"Have you heard, Chen Nian? The academy has recently recruited a group of new students, who are also elites from various worlds!"

While eating in the cafeteria, roommate Hao Jin said.

"What's wrong?"

"It is said that the academy is going to organize a survival competition for them to suppress the newcomers' enthusiasm."

"Is there such a project?"

"Of course! If you are selected, do you know what the benefits are? You will have the opportunity to show off in front of your junior schoolmates and have the priority to choose a spouse!"

Chen Nian smiled and said, "I'm not interested in this."

"You are too strong, you probably won't be selected. You are not killing people's enthusiasm, you are killing people."

Now, Chen Nian is recognized as a pervert in the academy.

The only SS-level, killed two original demon gods, jumped to the sixth level, etc.....

All kinds of achievements have made his reputation so popular that his former classmates no longer dare to compete with him.

Just after eating, Chen Nian received a message from Director Liu.

Asked him to go to the office.

Chen Nian had a bad feeling in his heart. Would he be forced to work?

Before entering the office, he knocked on the door politely.

"Chen Nian? Come in." Director Miao greeted Chen Nian enthusiastically.

"Hello, Director Miao."


Director Liu coughed twice and motioned for Chen Nian to come over.

"Chen Nian, you have heard about the new students coming soon. Their strength is generally level five. We will select three level six students to have a training competition with them."

Chen Nian nodded: "So I was selected?"

"Yes, when the dean announced this project, he said that whoever's students lost would be embarrassed, so all the instructors jointly recommended you, and you were selected."

Haha, the instructors really think highly of me!

Chen Nian was so happy.

"The rules are like this. There are ten new students and three old students. They will be randomly distributed on the training island."

"The ultimate goal of both sides is to defeat each other."

"But there is a rule. Old students cannot join forces, but new students can form teams."

"So at the beginning, it may be old students hunting new students. If the new students know how to form a team, the situation may be reversed later."

Director Liu pushed his glasses: "You are responsible for guarding the end."

"Does it mean that all the new students are likely to unite and beat me?" Chen Nian asked.

"That's right, you can't lose. You represent the face of the college. If you lose, the new students will think that this college is just like that. Understand?"

Chen Nian nodded: "Understood."

"It is expected to start the day after tomorrow. You should make preparations."


Canteen, first floor.

Many boys who were eating looked at a girl.

The first impression of the girl can be described in two words.

Hot girl.

She wore a short skirt that was longer than her knees, revealing a pair of slender and well-proportioned white legs. The skirt swayed with her brisk steps, and you could even vaguely see the safety pants under the skirt.

The girl had pink ponytails, a heart mark on her delicate face, and she always kept a smile.

"Who is that girl? Has our college ever had such a person before?"

"It seems to be a new freshman?"

"Don't look at it, you're drooling on the plate!"

"I understand the reason, her legs are so thin and white, like a charming little goblin..."

"Hehe, wife... brain wife..."

"This one is even more important, calling everyone wife, look at your achievements!"

"Haha, if she was your girlfriend, you would probably hate her!"

Lin Xiaomeng carried the freshly prepared rice, and looked around the cafeteria with a cunning look, and finally fixed on a male senior who was alone.

She came over with a smile: "Hello, senior, can someone sit here?"

"Yes, yes!"

The male senior was also panicked for a moment. Anyone would be uneasy if they were approached by such a beautiful hot girl.

Lin Xiaomeng sat opposite the male senior and suddenly said curiously: "Senior, your food looks delicious. Can I have some?"

"Yes, no problem at all. You can eat whatever you want."

"Hehe, senior, you are so gentle. It would be great to have a boyfriend like you~" Lin Xiaomeng looked admiring, as if she was really a little fangirl.

"Then... Junior, if you don't mind, I can be your boyfriend. I will take care of you in the college in the future!" The male senior said with courage.

"I'm afraid that won't work."

Lin Xiaomeng pouted her rosy lips, "Because compared to a boyfriend, I want you to be my dog... more. Are you willing?"

"I, I... am willing."

"Really? ThenSenior, can you please call me and let me hear you?"

"Woof... Hehe."

"Without further delay, come and sign this contract. Once you become my dog, you can no longer be someone else's dog~"

Lin Xiaomeng swiped her fingertips, and a page of magic contract written in golden words appeared in front of her.

This is her ability.

As long as she signs a contract with someone, she can "upgrade". The stronger the contract object is, the more "experience" she will gain.

She can even learn the ability of the contract object and use it for herself.

So she is very good at hooking up with men.

Due to her physique, she will be particularly liked by men, which can be said to complement her own ability.

As for the contractee, there will be no negative impact, but he will fall in love with her wholeheartedly.

The male senior pressed his handprint on it, and the contract was completed.

"Tsk, it turns out that you are so weak, and your ability is useless, what a waste of my expression! "

Lin Xiaomeng looked disgusted, and her cute expression was gone.

She crossed her legs and asked coldly: "By the way, who is the strongest among the seniors who will fight with us tomorrow?"

Although he was despised, this senior had become the ultimate bootlicker, and he still answered patiently: "The strongest one is called Chen Nian, and he is responsible for guarding the end of the level."

"Chen Nian? From the name, it seems that he is a man. How strong is he?"

"Very strong! He has broken many records in the academy and even killed the original demon god. He has countless proud achievements and has just jumped to the sixth level not long ago."

"So powerful?"

Lin Xiaomeng's eyes lit up: "Very good, the next good dog, it is decided to be him. ”


The next day.


The match between ten freshmen and three seniors is about to begin.

The location is the deserted island used for training in the academy.

The freshmen need to defeat the two seniors in front first, and then defeat Chen Nian at the end, to win.

The goal of the seniors is to defeat all the freshmen.

All students can watch the live broadcast of this match through the terminal.

In the office, the counselors also gathered together to watch the live broadcast of the projection.

There is even a big screen in the cafeteria for everyone to watch. The students took milk tea and snacks with great interest and found a good seat to enjoy a big show.

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