain the star's divine light, and you can continuously obtain extraordinary power and divine power within a certain period of time (the original divine power cannot be restored)

Destiny "Moon": Continuously obtain the moonlight divine light, unfold the moonlight barrier, and resist all attacks during the duration of the barrier

Destiny "Black Sun": Directly activate the black sun effect and destroy everything around

Cost performance points: 10


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